【禁闻】崔健:天安门还挂毛像 时代就没变

【新唐人2014年02月10日讯】崔健:天安门还挂毛像 时代就没变

被誉为“中国摇滚教父”的崔健,2月6号在纽约大学亮相,宣传他编导的第一部电影作品“蓝色骨头(The Blue Bone)”,并应邀畅谈音乐理念。同时谈及曾获邀并拒绝演出马年的《央视》“春晚”节目等。



1986年,25岁的崔健以一首《一无所有》红遍中国, 1989年天安门民运期间,他曾带 乐队到天安门广场演唱,慰问绝食学生,这首《一无所有》也被示威学生广为传唱。“六四天安门屠杀”后,崔健被中共官方禁演封杀多年。去年,崔健收到中共《央视》“春晚”的邀请,但最终因不愿改歌改词而辞演。



德国《世界报》2月7号发表一篇题为《中国超级富豪成群向外逃 》的署名文章,说中国的超级富豪为巩固资产,将家人安全送往国外。










Chinese Rock Godfather: No Era Change Since Mao’s Picture
Is Still Hanging at Tiananmen Square

Known as the " Chinese Rock Godfather" Cui Jian promoted
his first movie "Blue Bones (The Blue Bone)" written and
directed himself on February 6 at New York University.

He was also invited to talk about musical ideas.

At the same time, he talked about refusing to perform
at the "CCTV" Spring Festival.

Cui said that although the Cultural Revolution had passed, the
waves still show the same trend in the same direction which
means the Cultural Revolution is not over yet.

He said: "As long as Mao’s picture is hanging on
Tiananmen Square, we are still the same generation.

The era is not changed, so what could be on the show
and what cannot is the same as in the past."

In 1986, 25-year-old Cui Jian was popular in China because
of a song he wrote called “I have nothing".

During the 1989 Tiananmen Square democracy movement, he
expressed sympathy to hunger striking students with his band
at Tiananmen Square.

The song "I have nothing" is also widely
sung by student demonstrators.

After the Tiananmen massacre the Chinese authorities banned
Cui Jian for many years.

Last year, Cui Jian received an invitation from the Chinese
Communist Party “CCTV" Spring Festival but refused to
perform because he was unwilling to change the song.

German Media: China Super Rich Flee Abroad in Groups.

The trend of many of China’s super-rich competing for
investment immigration has caused public concern.

"Deutsche Welle" Chinese website cited a story from
reports of other German media on February 8.

On February 7, Germany "World News" published a signed
article "China's super-rich flee in groups" which said that
China's super-rich sent families safely to consolidate assets.

The article said that the Canadian Government had to freeze
its investment immigration program because of so many
Chinese investor immigrants.

There is also long queue of investor immigrants waiting for
the United States, Australia, New Zealand.

The article commented: “there is no other country like China
in the world where individuals can make such a fortune quickly
in the socialist market economy.

On February 8, "Sueddeutsche Zeitung" also reported on
China super-rich immigration saying that Chinese rich
leaving China are like rats fleeing a sinking ship.

People Require The Chinese Communist Party to Publish
Where the Money of Stability Maintenance Goes

When the former secretary of the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) Central Political and Law Commission Zhou
Yongkang’s case was hyped by all media, Mainland Chinese
people started to ask about the maintenance of stability money.

They want to know where military spending goes every year.

On February 8, according to continental "Livelihood Watch"
website report, 62 petitioners over the country gathered in
Beijing to request the Ministry of Finance publicize where
the special relief fund went for the past decade.

It was especially about the maintenance of stability money
according to the CCP "Open Government Information"
publicity between 2004 and 2014.

Petitioners were told they would get a reply after 15 days.

The same day, overseas Chinese He Guanjiao, Heilongjiang
petitioner Hao Shue, Hunan petitioner Liu Youai, Chongqing
petitioner Zhang Xiao-qin, and others also asked in Beijing
who is the beneficiary of every year’s stability maintenance.

They had a banner "decrypting Majialou petitioners’
black gold chain".

Edit/Zhou Yulin