【禁闻】学者促火化毛泽东遗体 满足遗愿

【新唐人2014年03月08日讯】中共的“两会”期间,中共党史专家章立凡和北京律师浦志强在网络上公布一份提案,要求火化中共第一代党魁毛泽东遗体,并且说这是毛泽东的生前遗愿。浦志强向本台记者表示,无论是从满足死者遗愿,还是从遵循 “入土为安”的传统风俗,或是反思历史的角度,都应当火化毛泽东遗体。

一九五六年四月二十七号,毛泽东撰写《倡议实行火葬》一文,并且在火葬倡议书上签字。倡议书说,“凡是赞成火葬办法的国家机关 工作人员,请在后面签名。凡是签了名的就是表示,自己死后一定要实行火葬。后死者必须保证先死者实现其火葬的志愿。”




提案也指出,毛氏当政以后,违背在野时的民主宪政承诺,先后废弃建国《共同纲领》和国家宪法,建立起个人独裁和个人崇拜。他长期 以阶级斗争和各种政治运动治国,造成“大跃进”的经济灾难和上千万人非正常死亡的大饥荒﹔并将全国人民拖入长达十年的“文化大革命”浩劫。








采访编辑/秦雪 后制/李勇

Call for Incinerating Mao's Remains according to His Unfulfilled Wish

During this year's sessions of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) National People's Conference (NPC) and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), Zhang Lifan,a historian researching the CCP's history, and Beijing laywer Pu Zhiqiang published an Internet motion for cremating Chairman Mao Zedong's dead body and stated this was Mao's lifelong wish.

Pu Zhiqiang told our reporter, Mao Zedong's dead body should be incinerated either from the view of realizing the unfulfilled wish of the deceased,
or following the traditional ritual "Burial brings peace to the deceased",
or even examining history.

On April 27 of 1956, Mao Zedong wrote an article "Call for Implementing Cremation"and signed an initiative of cremation.The initiative says, "all public employees agreeing to cremation are requested to sign. All those people with signatures on the initiative agree to allow cremation for themselves after death.The later deceased must secure the cremation wishes
of the earlier deceased."

Mao Zedong first signed himself on the initiative.Following Mao, Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, Deng Xiaoping etc.all signed with a total of 136 signatures.
The initiative is compiled into the sixth volume of Mao Zedong's Manuscripts After 1949.

The motion says, the current way of dealing with Mao's remains violates Mao's wish"must execute the cremation after death".In addition, all other co-signers have not fulfilled the agreement "The later deceased must secure the cremation wishes of the earlier deceased".

Such a result not only violates the agreement from a legal perspective, but also disobeys the traditional rituals "Dead men are heavier" and "Burial brings peace to the deceased." Either in ancient society or in modern society,to publicly exhibit a dead body for a long time is uncivilized and inhuman.

Pu Zhiqiang: "As the central axis of China,Tian'Anmen is located with such a building Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall, which is actually not compliant with Chinese traditional culture. In the past, in Beijing there is almost no such sort of tomb on the central axis from Jiang Hill's Bell & Drum Building
to Tiantan & Tian'Anmen.The emperors of the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty were buried in Ming Tombs and Eastern Qing Tombs, which are exclusively used for burying emperors.So putting Mao Zedong's remains in such a place first violates Mao's wish, and secondly disobeys Chinese traditional rituals and rules."

The motion also points out, after Mao took power,he broke the original promise of implementing democracy and constitutional politics which was made
before the CCP took power.He rejected the "Common Program" of establishing a new country and the National Constitution,and then developed his personal monocracy and adoration.For a long time he ruled the country via class warfare and all sorts of political movements, which resulted in the economic disaster of "Big Leap" and the Great Famine with the unnatural deaths of millions and millions of Chinese people.

He also plunged the entire country and people into the havoc of the Cultural Revolution for a ten-year period.

The motion points out, the authorities maintain Mao's remains and evade the historical questioning, which is adverse to examining history
and deepening reform, as well as to the social progress of China.

Pu Zhiqiang: "In China, all major political movements including Anti-Rightists, Suppressing Anti-Revolutonists Cultural Revolution and a series of other movements of going against the historical trend were all launched by him.
Mao's body has been put there without cremation,and this actually produces a sort of split into the people's psychological thinking.In my heart, Mao Zedong is not better than Hitler.In fact, when we criticize Japanese not wanting to
examine history, we tend to say that Germany reflected on the history of Nazis slaughtering Jews.However, does China reflect on the history of Mao Zedong
poisoning the world? Actually, no."

The motion suggests cremating Mao's remains and the ashes passed to his family to bury in his hometown.The Chairman Mao Memorial Hall will be transformed
into "China's Museum of Cultural Revolution".

Pu Zhiqiang says, they hope the representatives of NPC & CPPCC will consider the motion.But till now there is no representative to liaise with them.

According to investigation, four national leaders'dead bodies of monocratic countries have been moved out from crystal coffins.Czechoslovakia's leader Gottwald's remains were cremated in 1956 by the new leaders of the country.
In 1961 the 22nd Plenary Session of the Soviet Union Communist Party approved a proposal: Stalin's dead body was moved out from the crystal coffin. Bulgaria Communist Party leader Dimitrov was moved out and cremated by his family in 1990.Mongolia leader Choibalsan's dead body was cremated in 2005,.

Lenin's dead body was largely rotten from an early time.In order to prevent the rotten body from affecting the head, the technicians had to take away
Lenin's head and install on a man-made body, and then cremate his body.It is reported that "there is only 10% of Lenin's dead body saved in Lenin's tomb."

Some comments say: the deceased with a preserved body will be never obtain peace and a new birth; the dead body is often handled in many ways and soaked with chemicals, and the once proud body is now researched and experimented on by experts and doctors;more tragically, if one day such a so-called great figure
becomes the outlet for people's anger the dead body is whipped and boneshattered, then what a tragic event it is!

Interview & Edit/Qinxue Post-Production/LiYong