


















采访编辑/易如 后制/钟元

Beijing Charges the Anti-Party Clique

Beijing has aroused public uproar for reportedly charging the
NGO Open Constitution Initiative with the crime of being an
"anti-Party group", a label used in the Mao era to convict
anyone from high ranking officials to average Chinese people.
Legal experts question the so-called anti-Party group charge
and its existence as a crime.
So, why is the regime exploiting this label now?

Senior journalist Gao Yu has revealed that Beijing has labeled
Open Constitution Initiative (OCI) as an anti-Party group.
The organizer Xu Zhiyong and the sponsor Wang Gongquan
will be facing heavy sentences.

Gao Yu, senior journalist: "Ren Zhiqiang delivered the message.
He was told before the New Year, during a party for entrepreneurs."

Real estate tycoon Ren Zhiqiang had participated in an
entrepreneurs' party.
Many participants showed their discontent
over the arrest of Wang Gongquan.
They had planned another gathering for later that day.
But Ren Zhiqiang was summoned by the Political Consultative
Committee Chairman Yu Zhengsheng in the morning.

Law professor Zhang Zanning says that the OCI is not
about anti-Party. At most, it can be seen as a typical opponent.

Zhang Zanning, law professor, Southeast University:
"The OCI is only conducting the rights and duties of a citizen.
They participate in the National People's Congress election,
advocate civil society, and its activities are
well within the scope of the Constitution and laws.

There is no reason to arrest them in the name of
being an anti-Party group.
The regime is silencing the people's voices."

The Open Constitution Initiative or OCI, also known as
Gongmeng, was established in 2003 by Xu Zhiyong, Yu Jiang,
and Teng Biao from the Peking University Law School.

Among it's many activities for social justice are demanding
Beijing to abolish the custody and repatriation regulation
for migrant workers, disseminating legal knowledge about
elections, calling for the abolition of child residency
restrictions during college entrance exams,
and requiring officials declare their property.

Gao Yu: "It is all about civic movements.
One is to promote anti-corruption by having the leadership
declare their property;
and another is about the affirmative action in education.
It is not unconstitutional.
According to Article 35 in China's constitution, regarding
freedom of expression, they are expressing their political views."

Gao Yu says the regime leadership still has the struggle
philosophy of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Any insistence on universal values or constitutional democracy
is labeled as anti-Party and anti-socialist.

In the ninth issue in 2010 of the Chinese magazine, YanHuang
ChunQiu, an article by Guo Dehong detailed the historical
tragedy of those who were labeled as the anti-Party by the CCP.

The article says that in the CCP's history, the anti-Party label
has been used many times on Party members, general public,
non-Party members, cadres, central leaders and senior cadres,
including people in all fields such as cultural, education,
the Party, political, the army, public security, and so forth.

Guo Dehong noted that between 1957 and 1958, the CCP's
campaign to remove the anti-Party groups hit a climax.
The campaign had continued in the anti- rightist movement
between 1959 and 1965.
Until the Cultural Revolution, the movement to clean out
anti-Party members had reached its second climax.

Guo Dehong says that those who had labeled millions of
people as part of the anti-party clique ironically also ended up
being labeled as part of the anti-party clique later on.

Zhang Zanning says that Mao Zedong exploited the
anti-Party clique label to conduct large-scale persecution.
However, the anti-Party clique label has no legal definition
and can't even be found in dictionaries,
and there is no such crime in law.

Zhang Zanning: "It is bizarre to treat the OCI as anti-Party.
OCI has been established for 10 years.
Why is it suddenly labeled as against the Party 10 year later?
It is simply arbitrarily labeling."

Commentator Ren Baiming suspects that the CCP fears and
worries about the crisis of the regime's failing legitimacy and
collapse under the current widespread discontent.

Ren Baiming, commentator: "To maintain its Party authority,
it must remove the threats.
Any slight threat will be labeled as anti-Party.
With the label, the political suppression becomes legitimate,
even killing becomes an acceptable means."

Ren Baiming says that CCP's fear and worry have gone to the
extreme, so it employs many incomprehensible measures,
but this is in fact a sign before the demise of the CCP.

Interview & Edit/YiRu Post-Production/ZhongYuan