【禁闻】北大青鸟折翅 高层涉土地股权纠纷
















采访编辑/唐音 后制/萧宇

Beida Jade Bird Group Involved in Land Equity Dispute

One of the four Peking University enterprises, Beida Jade Bird
Group, has recently run into trouble.
The President Su Daren was investigated in March and
the chairman Xu Zhendong is currently taking refuge
in a Hong Kong Hotel because of involvment
in a prime land equity dispute in Beijing.
Some scholars and analysts say Beida Jade Bird's business
trouble is a symbol of the chaotic political and
economic situation in China.

Let's take a look.

Media in China and Hong Kong have reported largely on
March 7 that the chairman Xue Zhendong of Beida Jade Bird
Group has been staying in Hong Kong for nearly a year; while
president Su Daren has been under investigation since March.
The cause is associated to land equity in prime Beijing areas.

Beida Jade Bird Group, a subsidiary of Peking University,
is a state-owned technology company founded in 1994.

In 2000, Beijing City Construction Group (BCCG) bought a plot
located in the Beijing prime area near Dongzhimen Subway Station.
BCCG worked with other enterprises to develop the area.

BCCG owned 54% shareholding, the local district government
subsidiary company owned 10%, the remaining 36% equity
was held by rest of the partners.

Since then, the companies in the project have been involved
in lawsuits over money and equity for the past four years.

With help from the Beijing Municipal Government,
Beida Jade Bird acquired 90% stakes of the BCCG
and received the land rights.

On March 7, publisher China Business said Singapore-based
investment holding company Guoco Group had acquired one
of the BCCG partners in 2007, and is thus involved in
the land dispute with Beida Jade Bird.
After several years, there is still no resolution on the ownership
of the project even after a few legal confrontations between
Beida Jade Bird Group and Guoco Group.

Sources say that Guoco had reported to Beijing through official
channels in Singapore, and thus Su Daren has since been under
investigation and Xu Zhendong taken refuge in Hong Kong.

Beijing political commentator Hua Po says land is the largest
resources in China, and is entirely controlled by the CCP.
In Jiang Zemin's era, land rights began to be transferable;
Therefore, the interest groups including princelings have all
competed for the lands.

Hua Po, Beijing political commentator: "There must be problems
and struggles among the interest groups about the spoils.
This year, the state audit will investigate the local governmental
land-transferring fees and accounts. Surely some of their dark
secrets will be uncovered.
They must have all lived in fear,
and some of them have thus run away."

Sources say that Su Daren is the second butler of He Jinlei,
son of former Politburo Standing Committee member He Guoqiang.
He Jinlei was once the chief operating officer
of Beida Jade Bird Group.

Hua Po: "Xu Zhendong is just a small fry.
He is just the fox next to the tiger.
These types were the first to be hit in the crackdown;
so he needs to take a hike quickly."

On Dec. 31 last year, Zhejiang's procuratorate confirmed media
reports that Vice President Chu Jian of Zhejiang University was
arrested for alleged embezzlement of hundreds of millions of
state-owned assets in the university enterprise management.
Commentators say that his arrest exposes the chaos of
enterprise management in mainland Chinese colleges.

Feng Xingyuan, Deputy Director of Beijing Unirule Institute of
Economics: "In principle, university teaching funds can not be
used for investment. That would be misappropriating public funds.
However, almost all universities have this problem because of
these university-owned enterprises."

By the end of 2000, Beida Jade Bird Group has had five listed
Xu Zhendong is a graduate of Peking University and has
served as general manager or chairman in several companies.
He has served as the chairman of the board
in Beida Jade Bird Group for more than a decade.
He is also the executive director for a number of
Beida Jade Bird Group listed subsidiaries.

Feng Xingyuan: "The nature of this issue is that the
misappropriation was not for personal usage,
but for the need during business expansion.
It is more appropriate to conduct administrative sanctions than
the criminal sanctions.
It is not an issue as simple as just arresting a few people."

Peking University discipline inspection department says
they are not aware of the incidents involving Xu Zhendong
and Su Daren.

They also claimed that if the two were taken away by other
Judiciary or the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection,
they would not have known about it.

Interview & Edit/Tang Yin Post-Production/Xiao Yu