
【新唐人2014年01月14日讯】 夏业良被解职真实原因曝光







章政还要求夏业良尽快通知相关网站取消签名,并就此事给出书面说明, 还希望夏业良不要参与此事的后续活动。

纪念抗暴55年 流亡藏人拟长途游行


据《美国之音》报导,流亡印度的“ 西藏青年大会”1月12号表示,他们将在2月8号至3月10号举行“西藏暴动长途游行”。起始点是藏人行政中央所在地的印度山城达兰萨拉,终点是印度首都新德里。

宋彬彬为文革恶行道歉 未获原谅




1月13号, 湖北荆门市沙洋县,全县 5千名中小学老师集体罢课,其中上千人游行到县政府示威。


当天,教师们高举“还教师血汗钱”、“反对克扣 反对盘剥”的横幅,追讨十年的补贴。




Email Exposes the Reason for Dismissing Xia Yeliang

Peking University professor at the School of Economics
Xia Yeliang was dismissed.
Both the University and Xia Yeliang have different views
on the reason of the dismissal.

In a January 13 Voice of America report, an email was
exposed to reveal the reason behind the dismissal.

This email was addressed to Xia Yeliang from Zhang Zheng
party secretary at the School of Economics on August 8, 2013.
The email revealed the reason for dismissing Xia was for his
public support of the new citizens movement organizer,
Xu Zhiyong.

Zhang Zheng stated clearly that Peking University opposes
Xia Yeliang's participating in Xu Zhiyong's joint signature
campaign of demanding officials' property declaration.

Zhang Zheng's message was also that the joint signature
campaign destabilizes society, and serves to turn China
into the United States.

He stated, "As a faculty, especially in Peking University,
this is absolutely not allowed."

Zhang Zheng demanded Xia Yeliang immediately remove
his signature, provide a written explanation, and to stop the

Exiled Tibetans Launch Peace Walk
Commemorating 55 Years of Uprising

Tibetans in exile in India plan to hold a long march to
commemorate the 55th anniversary of the Tibetan uprising in
1959, and to raise awareness of human rights issues in Tibet.

Voice of America reported that Tibetan Youth Congress
exiles in India held a briefing on January 12.
They said that a peace march will be held from February 8
to March 10 from Dharamsala to New Delhi.

Guard Leader Song Binbin's Apology is Not Accepted

Song Binbin, a red guard during China's Cultural Revolution,
expressed her public apology at her alma mater, Beijing
Normal University Girls High School, on January 12.

However, Song Binbin's apology was not recognized.

New York Times reported that deputy principal Bian
Zhongyun's widower, Wang Jingyao, said, "She is a bad
person, because of what she did.
She and the others were supported by Mao Zedong."
He added, "The entire Communist Party and Mao Zedong
are also responsible."

The deputy principal Bian Zhongyun was said to be the
first killing of a teacher by the Red Guards.

Hubei Shayang: 5,000 Teachers Strike

On January 13, 5,000 primary and secondary school teachers
of Shayang County, Hubei Province, went on collective strike
and marched to the county government.

According to Internet postings, the local government has not
paid teachers' salaries correctly for a long time.

The teachers held banners stating, "Give teachers the salary",
"No deduction, no exploitation" in hope to recover backlog
payments from a decade of subsidies.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

Sources said that clashes between the teachers and the police
took place at times. A police car was overturned.

Upon learning that the Governor of Calif. was coming to visit,

A netizen, Sayang Teacher, wrote: Shayang County Board of
Education has illegally taken more than a decade of teachers'
money of up to 300 million yuan in the name of deduction,
interception, restriction, and false excuses.

A teacher with 20-year teaching experience is paid only at
1,900 yuan ($311) monthly.

Teachers with less experiences are paid even less.
