【禁闻】谁爱国?陆男登钓岛坠海 被日救起








大陆媒体也对这一消息进行了简略报导。有媒体报导说,许帅军曾在微博表示, 已经返回福建 。不过这条微博目前似乎已经被删除。他的个人微博帐户上,自我介绍,他是:河北唐山人,“AX-7级热气球飞越渤海湾中国第一人。”






蓝述:“钓鱼岛是个无人岛, 所以在处理钓鱼岛的问题上不存在人道的问题。中国大陆那么多的上访户、被镇压的、被城管(欺压)的、被强拆的、被强征土地的,这么多(不)人道的问题摆在那不去解决,跑到一个没人的岛上去, 完全是爱国主义的虚火。”




中共于去年(2013年)11月宣布了涵盖争议岛屿的“东海防空识别区”,要求所有外国飞机根据中方要求表明身份 。不过,日本以及美国和南韩都拒绝承认这一防空识别区。

采访/陈汉 编辑/王子琦 后制/李勇

Patriotism? Mainland Chinese Man Rescued From Sea by Japan
After Failed Diaoyu Island Landing.

On January 1, a man from Mainland China attempted
to land on the Diaoyu Islands (DYI) by hot air ballon.
His aim was to declare sovereignty over the islands.

But the hot air balloon crash landed in the sea off the coast
of DYI, and the man had to be rescued by a Japanese ship.
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) confirmed the incident,
but stated only that the man was a "hot air balloon fan".
The dramatic incident has gained international attention.

It is reported that the Mainland Chinese man
is called Xu Shuaijun, and is 35 years old.
At 7am on January 1, he started his journey by
hot air balloon from Fuqing City, Fujian Province.
He made an attempt to land on DYI.

At 2.26pm that day, the balloon met with difficulties,
and landed in the sea 33 kilometers to the south of DYI.
Mr Xu sent out a rescue signal
to Taiwan, via a portable radio.
The Taiwanese Rescue Centre immediately
dispatched it's in-service "Mouxing Ship" to rescue him.
Due to the distance it needed to travel, they also
informed the Japanese Sea Security Bureau (JSSB).

The JSSB then dispatched two patrol
ships and a helicopter to rescue the man.
At around 4.15pm, the Japanese
rescuers found the floating hot air balloon.
They successfully rescued Xu Shuaijun
at a location 22km to the south of DYI.

Japan Kyodo News Agency cited the news from JSSB.
The Chinese man is a chef, working in Hebei Province.
The JSSB considered arresting him, under violation
of laws for Japan Entry Administration & Refugees.
Due to the uncertainty of where he entered the sea,
he was subsequently transferred to Chinese Sea Police.

According to the news report, on the same day of the
incident, the CCP authorities had three sea police ships
patrolling the maritime border between China and Japan.

The CCP's Foreign Affairs Ministry confirmed
the incident late on Thursday January 2.
The spokesman Qin Gang described
Xu Shuaijun as a "hot air balloon fan".
He stated that Mr Xu's was in a good physical
condition, but refused to give further comments.

Mainland Chinese media also gave
a succinct report on the incident.
Some reports suggested that according to his Weibo
account, Xu Shuaijun had returned Fujian Province.
However, this Weibo message seems to be deleted.

According to the self-introduction on his personal Weibo
account, he is from Tangshan City, Hebei Province.
He also describes himself as the "first Chinese
person to fly over Bohai Bay in a AX-7 hot air balloon."

The incident became a hot topic for Mainland netizens.

Some netizens appreciated Xu Shuaijun's actions
for attempting to landing on DYI by hot air balloon,
and thought him brave for declaring sovereignty.

Most netizens, however, reacted negatively to his actions.

One Weibo microblog said: Despite some peoples
praise for him, I still laughed at the incident.

Other netizens expressed: under such a circumstance,
shouldn'nt he not have allowed the Japanese to rescue him?

Lan Shu, Political commentator:
"I think this is a very sad phenomenon.
If all these people are really patriots, they should
recover the traditional culture destroyed by the CCP.
They should make efforts to disintegrate the
CCP and drive Marxism-Leninism out of China.
This is real patriotism."

Lan Shu further comments that modern Chinese
youth have misguided enthusiasm in the patriotism.
This is instigated by the CCP,
inspiring completely futile efforts.

Lan Shu: "DYI does not have any people living
there, so dealing with DYI is not a humanity issue.
There are just so many petitioners, suppressed
peoples, and those forced from their lands or homes.
There are so many human rights issues not yet resolved.
Then, there is an attempt to land on
DYI, which has no-one living on it.
This is a false patriotic fire."

One netizen questioned what sort of embarrassment
did this incident cause the Chinese regime?

Xu Shuaijun first expressed his plan to fly to DYI by hot
air balloon in September last year, via his Weibo account.
He said, he will "become a Chinese person with attitude."

Xiucai Jianghu, Mainland netizen: "When the CCP speaks
about DYI, it diverts attention away from domestic conflicts.
It incites patriotic enthusiasm in brainwashed people.
However, if Chinese people can live a happy
life, it does not matter who owns the DYI.
If China has the DYI, then there will
still be the same problems in China."

The CCP has declared it's "Air Defense
Identification Area of the East Sea."
This is controversial, and requires all
foreign airplanes to identify themselves.
However, Japan, America and South Korea
refuse to accept such an Identification Area.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/WangZiqi Post-Production/LiYong