【禁闻】官员财产申报制又试点 敢动真的?





















采访/易如 编辑/宋风 后制/萧宇

Another CCP Official Asset Declaration Test Program Reported:
Is This One Real?

In its 18th National Congress, the Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) described corruption as a threat to the entire regime.
Since then many “flies” or “tigers”—officials – have fallen.

However, these efforts are nearly useless,
as corrupt officials are seen everywhere in China.
Many “tigers” and “big tigers” are still active
on China’s political stage.
Recently, it was disclosed that some Beijing officials
revealed that the city is working on a property declaration
system for party officials.

Similar things have also been reported in Guangzhou.

Will the CCP be serious this time in suppressing corruption
by establishing an official asset declaration system,
or the “sunshine law”?

Let’s look at the following report.

Li Shixiang, Executive Vice Mayor of Beijing, announced
on March 7 that the city is currently working on a system
for officials to declare their assets; all municipal leaders
have begun to register their property information.
The questions to answer include “where do I live?”,
“How large is my house?”, “Is it commercial or distributed
by government?” and “who is the house owner?”
Li said the registration work is in progress.

However, Li did not mention whether the information
will be kept confidential with the CCP regime
or made available to all Chinese people.

Recently, Guangzhou also started a test program
in Nansha District, where all officials higher than
divisional-level are required to declare their assets
to the public.

Chris Wu, China Affairs magazine editor-in-chief:
"It has yet to become a law.
If it is a law then you have to abide by it.
Otherwise you will be put into prison.
The CCP has not made it a law.
So it is still a “family rule” inside the party.

As early as the 1990’s, the CCP has included
“Asset Declaration Law” in its legislative plan.
However, the plan had been suspended
due to strong opposition.

Since the mid 90’s, the party had repeatedly required
officials above the divisional-level to declare their income.
Furthermore, since 2010 all officials above county-level
have to register more personal information,
including properties, investment, job positions held by their
spouse and children, the status of their business and others.
Test programs were run in 27 cities or counties
all over China, including Qianjiang District
and Jiangbei District in Chongqing, Yinchuan City in Ningxia,
and Huai’an City in Jiangsu.

On the other hand, declaration of officials’ assets remains
a tough task.

Wu Fan, editor-in-chief of China Affairs magazine,
said there is no doubt that the asset declaration
test programs for officials are inspired by higher-ups.

Wu Fan: ”The move is made to change public opinion
about the party’s corruption, as they never announce
the truth about assets of party officials
and their embezzlement.
But the question is who will be responsible
to verify the announced numbers?
Are they reliable?
Is there any hidden truth behind what is declared?”

Among the CCP’s political circles, the localities always
have their countermeasures to policies made by higher-ups.
This can be seen from many media reports.

For example, Gong Aiai, nicknamed the “House Sister,”
is former deputy head of a rural bank in Shenmu County
of Shaanxi Province and a People’s Congress deputy
to Yulin City.
She registered three false households.

Between 2005 and 2012, she purchased 44 houses in Beijing,
including shops, offices, apartments and residences.
The total amount of her house purchase contracts
has reached over 390 million Yuan ($64 million).

In addition, Zhao Haibin, known as the “House Grandpa,”
is a former party committee member
of public security bureau in Lufeng, Guangdong.

He also reportedly owned 192 properties
purchased with two identities.

Wu Fan commented that without establishment
of an anti-corruption law and supervision by media and all
Chinese citizens, no measures will ever be effective, as they
are only used by the party when it is under media pressure.

Zhao Yonglin, Chinese Human Rights Lawyer: “Days ago
when I submitted an application for lawyer defense
in Northeast China, my application was denied by the court.

I was told that non-local lawyers are not allowed
to be defense agents.
I asked, ‘how can you say that? It is completely legal’
They said, ‘There is no law about this,’ ‘Locally we just follow
our rules’.”

Zhao Yonglin commented that under the current CCP
political system, even if there is a clearly defined law,
it means nothing to party officials who never
take the law seriously.
The law will never be effective when you try to execute it.

Zhao said without external pressure, so-called
self-supervision will never result in fairness
as there are numerous ways to conceal the truth.

Zhou Xiaozheng, professor of sociology at Renmin University
of China once said that the real solution to the CCP’s
corruption still has to be “caging off the power
with a legal system.”

Zhou said it is a must to completely follow the principle
of “rule by the law”; all organizations and agencies,
including militaries and powerful governors,
must act within the restrictions of constitution and law.

But the reality is the party has put asset declaration activists
into prison, including Liu Ping from Jiangxi and Beijing legal
scholar Xu Zhiyong, although Liu and Xu’s activities
should be completely protected by the CCP’s constitution.

By doing that, the CCP has already made up its mind
on the issues of officials’ asset declaration
and constitutionalism.

Interview/YiRu Edit/SongFong Post-Production/XiaoNing