【禁闻】中越边境爆冲突 7人死亡

【新唐人2014年04月19日讯】中越边境爆冲突 7人死亡




超二百律师施压 王全平出狱


王全平为抗议中共审判“新公民运动”系列案件,独自从广东驾车到北京旁听丁家喜案庭审,并在车上涂写“岂有此理 要求官员公开财产也有罪?”等标语。4月8号下午,王全平刚到海淀法院门口就被警察带走。


高智晟生日前夕 美议员谴责中共


裕元鞋厂罢工游行 警方暴力镇压





7 Die In Shooting At China-Vietnam Border

On April 18, at least seven people were killed during a China-
Vietnam border conflict.

Vietnamese authorities detained 16 Chinese people, 10 men,
four women and two children, entering the country illegally
in Quang Ninh province, according to regional government.

A Chinese man being repatriated from Vietnam along with
15 other migrants seized a gun from a border guard on Friday.
This triggered a gunfight and standoff in which five Chinese
and two Vietnamese guards died.

The Vietnamese government did not say whether the
Chinese fatalities included women or children.

Wang Quanping is Released Due to Pressure From
Two Hundred Lawyers.

On April 17, lawyer Wang Quanping held by Beijing police
was released on bail to Guangdong following support from
over 200 lawyers.

Wang Quanping drove alone from Guangdong to Beijing to
attend Ding Jiaxi case trial. In the car he scribbled a note
saying it is grossly unfair to be guilty of requesting officials
to make assets public etc.
On the afternoon of April 8, Wang Quanping was taken
away by police when he arrived at Haidian courthouse.

After the incident, mainland lawyers strongly supported him with
251 lawyers volunteered to defend Wang Qianping.
Hunan lawyer Yang Jinzhu part of thousand lawyers
defense team and said, "Chinese lawyers are endless catching!"

U.S. Congressman Condemned the Chinese Communist Party
on the Eve of Gao Zhisheng's Birthday

There has not been any news of Mainland human rights
lawyer Gao Zhisheng detained in Xinjiang Shaya prison for
15 months. April 20 is his birthday.

On April 17, U.S. Congressman Smith issued a statement to
condemn the Chinese government human rights abuses.

Police Violently Suppressed Yu Yuan Shoe Factory Strike

On April 18, Dongguan Yue Yuen Shoe Factory strike was
violently suppressed by Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
police and dozens of people were taken away with 6 injured.

According to Radio Free Asia, nearly 20,000 workers planned
to march against illegal arrests by the CCP when authorities
arrested people in the plant.

However, the parade had not officially started but was
blocked by large numbers of police.
The people were subjected to violence. Witnesses said at
least 5 or 6 people were beaten unconscious and removed.

Some striking workers said the CCP deliberately lured
workers out of the factory gate to protest because the
government cannot suppress them inside the factory.

Edit/Zhou Yulin