【禁闻】崔健不愿接受审查 拒绝上春晚

【新唐人2014年01月17日讯】崔健不愿接受审查 拒绝上春晚

















Cui Jian Refuses CCTV New Year Show Because of Censorship

China's "father of rock", Cui Jian, was invited to perform in a
Chinese Spring Festival TV Gala, confirmed his agent.
However, Cui Jian's agent told the NTD reporter on January
15 that Cui Jian actually will not perform.

At a New York Times interview, Cui Jian's agent said, "We
will not change the lyrics", "We refuse to accept the review."

Cui Jian has been banned since his support of the Tiananmen
student movement.
The invitation to perform at the regime led TV show, Spring
Festival Eve Gala, has caused public concern.

Prior to the 1989 military crack down in Tiananmen Square,
Cui Jian gave an impromptu performance in the square.
His hit "Yiwu Suoyou" (Nothing to my Name) was widely
sung by the students in Tiananmen Square.

In a charity performance for the 1990 Asian Games, Cui Jian
performed the "Last gun shot", inspired by the Sino-Vietnamese
War between the Communist regime and Vietnam. He said after
the singing, "We hope the gun shot last year (1989) was the last."

Uyghur Professor Ilham's Home Was Raided Again

On January 16, the Communist regime Foreign Ministry said
that Minzu University of China professor Ilham Tohti of the
Uyghur ethnic group was arrested on January 15.

His mother was released that night.

Ilham's wife told the media that after the police raid, the
police showed up again to search the house on january 16.

Currently, many police have appeared in Ilham's home area.

About six police were guarding their apartment.
Ilham's family have their activities restricted.
The police would follow closely even when somone
dumped trash.

Ilham's wife said that six or seven students of Uyghur ethnic
group at the University were also arrested.
Their dorms were searched, and personal computers,
cell phones, and bank cards were confiscated.

The topic of Ilham's arrest is currently banned on the
Chinese Internet microblog.

Rioting Over Forced Land Requisition in Guangdong

On January 15, villagers of Aotou Town, Conghua City,
Guangdong, resisted the forceful land requisition of a
local tea plantation.

As a result of the clashes, a dozen of villagers were wounded
and arrested.

According to The Epoch Times report, local villagers
complained thousands of special police and security showed up.
They had electric batons and iron bars and hit out randomly.
At least nine villagers were left bleeding seriously.

The incident was said to be caused by the selling of the tea
plantation by local government without villagers’ consent.

Edit/Zhou Yulin