

















采访编辑/李韵 后制/郭敬

CCP Criticized For Canceling Human Rights Dialogue With UK Government

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has
accused the British government of interfering in
the party's internal affairs by using human rights.
It subsequently cancelled it's April 16 human rights dialogue.

Analysts suggest the CCP's human rights abuses
and its many crimes against humanity will be
exposed if human rights dialogue is opened.

Therefore, the CCP falsely blames others interfering
in internal affairs, to cancel any human rights dialogue.

The Guardian reported on April 14 that the CCP accused
the British government of making irresponsible comments.
The accusations extended to that of interfering
in internal affairs, by using human rights issues.
The CCP has cancelled a human rights dialogue with the
British government that was scheduled on April16, 2014.

A British Foreign Office spokesman expressed
disappointment over the cancellation of the dialogue.
He said that the UK regards this human rights dialogue
as an important and essential part of Sino-British relations.
Currently, the UK is negotiating a new dialogue date.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry also responded that
for the next round of bilateral human rights dialogue,
the UK should stop making irresponsible remarks.
It asked that it stops using human rights
issues to interfere in CCP internal affairs.

The Tibet Society, supporting freedom in Tibet,
disclosed information on its blog about this incident.
The cancellation of the dialogue is due to the
UK's involvement in China's dispute with an NGO.
The dispute occurred during a recent
UN Human Rights Council (HRC) session.
The CCP was very unhappy about this incident.

On March 20 in Geneva, the UNHRC voted on the
Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of China's human rights.
During the session, an NGO organization
called International Service for Human Rights
(ISHR) proposed to hold a minute silence.
This was to remember the dead Chinese human rights
activist Cao Shunli, but Chinese officials protested .

Throughout the course of the meeting, representatives
of the U.S., Britain, Germany, Canada, Estonia, Ireland,
and France, expressed support for the NGO's proposal.

These countries spoke repeatedly about
their concerns over the Cao Shunli case.
Germany urged the CCP to investigate
the death, and punish those involved.
The U.S. expressed disappointment over
the CCP's refusal to co-operate with the NGO.

Beijing Human Rights Activist Hu Jia points out
that the CCP Foreign Ministry canceling the dialogue
reflects it's own fears of it's crimes being exposed.
Cao Shunli's death is shameful for the Chinese authorities.

Hu Jia: "The authorities are angry and ashamed, and
not able to explain this, nor know how to handle this.
It adopts the approaching of shielding itself, and
blames others for interfering in it's internal affairs."

Hu Jia goes on to mention that the CCP cannot
respond to criticism from the international community.
So, it simply falsely accuses others.

Cao Shunli had a Masters Degree
in Law from Beijing University.
She took part in a sit-in protests outside
China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
She was asking to participate in writing
China's human rights reports last year.
She was arrested in September 2013. During
her detention, her health deteriorated sharply.
Cao Shunli's family and lawyers applied many
times for medical parole, but were all rejected.
Eventually, she entered into a coma, and
she was sent for emergency treatment.
Cao Shunli passed away in Beijing
hospital on March 14, 2014.

Cao Shunli's death caused shock
and anger inside and outside of China.

The UK government issued a statement stating
that UNHRC members should observe and
maintain the highest human rights standards.
They strongly urged the CCP authorities to ensure
all prisoners receive adequate medical care.
They also called for the CCP to release all prisoners
who are jailed for exercising their constitutional rights of
freedom of expression, right of association and assembly.

Hu Jia said that the CCP canceling the human
rights dialogue with the UK reveals the regimes
resistance and denial to the international society.

Hu Jia: "This country is ruled by what they want and
don't want. You cannot simply comment on human rights.
You cannot set up a mirror in front of them, as they
will smash it because of seeing how ugly they are."

Hu Jun, founder of China's Rights Movement says
that, as a member of the UNHRC, the CCP has
persecuted a writer of a human rights report to death.
From this, you can imagine the
human rights situation in China.

Hu Jun: "The regime persecutes human rights.
It is anti-humanity. Once a human rights
dialogue is open, truths will be revealed.
If its evil crimes are exposed, it will face collapse.
In order to protect their privileged position and power to kill
at will, CCP officials will hold onto the regime by any means."

Hu Jun said that each day the CCP continues
to exist, it will be a disaster for China's human
rights, and for human rights internationally.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Guo Jing