13号上午9点, 15名律师来到南乐县检察院,举报南乐看守所阻挠律师依法会见当事人等事宜。约10点钟的时候,律师夏钧在检察院外接受英国《天空新闻》记者的采访,其馀几位律师上前围观,忽然近上百不明身份人员围上来,对律师和记者大打出手。
Nanle Christian Defense Attorneys Assaulted
Three Times in 24 Hours
On December 13, fifteen Chinese rights lawyers were
again assaulted in Nanle County, Henan Province.
These lawyers were undertaking a hunger
strike to demand access to their clients.
Many of them were injured, and a British journalist
who was interviewing them had their equipment broken.
At 9am on December 13, fifteen lawyers
visited Nanle County Procuratorate.
They accuse the county's detention center of illegally
denying their requests for meeting with their clients.
At around 10am, one of the laywers, Xia Jun, was being
interviewed by a British news team from Sky News.
There were several others present as witnesses.
Without warning, about a hundred unidentified people
surrounded them, and then attacked them violently.
"Chinese Human Rights Defenders" website reported that
this was the third time in a 24 hour period that these
lawyers from the Nanle Christian case were attacked.
Among them were lawyers Liu Weiguo and
Jiang Tianyong, who were seriously injured.
Liu's head was hit by a brick, which caused bleeding.
Jiang's clothing was torn apart,
and his cell phone was stolen.
The local police only reached the spot
50 minutes after being called by the lawyers.
However, they said they "were
incapable of" handling the incident.
During the incident, no procurator
came out to stop the violent attack.
After the incident, the fifteen lawyers left
Nanle and departed for Shandong Province.
Chinese Activist Xu Zhiyong
Formally Indicted by CCP Authorities
Chinese activist and founder of "New Citizen's
Movement", Xu Zhiyong, was formally indicted by
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities.
Xu Zhiyong has been charged with "assembling
a crowd in order to disrupt public order".
Xu's lawyer Zhang Qingfang said that he was
told by the Beijing Procuratorate that his case
had been turned over to the court system.
A court trial is expected to be held soon.
Xu Zhiyong's "New Citizen's Movement"
focused on organizing small-scale protests.
These were actions for issues such as calling
on party officials to declare their assets.
There were also regular dinner
parties for discussing political affairs.
Suicide Bomber Outside US Embassy in Beijing
Suspected to be Petitioner
On December 13, a suspected suicide bomb occurred
outside the US Embassy in Chaoyang District, Beijing.
The bomber was male, aged around 50.
Radio France Internationale quoted an eyewitness account.
At about 2pm, the bomber filled gunpowder
like explosives into a plastic bottle.
After shouting, "get out the way"! he ignited the
bottle and was injured by the subsequent explosion.
The witness said that the bomber
looked like he was Han in origin.
He may be a petitioner in Beijing, but
nobody knew his motive for his actions.
The explosion happened less than one meter away from
the entrance to the US Embassy's Visa section in Beijing.
The police quickly arrived and blocked the
scene, and took the injured bomber away.
13号上午9点, 15名律师来到南乐县检察院,举报南乐看守所阻挠律师依法会见当事人等事宜。约10点钟的时候,律师夏钧在检察院外接受英国《天空新闻》记者的采访,其馀几位律师上前围观,忽然近上百不明身份人员围上来,对律师和记者大打出手。
Nanle Christian Defense Attorneys Assaulted
Three Times in 24 Hours
On December 13, fifteen Chinese rights lawyers were
again assaulted in Nanle County, Henan Province.
These lawyers were undertaking a hunger
strike to demand access to their clients.
Many of them were injured, and a British journalist
who was interviewing them had their equipment broken.
At 9am on December 13, fifteen lawyers
visited Nanle County Procuratorate.
They accuse the county's detention center of illegally
denying their requests for meeting with their clients.
At around 10am, one of the laywers, Xia Jun, was being
interviewed by a British news team from Sky News.
There were several others present as witnesses.
Without warning, about a hundred unidentified people
surrounded them, and then attacked them violently.
"Chinese Human Rights Defenders" website reported that
this was the third time in a 24 hour period that these
lawyers from the Nanle Christian case were attacked.
Among them were lawyers Liu Weiguo and
Jiang Tianyong, who were seriously injured.
Liu's head was hit by a brick, which caused bleeding.
Jiang's clothing was torn apart,
and his cell phone was stolen.
The local police only reached the spot
50 minutes after being called by the lawyers.
However, they said they "were
incapable of" handling the incident.
During the incident, no procurator
came out to stop the violent attack.
After the incident, the fifteen lawyers left
Nanle and departed for Shandong Province.
Chinese Activist Xu Zhiyong
Formally Indicted by CCP Authorities
Chinese activist and founder of "New Citizen's
Movement", Xu Zhiyong, was formally indicted by
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) authorities.
Xu Zhiyong has been charged with "assembling
a crowd in order to disrupt public order".
Xu's lawyer Zhang Qingfang said that he was
told by the Beijing Procuratorate that his case
had been turned over to the court system.
A court trial is expected to be held soon.
Xu Zhiyong's "New Citizen's Movement"
focused on organizing small-scale protests.
These were actions for issues such as calling
on party officials to declare their assets.
There were also regular dinner
parties for discussing political affairs.
Suicide Bomber Outside US Embassy in Beijing
Suspected to be Petitioner
On December 13, a suspected suicide bomb occurred
outside the US Embassy in Chaoyang District, Beijing.
The bomber was male, aged around 50.
Radio France Internationale quoted an eyewitness account.
At about 2pm, the bomber filled gunpowder
like explosives into a plastic bottle.
After shouting, "get out the way"! he ignited the
bottle and was injured by the subsequent explosion.
The witness said that the bomber
looked like he was Han in origin.
He may be a petitioner in Beijing, but
nobody knew his motive for his actions.
The explosion happened less than one meter away from
the entrance to the US Embassy's Visa section in Beijing.
The police quickly arrived and blocked the
scene, and took the injured bomber away.