【禁闻】《纸牌屋》大陆火爆 含影射太子党情节














采访编辑/张天宇 后制/李智远

The American Version of "The Legend of Zhen Huan"
Episode With Innuendo on Bo Xilai

Recently, an American political drama television series "House
of cards" attracted heated attention in Mainland China.
This American political drama is called the American version
of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" by Chinese netizens.
The second season of "House of cards" got millions of hits in
China after three days of broadcasting.
To their surprise, the introduction of "House of cards" is not
even subject to any resistant review.
What is the reason for the mainland censors
to have "mercy" on it?

On February 18, Sohu Group Chairman Charles Zhang told
the U.S. New York Times that the introduction of “House of
cards" was not subject to any previous review by Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) regulatory authorities.

Civilians all suspect that the mainland movie review team
might have positioned the "House of cards" as exposing the
darkness of American political power struggles.

The CCP would like to see such a movie.

Mainland independent filmmaker Yang Weidong: It's easy to
explain that the Americans finally exposed their own darkness
to China.

It is a good story to tell Chinese people that the dark is not only
in China, but also in the U.S.
Maybe it's even darker in the U.S. than in China!"

However, there are lots of Chinese political elements in the
second season of "House of cards".
Such as a Chinese cyber espionage attack, stealing U.S.
corporate secrets, authorities manipulation of the exchange
rate, the China and Japan islands disput and other hot events
in recent years.
The most amazing event there is detail alluding to the
CCP Red II princelings plot.

In the show, the China telecommunications industry controller
is Mr. Feng whose grandfather was one of the CCP founders
following Mao Zedong.

Although the princelings led voluptuous lives and were still
at large under repeated accusations.
When the protagonist - U.S. Vice President von Underwood
said "Mao Zedong is dead, China is not his era", Feng replied
with "Mao Zedong died, I am not".

So it reminded Chinese audiences of the CCP princelings, of
the monopoly interest groups ruling state-owned enterprises.
Some netizens said: "Feng is a simply replica of Bo Xilai!"

Comments said that the "House of cards" hit many restrictions
of the CCP but was still passed.
There might be a possible power struggle factor in it.

On February 20, the New York Times reported many foreign
visitors who said Wang Qishan told them he is a fan of "House
of cards".

Former United Daily News Hong Kong literary column editor
Zhang Chengjue said: Various factions of the CCP can attain
their goal by using foreign TV shows and movies as long as
the show or movie doesn't violate their interests obviously.
They can grab one character or a particular detail to use as an
attack or to discredit different factions.
In this case, the faction which is holding the main
right can pass it without a ban.

Although the "House of cards" makes American people feel
its absurd exaggeration and a discredit to American politics,
the Chinese people keep giving it hot praise.

Some netizens said the story in the "House of cards" made
them feel both familiar and cordial because it is a replica of
CCP officialdom, not to be found in mainland literary works.

Zhang Chengjue: "There are a lot sensitive issues in China
that can't be touched by literary creators.
The people are happy to see something similar from foreign
countries for their catharsis.
Because people feel happy and then they can breathe freely."

In addition, although the "House of cards" made the U.S.
president seem a puppet, Obama is a big fan of the show.

Thats impossible in China.

Yang Weidong: "My few questions make them (CCP) so
nervous; if I can do something similar, I shall be gone.
I'm still being watched! I was threatend to be killed by a
traffic accident. That's all they want to do.
I am only a questioner, not exposing the dark side of politics.
But I am like this. This is a contrast."

Yang sighed:Such a type of movie as "House of cards"
can only be the product in a democratic society;
It reflects a flexible literary style and valuable free speech which
is a dream pursued by the Mainland art world but hard to realize.

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan
