【禁闻】两办案律师被拘 各界紧急营救

【新唐人2014年03月24日讯】两办案律师被拘 各界紧急营救





台反“服贸”欲占行政院 被强行驱离




米歇尔访华 大陆维权人士被旅游





Mainland Has Emergency Rescue For Detained Lawyers

Mainland human rights lawyers Tang Jitian, Jiang Tianyong,
Wang Cheng and Zhang Junjie were detained after three days
in the process of handling cases by the authorities in Jiamusi.

Until now, Tang Jitian and Jiang Tianyong have been in
administrative detention for 15 days; there is no information
about Wang Cheng and Zhang Junjie.

On March 23, some lawyers and citizens rushed
to Sanjiang in support.

Meanwhile, the mainland activist Teng Biao also launched an
online flash action to coordinate a rescue for the human rights
lawyers who took a risk to fight for the rights and freedoms of
others for a long time.

They agreed to release the information about Jiansanjiang black
jails and illegally detained human rights lawyers using a text,
appeal, photos, comments and more at unified time with unified
labels in all possible network channels.
Channels such as micro-blog, Twitter, Facebook, micro-
channel, easy to believe, blog, forum, paste it, etc.

Protesters Protested at The Executive Yuan Against The
Trade Agreement

On March 23, Taiwanese protesters launched a mass action
again and occupied the Executive Yuan protesting against the
Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement.

The police forced the people to leave using their shields.

According to Hong Kong Apple Daily, the dispersal actions
injured 52 students at around 1am.
One student was still lying on the ground shouting in protest.

The Mainland Chinese 1989 June 4 student movement leader
Wang Dan used facebook to call on Taiwan president Ma
Ying-jeou to respond to student requests in good faith;

To calm the situation and protect the students’ safety; not turn
it into another Tiananmen Square massacre .

Mainland Activists Removed During Michelle Obama’s
Trip to China

According to mainland Human Rights Defenders, activists
were restricted on freedom and forced to travel away.
It included Shandong petitioner Lu Qiumei, Xu Dali and
Chengdu petitioner Wang Rongwen who were removed
during the US first lady Michelle Obama’s trip to China.

Lu Qiumei and Xu Dali have a one-year US visa.

However, Xu Dali’s passport was canceled at the exit making
their hopes to be in the US together lost.

They petitioned in Beijing and were removed to Hangzhou.

Chengdu petitioner Wang Rongwen is missing
with no information
