【禁闻】曹顺利生命垂危 当局欲逃避责任













采访编辑/张天宇 后制/ 李勇

Cao Shunli close to death, authorities shun responsibility

Due to a lack of proper medical care during her time in detention,human rights activist Cao Shunli is now in a deep coma with serious illness and close to death.The news triggered concern and anger amongst human rights activists and other appealers.Cao Shunli's family members and her lawyer say,they will lodge a lawsuit against the perpetrators.The relevant governmental departments and staff who specifically persecuted Cao Shunli, will be targeted.

Cao Shunli obtained her Masters degree from the School of Law of Beijing University.She attended, for long periods at a time , sit-in protests at the
front gates of Beijing's office of Foreign Affairs Ministry.This was mainly due to the fact of the rejection of her application for reviewing and writing to the United Nation's Human Rights Report on China.

In September last, on her way to Geneva for her training of the UN's human rights, Cao Shunli was confidentially arrested at the airport and was then
severley persecuted for half a year whilst in detention.

Liu Xiaofang, a close friend of Cao Shunli's confirmed to NTD,at 10am March 1 2014, Hospital No. 309,where Cao Shunli is being treated,notified her family members to urgently go to the hospital,because Cao Shunli is already in a deep coma and her life is now only maintained by a respirator.

Liu Xiaofang: "Suddenly her family were notified without warning,via a phone call: her status is in an emergency state, and that they should hurry to the hospital as soon as possible.Her younger brother then rang me and I went to the hospital.Now she is extremely weak.Her internal organs are dramatically fading with ascites (fluid in the abdomen) with very bad body indicators.Her life is completely maintained by medicine.

The time when her life can maintain, will depend on her life motivation."

Cao Shunli's lawyer and relatives all agree that the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) authorities have an inescapable responsibility.

Her lawyer Wang Yu says,Cao Shunli previously had a liver disease.After she was illegally confined by the authorities with the crime of "provoking quarrels and making trouble",the detention centre refused her application for a medical parole on many occasions.Furthermore, the medicine she brought with her to take,
were forcibly confiscated.This has lead to a dramatic change and aggravation
to her existing illness,eventually leading her to a status of close to death
and now in a severe coma.Then the detention center informed her family and unexpectedly urged her family to sign the medical parole as soon as possible.

Liu Xiaofang: "Previously, after the lawyer visited and interviewed her, the lawyer said her health was very bad.Then we submitted the application for medical parole,but failed. However, at such a critical moment,she laid down and entered in to a coma, then she was urged to have a medical parole.Apparently, they ( CCP) want to escape from the responsibility."

Mainland social activist Hu Jia:"The police informed us Cao Shunli was close to death and urged the application for a medical parole.You can see how shameful they are! When she was confined in the detention center,she was tortured without effective medical treatment and caring.Until she is close to death and struggling at the deadline,then she is permitted a medical treatment.At such a critical moment, the police tried to escape from all the responsibilities via a medical parole."

On Feb. 27, on the condition that Cao Shunli's family refused to sign the medical parole, Beijing police still forced the decision of medical parole
for Cao Shunli, refusing to disclose the guaranteed identity.

Meanwhile, the news that Cao Shunli is now close to dying has been met with wide spread concern.Many appealers across the country voluntarily tried to
see Cao Shunlin in hospital, Unfortunatly they were all blocked, and placed under house arrest and confined by the authorities.

Liu Xiaofang: "There are many people outside of Beijing wanting to see her,
and the police are mobilized to intercept any visitors at the first line of defense when they arrive at the ward. They also use violence for that purpose. I witnessed more than 20 visitors with 7 or 8 policemen intercepting.
Before that, some Beijing local residents went to see her,and around a dozen of them have been confined.The so called crime they have committed is,'disturbing the public order of the hospital'."

On March 3 2014, more than 10 human rights lawyers,including Cao Shunli's lawyer, published a joint public appeal letter,which required the Beijing police authorities, to at once release Cao Shunli and other visitors coming to see her,
to open the real diseased status to the public and investigate the legal representation of all relevant persons responsible for the persecution of Cao Shunli and friends.

Hu Jia also appealed that the current status and the persecution procedures of Cao Shunli,should at once be made known to relevant bodies, such as UN
Human Rights Commissioner and his members.To let them know, what lengths CCP will go to violate human rights in China,and that CCP is well and truly an enemy of human rights.

Hu Jia urged the CCP authorities to publish the truth of Cao Shunli's status of being close to death.If there is no one held responsible for such an incident,
then similar incidents will uninterruptedly and more frequently occur again and again.

Interview & Edit/Zhang Tianyu Post-Production/LiYong