【禁闻】大陆媒体围剿周滨 集体逼宫 暗示两种可能















采访编辑/秦雪 后制/李智远

Intensive Mainland Chinese Media Reports on the Fall of Zhou Bin

Recently, Chinese media continues to publish articles
disclosing the "mysterious wealthy businessman", Zhou Bin.
The only thing not revealed about Zhou Bin is that
he is the son of Zhou Yongkang, who was
a central figure of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Politburo Standing Committee.
Mainland experts indicate that the authorities are using
the media to leak information before making a conclusion,
which is a new method of power struggle.

Beijing News published an in-depth report on Feb. 26 titled,
"Zhou Bin is Behind the Abandonment of Public Housing".
The report says Zhou Bin is suspected of being involved
in a public rental project in Beijing, relying on official power.
On the same day, Sohu Business also published an article
mentioning the promotion of Zhou Bin's father to a high level
managerial position at China National Petroleum Corporation
while Zhou was studying at Southwest Petroleum University.

China Business earlier revealed that Sichuan regal Liu Han
bought a project from Zhou Bin at a high price
to maintain their relationship.

Zhou Bin is also involved in an official corruption case
involving Mayor Ding Xuefeng of Luliang City
in Shanxi Province, who purchased his official position,
the report says.

Sohu's report "Name of the Father" says the university
Zhou attended was arranged by his father's secretary,
Li Hualin, who also graduated from
Southwest Petroleum University.
Zhou Bin then came into a circle of oil industry alumni
that included Li Linhua, Ran Xinquan, and Wang Fudao.
The oil industry circle centered around Zhou's father
had grown powerful and influential on a large scale in China.

China Youth Daily questions how the interest group
behind Zhou Bin formed.
Chinese netizens ask,"Zhou Bin, where is your dad?"

Deng Yuwen, former copy editor of the Study Times,
a CCP party school newspaper, indicates media reports
on Zhou Bin were not ordered by the authorities.

He believes the media collectively emphasized catching
Zhou Yongkang, former CCP Politburo Standing Committee
member, who held power throughout the oil industry
and public security.

Deng Yuwen, former Study Times copy editor: "People
all know that 'fighting tigers' points to Zhou Yongkang,
but it's not easy to talk about Zhou Yongkang now,
thus the media talks about his son.
Mainland media's intention is also very clear,
hoping to use public opinion to turn on Zhou Yongkang,
forcing the CCP to finish this case
and capture the 'big tiger'.”

Deng Yuwen believes that the son having committing crimes
doesn't necessarily mean the father committed crimes.
It's a complicated process to find solid evidence
of Zhou Yongkang's crimes.

He thinks the authorities are still investigating
evidence of Zhou Yongkang's direct crimes.

Deng Yuwen: "He (Zhou Yongkang) was the secretary
of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee and a member
of the Politburo Standing Committee.
He wasn't likely to commit crimes and corruption directly.
It wouldn't have been safe.
He could also have destroyed all evidence
using his power at that time.
But I believe there must be evidence.
He had four major secretaries and some trusted aides.
One of them will confess.
It's just a matter of time."

Qiao Mu, associate professor of Journalism
at Beijing Foreign Studies University points out
that everyone knows who Zhou Bin's father is,
but no media outlets have pointed it out.
They just drop hints.

The authorities allow the media to do so,
which suggests that the authorities are using a different
tactic to deal with the Zhou Yongkang issue.

Qiao Mu, associated professor of Journalism at Beijing
Foreign Studies University: "In the past, with cases like
Bo Xilai, Chen Xitong, and Chen Liangyu, people weren't
made aware of it until Xinhua news agency's reports,
and it's impossible for other media to report on it.
But this time, I think the government may use the media
to create an atmosphere and leak some information.
This case may be more serious than people think."

Qiao Mu indicates that there are two possible ways
the authorities attempt to handle Zhou's case.
One is to just punish his (Zhou Yongkang's) secretaries,
his son, and his daughter-in-law's family.
The other one is to create an environment
by singling out his secretaries and son, so that people
won't feel Zhou Yongkang's punishment came
out of the blue.

Qiao Mu: "Think about it.
All of China's print media and mainstream media reported it.
Without permission from chief editors and the head unit
of Press and Publication, it's impossible for them to report
on it, although their reports are very skillful— reporting
Zhou Bin but not mentioning Zhou Yongkang."

Qiao Mu believes that authorities are using a purposely
ambiguous strategy, one which doesn't clearly implicate
Zhou, but signifies he's the intended target.

It depends on whether people accept it or not.

If the effect of the reports is good,
Zhou Yongkang is likely to be openly punished.
If there is a negative effect, it may not be made public.
Either way is possible.

Interview & Edit/Qin Xue Post-Production/Li Zhiyuan