【禁闻】城管VS摊贩夏俊峰 谁比较“危险”?












网民“Jian Alan Huang”发推特分析,如果夏俊峰不死,从判决当天开始,城管就得成批的被砍死在街头,这就是为甚么夏俊峰必须死。



唐吉田:“ 似乎通过杀人就能够实现社会安定,那他讲这个话从另一方面也给这些恣意妄为的执法者,包括城管在内的去站台,或者撑腰,意思是只要你们执行长官的命令,就会有人给你们撑腰,给你们消灾等等。”


采访编辑/李韵 后制/舒灿

Who Is More Dangerous: Urban Management Officials Or Street Vendor Xia Junfeng?

The fatal stabbing of urban management officials (chengguan)
by Xia Junfeng, a Shenyang street vendor, aroused
concern at home and abroad.

Xia was executed in 2013.

On March 12, Zhou Qiang, the President of the Supreme
People's Court, said of the Xia case, "This sort of person
is very dangerous if we don't kill them",
"They will cause chaos under the sun".
Analysts criticize that chengguan for placing themselves
above the law and wonder why Zhou didn't mention their violence.
Xia brutally killed chengguan, but civilians said it's good,
Xia wasn't a dangerous man.
Zhou Qiang deliberately supported
the thuggish chengguan.

On the afternoon of March 11, Zhou Qiang joined the Hunan
delegation panel discussion during the National Congress.
He mentioned Xia Junfeng's case.

Xia Junfeng ran a kebab stall
with his wife on the street.
On May 16, 2009, 10 chengguan came to the stall.

Sources say that the chengguan confiscated Xia's gas tank,
and threw kebabs on the ground.
Xia resisted, and was then beaten by these chengguan.

According to Xia's lawyer Teng Biao, Xia was dragged
into an office and was continuously beaten.
Xia then took a fruit knife out from his pocket
and stabbed three officials.
Later two of them died.

Teng Biao said that the court rejected
six witness testimonies.
These witnesses could clearly prove
that Xia's act was out of self-defense.
However, the court only accepted
the chengguan's testimony.

Zhou Qiang said: "This kind of person will be very dangerous
if we didn't kill him.
It's likes two people quarrelling at home,
and one kills the other.
If this is considered self-defense, society will
become chaotic."

Zhou's words aroused strong controversy.

Netizens questioned: Would Xia be dangerous if he
hadn't been executed?
Well, the danger is the officials' feeling.
Chengguan have killed so many innocent people,
but which official has been executed?
Aren't those officials really dangerous?
Isn't casually sentencing a person dangerous?

More netizens questioned: "The law enforcement officials
can put themselves above the law,
why doesn't Zhou talk about their violence?"

Some netizens pointed out: "The law has never maintained
the standard of justice and principle, but is a tool to maintain
the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) rule."

Chen Yongmiao, a Beijing-based lawyer: "Zhou Qiang's
remark actually has manifested that
the current law is like a handle of a knife for the CCP,
it is not down to the law itself.
Whether to kill Xia Junfeng or not is not the issue,
they first need to take care of its officials, then
they can casually sentence Xia to death.
They don't care about the justice or not."

Beijing activist lawyer Tang Jitian points out
that Zhou Qiang just used a street vendor
and chengguan's identities to emphasize that without
killing Xia, the country would be chaotic.
This is nonsense.

Tang Jitian: "To cause chaos in the country isn't dependent
on Xia's death, but depends on whether they can deal with
the case in fairness or not.
Especially when they deal with a death sentence,
they must eradicate corrupt custom of using two standards
between the officials and the civilians."

On Sept. 25, 2013, Xia Junfeng was executed.

The news evoked a strong public outcry
throughout the county.

The outraged public questioned why when the former
high-ranking official Bo Xilai's wife, Gu Kailai murdered
a British businessman, wasn't she given a death sentence?
Why does the regime just kill the lower citizens?
Is this a special privilege for the political elites?

Netizen Jian Alan Huang tweeted that if Xia Junfeng
hadn't been executed, then a group of chengguan
would be killed on the street.
This is why they must kill Xia.

Tang Jitian: "From disclosed information by defenders
of Xia Junfeng, we noticed that the case
has a defensive nature, in the verdict, the court didn't
effectively respond to defenders' questions.
From a legal procedure point of view, especially the last
review of Xia's death sentence, the openness isn't enough."

Tang Jitian points out that Xia Junfeng has been
illegally executed, but that the sentence didn't even follow
the policy of insisting on killing a little and killing carefully
in applicable death penalty.
Zhou Qiang's claim that without killing Xia, the country
will be chaotic, is just for the needs of the dictatorship.

Tang Jitian: "It seems to achieve a stability of a society
they have to kill.
His words, from another point of view, are supporting
the thuggish officials including chengguan.
In other words, as long as one follows CCP officials' orders,
someone will certainly support one and clear one's trouble."

Tang Jitian suggests that Zhou Qiang spoke CCP officials'
words from his heart –in appointing officials in the court
or procuratorate it just needs to be observed whether one
listens to the CCP's order or not, but their professional ethics
and professionalism don't need to be considered.

In addition, these people are under the management
of the CCP, if this model doesn't change, there will be more
ridiculous words out of officials' mouths.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Shu Can