【禁闻】中共多省扫黄 转移周案大方向?
















采访编辑/李韵 后制/舒灿

CCP nationwide anti-vice crackdown diverts Zhou's case direction?

After the crackdown on prostitution in the southern Chinese
city of Dongguan, the Chinese regime has been carrying out
an "anti-vice campaign", with police raids targeting all kinds
of entertainment venues suspected to offer sex services.
Analysts say that with high ranked officials and the police
as major patrons of China's entertainment venues and hotels,
the CCP's aim isn't to end the sex trade but to take away
public focus from the corruption case involving ex-secretary
Zhou Yongkang of the Central Politics and Law Commission.

On Sunday, Chinese media reported that
in addition to Guangdong province, thousands of police
from at least nine cities including Hangzhou, Lanzhou, Jinan,
Liuzhou, Harbin and Shandong made a sudden visit
to many places of entertainment.

Beijing politics watcher Hua Po says the nationwide anti-vice
storm is an attempt to divert the investigation direction of
Zhou Yongkang's group corruption case with the time of CCP
officials' sacking and Zhou's case releasing.

Hua Po, Beijing politics watcher: "I think the anti-vice crusade
is to divert public attention on anti-corruption, and CCTV's
bringing attention to pornography, gambling, and drugs issues
in Dongguan is itself a reflection of the CCP's inner-Party struggles.
The anti-vice crackdown is to block
vested interest groups from being taken down,
and to block Xi and Li's anti-corruption campaign."

The past two months saw much media coverage
on the CCP's coming release of news
on the Zhou Yongkang group corruption case.

On Feb. 12, one media outlet quoted sources
who say Zhou's case involves nearly 6,000 people
and the scale is still expanding in the new year.

Many implicated senior officials are reportedly pleading to
Xi Jinping for protection; some reminded that anti-corruption
proceedings should be careful not to cause wide damage.

Some warn that information on officials' property
should not be released too hastily,
otherwise it will cause great social disorder and unrest, etc.

On Feb. 9, CCTV broadcast its undercover
investigation on the sex industry in Dongguan.
That evening, nearly 7,000 police were deployed
in an anti-vice sweep in Dongguan.
But many Chinese netizens were scornful
of CCTV's secret investigation.
Later, state media People's Daily published a series of
comments criticizing those against anti-vice sting in Dongguan.

Hua Po: "In fact, the basic intention is that some CCP officials
say that anti-corruption is no longer a focus and has been
dealt with by now; the current focus are social evils such as
pornography, gambling and drugs.
I think the local movement is just blowing hot air,
it will be business as usual after that."

Hua Po says the various entertainment venues are protected
under the umbrella of senior officials and police;
part of the local economy is supported by prostitution.
So it's impossible for the anti-vice sweep to be thorough.

Beijing Economic Observer quoted someone in Dongguan's
catering industry who says senior officials secretly hold
approximately 30% shares in Dongguan's entertainment and
hotels industry; police are also major sex industry patrons;
many senior police officers frequent some hotels to imply
"it's very safe here" and thus attract customers.

Former hotel clerk Ms. Pang told NTD that Dongguan
is no different from cities across the country,
as hotels in almost every city offer sex services.

Ms. Pang, hotel clerk: "One of my family members opened
five-star hotels in Beijing and Shenzhen few years ago and
I was a clerk at one.
Most clients are CCP officials and police.
They often go to prostitutes as group
and afterwards one of them would checkout for them
and request a catering invoice."

On Feb. 16, four Dongguan county secretaries apologized
publicly for ineffectively carrying out the anti-vice crackdown.
Commentators say these local officials should resign.

Ms. Pang: "When I was a clerk in Shenzhen in 2008, a police
station head had prostitutes every day and seldom paid for it.
My boss had no problem because
he brought a lot of customers to the store.
He also warned us before each anti-vice crackdown and our
hotel would dress up prostitutes as massage professionals.
They will continue after the anti-vice storm."

Mainland insiders say Dongguan's anti-vice crackdown
broke the porn industry chain with
20 million people looking for new livelihood.

Some financial experts also analyzed the anti-vice possibly
resulted in a 50 billion yuan ($8.2 billion) loss in Dongguan
which is 10% of the GDP.

Interview & Edit/LiYun Post-Production/ShuCan