【禁闻】中国导演协会大奖空缺 敲响警钟














采访编辑/秦雪 后制/李智远

China Directors Guild Sound Alarm: Declines to Award ‘Best Film’ and ‘Best Director’ to Short-List.

On April 9, the Chinese Director Guild should have
awarded it's annual ‘Best Film’ and ‘Best Director’.
Surprisingly, however, the jury, led by Feng Xiaogang,
chose not to give any of the short-listed films an award.
One judge, mainland director Wang Xiaoshuai told
reporters that they hope to sound an alarm by doing this.
They want to not to just look at the money made by the film,
but to give more respect to the artistic component of the film.

On April 9, the annual awards ceremony for
the Chinese Directors' Guild was held in Beijing.
Feng Xiaogang, Chairman of the jury, announced that they
had not awarded any film with ‘Best Film’ or ‘Best Director’.
Feng explained that the decision was out
of director’s conscience and respect for art.
“The awards should not be about
our own enjoyment and satisfaction.
Rather, it should set a standard
that everyone must strive towards.
They can only attain this by standing on
their tiptoes and reaching with all their might.”

Netizens speculate that the Chinese Director’s
Guild is making a stand against film censorship.

Wang Xiaoshuai, one of the
directors on the jury, spoke to NTD.
There is no relationship between censorship,
and the choice to not give these awards.
The jury thought that the five short-listed
films failed to meet the standard.
They hope to evoke more respect for the film industry itself.

More respect for movie creation and movie
art, as well as a films market performance.

Wang Xiaoshuai, Mainland Film Director:
“Recently, we have seen the whole box office rising.
Even the audience and people from the movie industry said
that some films with good box office ratings are poorly made.
Lots of money is made through popular movies, and more
and more the industry will start to create films just for money.

Wang Xiaoshuai said they might try to make
more money after the film is marketed, or the
making of the film is decided by market demand.

This might create ‘fast food’ type movies, or ‘quick buck’ type
movies, which have a big difference in terms of production,
story, artistic skills, screenwriting, and directorial expression.

In addition, he also believes film censorship
makes a film lose it’s nature, and it’s essence.

Wang Xiaoshuai:”Censorship will influence China’s
development if it has too much impedance on imagination
or creates forbidden zones for the directors’ creation.

Wang Xiaoshuai comments that in recent years, the
Chinese film industry has suffered from a double pressure.
Censorship and market pressure.

It’s very hard in China to make a movie, because it may
enter the forbidden zones of censorship or subject matter.

Some speculate that the leaving the award
vacant was in protest against Beijing's decision
last year to block the release of ‘A Touch of Sin’.

‘A Touch of Sin’ is a film by acclaimed director
Jia Zhangke. and was initially submitted for
consideration for the Directors' Guild awards.

It was withdrawn late last month, according to a
microblog posting by Jia's production company.
“Since we aren't able to provide the China Directors'
Guild with a DVD or online copy of 'A Touch of Sin',
we have applied for the film to be withdrawn.

A Touch of Sin involves subject matter of social injustice,
rampant violence and other dark sides of Chinese society.
It has won several awards at the
international Cannes Film Festival.
It could not be released as scheduled
in mainland China in last October.
Wang Xiaoshuai said the movie withdrawal is
probably because the movie failed to release.

Chinese cultural critic Ye KuangZheng said
the China film box office is growing every year.
It exceeded 100 billion yuan last year, with
increases in the theater cinema circuit.
However, most audiences went to see imported films.

Ye KuangZheng:”The subject matter includes ethnic
issues, religious issues and some major historical events.
These subjects are all restricted, although
the Chinese people are interested in it.
So there is no creative space, not to mention market space.

It really hurts the Chinese movie industry,
because we can only operate in a narrow space.

Ye KuangZheng said that filmmaking technology or special
effects in Chinese films are far behind Western counterparts.
The only particular growing space
for Chinese films is in the theme.
The result is US films will take more and more
places in the Chinese film market because
popular China themes are restricted by censorship.

China in terms of