【禁闻】中日开战比肌力 还比甚么?














台湾“台海安全研析中心”主任梅复兴对《自由亚洲电台》表示,如果中、日发生军事冲突,中国要嘛与日本打个平手, 要嘛略占点便宜。而美国不会坐视不管,并且会支持日本。因为一来有《日美安保条约》的规定, 二是美国至少在可预见的未来,没有打算放弃自己在亚太地区盟主的地位。


采访/陈汉 编辑/周平 后制/李勇

A Sino-Japanese War: Competition or Not?

U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel
recently visited China.
He paid attention to the dialogue with China. He also
strengthened the military alliance with the United States,
in the Asia-Pacific region.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Central Military
Commission Chairman Xi Jinping met Hagel on April 9.
He said both sides should adhere to principles such as mutual
respect, no conflict or confrontation, and win-win cooperation.
However, recent news stressed that the military spending and
tough regional action disturbed the neighboring countries.

Over the years, China's military spending increased with
double-digit growth rate.
The CCP announced the $131 billion defense budget
in March 2014.
This is more than twice the spend compared to Japan, and
second to the United States.

The CCP showed its strength by actively carrying out military
equipment modernization.
According to a report published by Center for a New American
Security (CNAS), the CCP is also developing a "customized
stress" strategy.

The "Defense News" also published an article – "China's
comprehensive military modernization and customized stress"
on Apr. 14.

The report quoted Tony Bettinger from AMI international
consulting company who said that the Chinese naval
modernization has taken about 20 years.

A fleet of ocean-going vessels were developed to support
forcible attention in the first and second island chain of China.
A long-term control policy in these waters was
developed at the same time.

He said: "The Chinese navy and prospective maritime forces
(including the Coast Guard and other maritime safety vessels)
are showing confidence to perform such a strategy in the South
China Sea and East China Sea.
The confidence was reflected in the aggressive action of
China on the Spratly Islands issues with Philippines and the
Diaoyu Islands issues with Japan."

Will there be a military conflict due to the Diaoyu Islands
sovereignty dispute between China and Japan?

Ding Shufan, professor of the College of International Affairs,
Chengchi University: "I do not think there is a war on over the
Diaoyu Islands.
Both countries used the increased nationalism or sentiments
as a tool for internal political mobilization.
This increased tension was put out as a means to solve
domestic political issues.
If a small-scale military conflict occurred, It might not be to
the best benefit of China.
However, it could become another problem if the Japanese
are able to take the advantage of it in a long term."

Wenzhao, a NTD commentator analyzed that a long-term
and large-scale war brings nothing to the current CCP.
The CCP may create some unexpected events, e.g. sinking
Cheonan and shelling Yeonpyeong island.
Then the CCP could claim victory for the Chinese people.

Wenzhao: "Diaoyu Islands includes only a few uninhabited
desert islands.
The islands are overseas without defenses. If the CCP seized
the island, there would be a battle between China and Japan.
Only after one party suffered a decisive loss, could it create
permanent concessions on the sovereignty issue.
The cost of this local war is very high, and the consequences
are far-reaching and complex.
So, both sides should not have such an intention."

With the huge military spending and the "customized stress"
strategy of the CCP, what can the U.S. do?

Recently, "Voice of America" quoted U.S. military official
Whistler's words in "Stars and Stripes":
"If we are ordered to retake the Diaoyu Islands, can we do it?
Of course we can.
But I want to tell you, how do we recapture it? Could this
sort of situation happen?
All this is just pure speculation and estimation."

Wenzhao said that the U.S. does not want to start a military
conflict with a country holding nuclear weapons.

Commentator Wenzhao: "There is no desire for war for the
U.S. and Japan.
I mean the large-scale conventional war. The CCP has some
speculative mentality.
The way of thinking is closer to North Korea. The situation
is as long as the CCP does not seize the island, large-scale
military confrontation is unlikely to happen.
There could be small friction in the peripheral waters between
one or two aircrafts or vessels, this risk is relatively high."

Mei Fuxing, the director of Taihai Security Research Center
told Radio Free Asia that, if there was a military conflict
between China and Japan, they could play for a draw, or
China could take some advantage of it.
The U.S. will not sit idly by – it must support Japan.

There is the "Japan-US Security Treaty", and the U.S. did not
intend to give up its position in the Asia-Pacific region at least
for the foreseeable future.

Mei Fuxing said, if the U.S. and Japan stand on the side, it will
be hard to say what the result of the war will be.

Interview/Chen Han Edit/Zhou Ping Post-Production/Li Yong