【禁闻】中央地方矛盾激化 官媒曝平度血案
















采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁 后制/孙宁

Governmental Grievance Intensifies with Arson Killing

A murder case erupted in Pingdu city of Shandong Province where villagers were killed by arson. Local authorities were suspected of destroying the evidence by
hurriedly cremating the deceased. Rather than blocking the news, Chinese media went into detailed reports on the case. Analysts believe grievances of land grabbing and forced demolition as well as the conflicts between the CCP central and local governments have intensified so much that it shakes the rule of the CCP.

At 2:00 AM on March 21, a tent in Pingdu, Shandong suddenly caught on fire, resulting in one death and three injured. They were four villagers on guard for their land.

Local villagers told the Epoch Times, suspects poured gasoline around the tent.
Villager Geng Fulin, in a conscious state, died instantly of the fire.

On March 22 morning, Pingdu officials announced: Victims were isolated villagers who disagreed with the village committee's allocation of land profit.

This fire on March 21, suspected arson, is under investigation.

However, prior to the announcement, more than 200 police arrived at the scene and took away the body of the deceased and hastily cremated it.

Villagers on guard at the scene revealed that there were about a
dozen of villagers with just a few shovels. They could not protect the deceased body from more than 200 riot police.

However, the official denied it and claimed: The police helped to transport the body with the relative's consent.

Zhang Enguang, a Shandong resident: "The government, instead of investigation, was in a hurry to cover, to suppress, and to cremate the body. Why? That means they are guilty.

In their mindset, cremation will destroy everything, the evidence."

Victim Geng Fulin's brother Geng Fuchun told Radio Free Asia that he was told by a relative that the locals have demanded his cooperation with the government and the public security bureau.

Chinese media, The Mirror, reported that local Party Committee held an emergency meeting on the night and dispatched groups of staff to conduct work at the victims' relatives.

Hua Po, Beijing politics watcher: "It is obvious that local government is the culprit. They paid a price of 75,000 yuan per acre but sold at 1.23 million
yuan, nearly 20 fold profit. Now this incident: the government first claimed someone died of fire and was reluctant to deal with it. Later, they had to admit the suspicion of arson, but immediately destroyed the body and silenced the victim's relatives by paying them."

Zhang Enguang: "They did not admit to snatching the body with 200 police.
But it is very clear that they appease and coerce the victims' families.
Those relatives at the hospital dared not answer reporter's questions.Obviously, they were threatened and enticed with the money. "

State media such as Xinhua and People's Daily have reported the murder case. Beijing Times and Beijing News also had in depth reports of the case.

Hua Po: "It illustrates the battle between the central and the local governments. Xi Jinping's reforms have tackled one of the major interest groups,
that is, the local governments. Each local government's finances rely on the land, by grabbing and selling. After the murder case erupted, local governments such as Shandong provincial and Qingdao municipal have been quiet, but the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has accepted this report against the local governments. The conflicts between the central and local have become
increasingly intensified."

Since 2010 when Pingdu local government engaged in urban renewal projects, violence has erupted through the forced demolition by the underworld.

Last August, Caixin reporter Chen Baocheng was detained for "crime of false imprisonment". He was charged with helping villagers against forced demolition.

His case has caused great concern to the legal profession, the media and the general Internet users.

Hua Po: "The outrageous land acquisition and forced demolition have become the leading contradiction that threatens the foundation of CCP rule.

Xi and Lee want to stop it from continuing, but local governments want to continue for their own needs. The contradiction has become irreconcilable."

Hong Kong's Oriental Daily commented that in China, the root cause of the escalating blood shed during the anti-land acquisition was that local officials colluded with the underworld.

The means employed to grab lands have gone mad from breaking
doors, to throwing bricks, using choppers, gas, and even arson.

Interview/Zu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/SunNing
