【禁闻】疑中国企业欺诈 美禁四大会计师事务所执业


“德勤”、“安永”、“毕马威”和“普华永道”,这四大全球最大的会计师事务所,被业内称为“四大”。 1月23号,美国证券交易委员会裁定,禁止“四大”中国分部在美国执业半年。原因在于“四大”拒绝向美国检方提供审计文件,以协助美国证券交易委员会,调查这些在美上市的中国企业涉嫌金融诈骗。













采访编辑/刘惠 后制/舒灿

Dangers of Fraudulent Business Data – Now The SEC Take Action

It is reported that on suspicion of fraudulent accounting practices of nine U.S.-listed Chinese companies,

the powerful Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)demanded that the Big Four release the audit information of their clients.

However, the Big Four refused to present the data about companies based in China and listed in the U.S., saying they endeavoredto comply with Chinese secrecy laws.

A U.S. SEC judge has decided that the Chinese units of the Big Four accountants should be suspended from auditing.

The Big Four are Deloitte, Ernst & Young, KPMG and PwC,the four largest professional accounting firms in the world

On January 23, the U.S. SEC decided to suspend the Chinese branches of the Big Four for six months.

The reason is that the Big Four refused to provide work papers of the audits to the SEC for conducting investigations of suspected financial fraud of US-listed Chinese companies.

Beijing CPA, Du Yanlin, once an audit manager of overseas-listed Sinopec, suspects the problem lies in the audit papers.

Du Yanlin, Beijing CPA: "Take Sinopec for example. If Sinopec is suspected of fraud, it is questionable if any fraud would show in the audit.It is very hard to trace it because they might manipulate the data through other ways There also might be some clues in paperwork.The Big Four could have deleted the clues during the audit as long as it does not violate the principles.However, the SEC does not believe so."

The Big Four handle the vast majority of audits for large
international companies in their Chinese subsidiaries.

The vast majority of US-listed Chinese companies also choose
the Big Four as their auditing agencies in order to gain the trust of
the SEC.

Shanghai Securities News speculate that the six month suspension will result in a change of audit services of international Chinese companies.

More than 200 US-listed Chinese companies will also make the switch.

This is evidently causing tremendous losses to those Chinese companies in the process of being listed in the US.

Lee Li, Former PwC CPA: "The financial statements of listed companies are open to the public.It helps investors and creditors to assess the business.

In general, audited financial statements are relatively credible. Fraudulent financial statements often mislead investors."

Arthur Andersen was once the world's largest accounting firm.

Its fraudulent practices and obstruction of justice finally discredited the company and turned the Big Five into the Big Four.

The BBC Chinese report pointed out the skepticism of the data the Chinese companies have presented.

To cut taxes or receive tax credits, false sales and profits are generally reported.

The official data may also be altered for political purposes.

WSJ reported that at least 130 such companies encountered questions about their accounting or disclosures, starting around

Many of the companies had gained access to U.S. markets through "reverse mergers."

The long arm of the SEC has filed about 20 lawsuits and administrative proceedings against various Chinese companies and their executives over the past two years,

alleging a variety of fraudulent practices.

That wave of alleged problems caused the companies ' stocks to plunge, costing U.S. investors billions of dollars on paper.

Since 2011, the SEC have since clamped down on the use of reverse mergers to get onto U.S. exchanges.

The Big Four 's refusal to cooperate with the request to share papers for relevant investigation has resulted in the SEC 's administrative proceeding against them, reported the WSJ.

The Big Four argue that they tried to comply with Chinese secrecy laws.

Du Yanlin: "The Big Four could have resisted the SEC with the official support of the communist regime, and considerations for the aspect of business in China.

The communist regime is a complex Government, with too many secrets, not necessarily trade secretes , but many more besides."

The Big Four are preparing to appeal.

Du Yanlin indicates that if it were in China, any audit firm, including the Big Four, would have to comply and cooperate unconditionally.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production /ShuCan