【禁闻】赵紫阳遗孀去世 女儿透露父母连心





赵紫阳在1989年民运中因同情抗议学生,遭到前中共领导人邓小平罢黜,随后被软禁在家至死。据香港《蘋果日报》报导,赵紫阳于2005年1月去世后,因为当局要将他的骨灰放在 北京八宝山革命公墓的“司局级干部区”,赵的家人觉得“显然不合他的身份”,不同意当局的安排,于是将赵的骨灰一直存放在家中。













赵紫阳被罢黜后,先是被软禁于中南海家中。随后,他被“安置”在位于北京灯市口西街的富强胡同6号 。从此“富强胡同6号”便成了“军事管制区”。赵紫阳就在这个军事管制的软禁中度过了16年,直到2005年1月17号逝世。

采访编辑/秦雪 后制/李勇

Zhao Ziyang's Widow Passes Away

Widow of late CCP chief Zhao Ziyang
died in Beijing this week.
Her obituary says she serenely passed away in the company
of her family members who made Buddhist prayers with her.
Her daughter Wang Yannan told our reporter that
after her mother's encounter with Buddhism,
her last wish was to just have a very simple funeral.

Zhao Ziyang's ashes remain at his family's home.
Their children are preparing to bury their parents together
in their final resting place.

Zhao's family recently sent text messages to relatives and
friends, saying that Zhao's wife Liang Boqi passed away
“with family members as company while solemnly
making Buddhist prayers,” in Beijing Hospital
on the night of Dec. 25, at the ripe age of 95 years old.

Zhao's daughter Wang Yannan told NTD a small mourning hall
has been set up in their home for receiving relatives and friends.

Wang Yannan: “Because mother's last wishes were to have
the funeral be as simple as possible, and we respect her wish.
We'll only have a family-style mourning
without a formal funeral service.
She'll directly be cremated, and then we will bring her ashes
back home because my [father's ashes] are also there.
Then we will bury their ashes together. ”

Because Zhao Ziyang sympathized with the student protesters
during the Democracy Movement in 1989, he was dismissed
from his position as Party Chief by ex-CCP leader
Deng Xiaoping and later put under house arrest until he died.
Hong Kong's Apple Daily reports that after Zhao Ziyang died
in January 2005, CCP authorities prepared to put his ashes
in an area reserved for department and bureau level officials
in Beijing's Babaoshan Revolutionary Cemetery.
Zhao's family thought such an arrangement was
“obviously inconsistent with Zhao's identity”
and did not agree it.
Zhao's ashes have remained at home until now.

Wang Yannan says her father's ashes have not been buried
until now “because a good burial hasn't yet been decided on.”
Her siblings hope to bury the parents as soon as possible
but are still negotiating where to bury them.

The obituary issued by Liang Boqi's children
says the mother serenely passed away
in the midst of reciting a Buddhist prayer.

During such a prayer, family members would together pray to
have the person on their deathbed enjoy happiness by merit of
praying to the Buddha and have them go to Buddha's heaven.

Wang Yannan says her mother had encountered Buddhism
in her later years.

Wang Yannan: “I don't know [my father's faith], I don't think
he held one. My mother knew of Buddhism.
[The prayers we joined her in] are to cherish best wishes,
praying with her to… some say so she can go to the heaven,
or to have a peaceful future, or various other good wishes.”

Wang Yannan says her mother's health was very bad
at the time of her father Zhao Ziyang's death.
Liang Boqi had no idea of Zhao Ziyang's death
even when she died.

Wang Yannan: “We couldn't bear to let her receive such a hit.
So this was not told to her.
My mother soon had minor symptoms of dementia.

Later she often forgot things. So we raise the issue.
Yes, we hadn't told her all this time.”

However, Zhao Ziyang's secretary Bao Tong told NTD that
when he visited Liang Boqi in 2008,
he sensed that she knew of Zhao's death at heart.

Bao Tong: “I think she knew of Zhao Ziyang's death.
She was in a deep sorrow and had no need to talk about it.
So she did not mention it with her children.

When I visited her in 2008, she was still very clearminded.
She remembered who I was and talked to me.
Some particular things she spoke of made me understand that
she knew Zhao's death very early.”

From Bao Tong's analysis, Wang Yannan says
she thinks that her parents must be connected at heart.

Wang Yannan: “Bao Tong may be right. I think they might
be telepathic with each other, or connected at heart.”

After Zhao Ziyang was promoted to being CCP chief, his wife
Liang Boqi reportedly had no Beijing hukou (a registered
residential certificate) despite his family living in Zhongnanhai.

Wang Yannan clarifies this point.

Wang Yannan: “She had a hukou. Usually, she may have had
a collective hukou, for governmental department employees.
But afterwards, her certificate ought to have been transferred
to a home address, the local street's administrative unit.”

After Zhao Ziyang was ousted,
he was then under house arrest in Zhongnanhai.
Later, he was relocated to No. 6 Fuqiang Hutong and
Dengshikou West street, Beijing.
“No. 6 Fuqiang Hutong” was then
changed into a “military controlled area.”
Zhao spent 16 years here under house arrest
until he died on Jan. 17 , 2005.

Interview & Edit/QinXue Post-Production/LiYong