






对日主权争议 俄拒绝与中共联手









Why Does Xi Jinping Visit Sochi?

Sochi Winter Olympics will open on 7 February.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) media vigorously played
up Chinese President Xi Jinping's meeting with Russian
President Vladimir Putin in Sochi.

U.S. President Barack Obama, British Prime Minister David
Cameron, French President Hollande and German President
Gauck will not attend winter Olympics.

According to the BBC Chinese website report, leaders of the
major Western countries avoid Sochi with the well know
unpublicized reason that Russian human rights under
Putin's rule is repeatedly criticized.

Some analysts said that Xi Jinping visiting Sochi and Japanese
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe attending the Winter Olympics
opening ceremony is because Japan has recently actively
sought closer relations with Russia.

BBC quoted the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences
International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS) researcher
Liu Ming.

Liu said the CCP needs to be aware that Japan roped in Russia
and split the alliance of China and Russia.
Liu Ming said, "Xi Jinping must go because no Western
leaders will be there, only Abe."

Russia Refuses to Work With China on Disputing Sovereignty

Japan "Daily News" recently disclosed thatRussia refused to
dispute sovereignty over Japan with the CCP.

It seems the CCP supporting Russia on the Southern Kuriles
sovereignty dispute is in exchange for Russian support for
the East China Sea territorial sovereignty dispute with Japan.

But it was refused by the Kremlin Palace.

"Daily News" quoted sources from Russian and Japanese
diplomatic insiders that Russia has refused similar repeated
proposals from the CCP since 2010.

"Deutsche Welle" commented that this report was released
at the same time that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
visited Sochi.

It is possible the islands sovereignty dispute will also be one
of the topics between Abe and Putin.

Mainland Netizens Requested Russia Returns Vladivostok

Along with the China and Japan media hype over territorial
sovereignty issues at Sochi "Winter Olympics", mainland
netizens also made comments through the opportunity.

Some netizens followed the post "Xi Jinping attending Winter
Olympics opening ceremony" under the "Russian Embassy"
account in Sina Weibo.

They said that Russia is the mortal malady of China.

They requested Russia to withdraw their Communist doctrine
and return Vladivostok to China.

Edit/Zhou Yulin