【禁闻】国安会以政治为本 泄“党国”机密














釆访编辑/唐音 后制/李勇

State Security Council Oriented to politics, Leaking Confidentialities
of the CCP Regime

The debuted "State Security Council (SSC)" of the Chinese
Communist Party (CCP) regime,
has recently uncovered its mysterious veil.
On April 15, the CCP Head Xi Jinping, hosted
the debut meeting of SSC.
In the meeting, the SSC published its detailed information.
Including organization property, mission and tasks.
responsible fields and involved departments etc.
Let's have a look at it.

It is reported that the SSC is a key unit of Central Committee
to the CCP.
Its task is to develop so-called holistic national
security strategies,
and deal with major crisis events and secure the national safety.

The involved departments include police, military police,
judicial, national security,
Second Command and Third Command of People's Liberation
Army (PLA), General Staff Department(GSD),
Military Intelligence of PLA and GSD, Liaison Department
of PLA General Political Department,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Foreign Propaganda Office etc.

The so called national security system of SSC's framework,
covers 11 areas of security.
Included in it are, political, military, economic, cultural, social,
scientific and technical,
information, ecological, resource and nuclear aspects.
Among them all, political security is the fundamental one.

Some public opinions question, that the authorities have negated
so many of the security issues,
and placed higher importance upon "securing national security
as the foremost important issue".
Yet placing little importance upon "Fate Community".
Does this reflect, China's society is in a very insecure place?

American political commentator Lan Shu of NTD:
"In addition to political security, if they want to pursue
securities in other areas, they cannot achieve that.
Other security issues result from the political security.
Due to the nature of CCP, the political aspect is
extremely corrupt.
In other words, it is because of the corrupt nature of CCP
and its politics,
that produces the unstable elements within the society
of China today".

Lan Shu analysed, the CCP attempts to look for other
security aspects,
and then maintain the current regime's security.

Lan Shu: "The more security existing within and around
the existing political regime,
the more unstable all aspects of China's society becomes.
Because the most fundamental conflict of the current society,
is between the CCP and Chinese people.
Such a conflict cannot be resolved by the existing regime.
The longer this regime remains in power, the greater the
conflict between the people and the government.
The dis-ease between both parties, grows deeper
and unstable."

Social Professor of Remin University of China Zhou
Xiaozheng told VOA,
China is a high-risk society, from nuclear security to food
security and drinking water security, especially the air.
Laughingly he said: “Haze becomes a most sensitive word.
Now someone says, haze cannot be spoken aboutfreely.
The remainder of bad elements within society,
continue to interfere.
So now even 'Haze' has been labelled a political issue.

Mainland media recently removed one of its sayings,
that CCP is facing its most perilous times in all its history.
But the news report compares the CCP's State Security
Council (SSC),
with such counterpart institutions of the US and Russia.

South Korea-based Korea Daily analyses, China's SSC is not
like the US or Japan's counterpart national security
conference bureau, which are responsible only for
foreign affairs and security issues.
China's SSC is a "New Power Department"
involving all fields.
Evidence is: Xi Jinping is appointed as Chairman of SSC,
Li Keqiang and Zhang Dejiang as the Deputy Chairmen.
A diplomatic information source told Korea Daily:
SSC is similar to the Grand Council of Qing Dynasty,
and directly responsible for the persons with highest power.

However, CCP seemingly highlighted the objectives of
establishing SSC,
are identified as "being centred with people's security".

The official media publicly says on the editorial,
"such a security saying is relatively easy
for the people to accept".

So how to explain the contradicted definition of "Political security
is the fundamental" and "being centred with peoples security".

American political commentator Wu Fang:
"They just use it as a political slogan and make the
ordinary people accept it.
Political security involves the regime of the CCP,
can the CCP realize such an aspect?
No the CCP cannot! Why? Its entire ruling system and those
officials, only focus on making money,
then they flee away once making enough money.
The Government has seen all these unsafe facets."

Xi Jinping paid attention to the relevant units
of State Security.
On April 9, he inspected the military police's special police
college at a suburb in Beijing,
and conferred the "Eagle Attacking Squad" banner
to anti-terrorism special police.
On April 14, he observed the performance
of Air Force Office Command,
and highlighted the importance of air forces in national security
and military system strategies.
On Mar 15, Xi Jinping hosted the debut of National
Security Committee.

Interview & Edit/Tang Yin Post-Production/Li Yong
