






严重的雾霾也引起大陆民众的不满,在重度污染的城市石家庄,市民李贵欣日前将市环保局告上了法庭。据报导,2月20号,石家庄裕华区法院已经接收了李贵欣的诉讼材 料,七个工作日内将作出是否受理的答复。这起诉讼被认为是中国首例公民因空气污染状告政府的案子。



人民币连续下跌 引金融界不安

人民币汇率上周经历了3年以来最大的日跌幅之后,已经持续了第6天下滑,人民币汇率连续下滑,引发金融界的不安与猜测,对是否留存人民币开始有疑虑 。由于人民币汇率受中共政府操控,国际方面也开始对中共的意图产生疑问,猜测中共是否决定结束人民币升值的进程,或准备让人民币的汇率找到固定位置。


Zhou Yongkang's son was involved in the case of Shanxi
Luliang mayor title purchase

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) continue to clean up
the peripheral people of the CCP Politburo Standing Committee
Zhou Yongkang system.

On February 25, mainland media reported Zhou Yongkang's
son Zhou Bin was involved in the case of Shanxi Luliang
Mayor Ding Xuefeng "buying the position title".

The report said Shanxi Luliang Mayor Ding Xuefeng's
dismissal on February 20 is due to buying the position
title two years ago.

The case involved the former Public Security vice Minister
Li Dongsheng and Zhou Yongkang's son Zhou Bin.

WHO: Chinese Air Pollution in Crisis

Many cities in China have been under a severe haze for
six consecutive days.
Continental environment ministry announced that, among 161
monitored cities, 57 or more are in severe pollution.

15 are seriously polluted.

On February 25, World Health Organization representative
Schwartländer Bernhard in China said China's air pollution
problems should be treated as a "crisis".

Shijiazhuang Citizens Sue The Environment Protection
Division Because of Haze.

The severe haze also caused mainland peoples' dissatisfaction.
In the severely pollutied city Shijiazhuang, citizen Li Guixin
went to the court to sue the Municipal Environmental
Protection Bureau.

It's said that Shijiazhuang Yuhua District Court has received Li
Guixin's lawsuit material on Feb 20 and will give response in
7 business days whether to accept the case.
This is the first lawsuit in China because of air pollution.

Continental Uyghur Scholar Ilham Formally Arrested

On February 25, Minzu University Teacher, Uygur scholar
Ilham Tohti's family was notified by the authorities that Ilham
has been formally arrested on charges of suspicion of secession
on February 20.

Currently, Ilham is detained in Xinjiang Autonomous
Region Public Security Bureau detention center and his
attorney Li Fangping has rushed to Urumqi.

RMB Falling Value Triggered Concern in Financial Circles

Last week, the RMB exchange rate experienced the largest
decline in three years after consecutive falling for six days.
It triggered anxiety and speculation on whether to keep RMB.

Since the RMB exchange rate is manipulated by the Chinese
government, there is guessing whether the CCP will end the
process of RMB appreciation, or to locate a fixed position for
RMB exchange rate.

Edit/Zhou Yulin