【禁闻】在劫难逃 周永康案涉案人遭调查




时事评论员 夏小强:“这些人接受调查表明,中共高层对周永康犯罪问题的调查在进一步的深入,已经在向外围扩大,同时,对参与江泽民集团政变谋反和迫害法轮功人员的调查,也不仅仅侷限于周永康,周永康身后的罗干、曾庆红、江泽民都牵扯其中。这也是外界看到如今越来越多的党、政、军、文化圈、影视界人员接受调查的原因之一。”





大陆自由作家 刘亚伟:“在他们习惯的政治概念里面,只有宣传,没有传媒。在中国这个社会,它不是一个正常的社会,他们的公权力是无所不在的,各个领域都要管控的,尤其是传播领域,这个地方是脱不了,逃脱不了政治对传媒的干预。”




采访/常春 编辑/黄亿美 后制/李勇

Another Individual Involved In Zhou Yongkang Case Under Investigation

Over a month ago, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
released news via overseas media regarding the probe
into ex-Politburo Standing Committee member
Zhou Yongkang.
An official announcement regarding this development
has still not been made.
However, one by one those with close ties to Zhou
have been placed under investigation.
It has been reported that Dong Ping, who backed the films
"Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" as well as
"Bodyguards and Assassins", was detained for interrogation
and has not yet been released on bail.
Allegedly due to the probe into Zhou Yongkang
and Li Dongsheng, authorities have detained those with
connections to the film and television industry
for further investigation.

Some in the Chinese entertainment industry were implicated
in the corruption case of former Politburo Committee member
Zhou Yongkang, including Dong Ping, CEO of ChinaVision
Media Group, SEHK: 1060.

ChinaVision Media group has close ties to the Communist
In 2003, Dong Pings first media company Asian Union
Film merged with state-owned Poly Group.
Radio France International (RFI) reports that Dong Ping
was detained for the purpose of assisting in the investigation.
He has not yet been released on bail.

The report states that whether Dong Ping colluded
with Li Dongsheng, Zhou Bing and Wu Bing
or solely Zhou Yongkang remains unclear.

Political commentator Xia Xiaoqiang: "The investigation
of these people shows that the CCP's high ranks are
probing into Zhou Yongkang's crimes on a larger scope.
Meanwhile, the investigation of the coup and persecution
of Falun Gong practitioners launched by the Jiang Zemin
group is not only limited to Zhou Yongkang, it also includes
Luo Gan, Zeng Qinghong and Jiang.
This is one of the reasons why a growing number of Party
and military officials, people in cultural circles as well
as film and television executives are all under investigation."

Xia Xiaoqiang says the Jiang Zemin faction formed a second
power authority within the CCP by insisting on maintaining
the persecution of Falun Gong.

With Zhou Yongkang poised for power, the faction's ultimate
aim was to stage a coup to replace Xi Jinping with Bo Xilai.
Obviously, the Jiang group needed military force
to achieve its plan.

Xia Xiaoqiang: "Zhou developed his own military
and armed police force.
He also needed the support of public opinion.
Therefore, Zhou and Bo enlisted a large number of people
in the entertainment industry including Li Dongsheng,
Si Manan, Kong Qingdong, the late Li Ming
as well as Dong Ping.
However, due to limited information disclosed by the media,
the depth of Dong Ping's involvement is unknown."

Poly Group, which oversees Media China Co. Ltd., is known
to be heavily backed by the military and princelings.
It publicly listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange in 2005.

Before Dong Ping was detained for interrogation, film
industry tycoon Li Ming, CEO of Beijing Galloping Horse
Media Co. Ltd. (BJGALZ), was detained due to his
involvement in the case of Li Dongsheng ex-Deputy Minister
of the Public Security Ministry.

On Jan. 2, as he was assisting in the Li Dongsheng
investigation, Li Ming died of seemingly heart attack.
Due to the "highly sensitive" nature, all reports were pulled
offline by the National Information Office.

Mainland freelance writer Liu Yawei: "In their customary
political concepts, there is only propaganda – no media.
China's society is abnormal.
Governmental power is pervasive, each field is controlled
and monitored, especially the media.
It is difficult for this sector to escape from
political intervention."

Li Ming reportedly accumulated his fortune in advertising.

In 1996, his firm obtained exclusive agency advertising rights
during CCTV's News 30 program, which was headed
by deputy director of CCTV Li Dongsheng.

After Li Dongsheng graduated from the Journalism
Department of Fudan University in Shanghai,
he worked at CCTV for many years.

He organized a huge number of prime time programs
defaming Falun Gong with high audience ratings
when he was in charge of the "Focus" program.

In 2009, Li Dongshen won the appreciation
of Zhou Yongkang and was promoted to Deputy Minister
of the Public Security Ministry.

He concurrently held the Director of the 610 Office position
and oversaw the suppression of Falun Gong.
In December of 2013, authorities opened an investigation into
Li Dongsheng due to his involvement with Zhou Yongkang.

In Sichuan Province, where Zhou Yongkang once headed
the administration, several of Zhou's henchmen were nabbed
in the past year.

Multiple high-ranking officials in the Chinese oil industry,
which Zhou once headed, are under investigation.
Zhou was once one of the nine members of Politburo
of the CCP Central Committee, and was regarded
as an important figure of Jiang Zemin's faction.

He has kept a close relationship with Bo Xilai,
the former Chongqing City party secretary.

Interview/ChangChun Edit/HuangYimei Post-Production/LiYong