







美国白宫在2012年10月1号发布声明说,白宫网路日前遭到骇客攻击,但遭入侵之网路为非机密的区域网路,没有机密资料被窃走。但根据美国保守派媒体《华盛顿自由灯塔》(Washington Free Beacon)报导,一名不愿透露姓名的白宫官员透露,骇客是由中国政府所指使,于9月初就“骇进”白宫网路,并成功侵入最机敏的军事指挥系统,企图偷取美国核弹的指挥控制密码,是中国骇客至今最大胆的攻击行动。








采访/朱智善 编辑/周平 后制/陈建铭

Chinese Hackers Read Australian MP Letters

Dozens of Chinese hacker organizations have been detected by
A Western computer security agency many years ago.
These organizations were suspected of state support and of stealing
trade secrets.
However, the Communist regime has routinely denied the
allegations and claimed that itself was a victim of American hacker

Recently, the Australian media reported that Chinese hackers
from within China have invaded the Australian Parliament's computer
system and read personal e-mails for a year.

According to Australian Financial Review's report on the 28th,
the Chinese intelligence agencies that penetrated Australia's
parliamentary computer network in 2011 may have been inside
the system for up to a year and had access to MP's emails.

It was reported that Chinese agencies obtained remote, system
administrator access to the Parliament's computer network,
which "effectively gave them control of it".

It is said the breach was much more serious than what was
previously believed.

In March 2011, The Australian newspaper and other media
outlets reported that China was suspected of accessing, for more
than a month.

In September, 2013, Chinese hackers were reported to have broken
into the computer systems of foreign ministries of five European
according to research from California-based cyber security
company FireEye.
The report did not name the targets

Back in 2008, Chinese hackers reportedly broke into a White
House computer network and obtained emails between
government officials.
In 2011, hackers based in China were reported again to have
broken into Google Gmail accounts belonging to employees
working in the White House, according to the Wall Street Journal.

The White House announced on October 1, 2012 that the cyber
attacks occurred and breached a network used by the White
House Military Office, and no infiltrations of data took place.
However, according to the Washington Free Beacon,
the cyber attack was considered one of the most aggressive the
Chinese hackers have conducted for sensitive military
intelligence managed by the Office,
including strategic nuclear commands.

Zhang Jian, China's social problems researcher: "The main target
of the cyber attacks are foreign government agencies, intelligence
units, high-tech companies, and the banking systems.
I don't think any of these cyber attacks is simply an attack,
but continuous tests of its war without smoke.
It is targeting everything. The reported is only the tip of
the iceberg."

The Communist Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang
responded to the Australian media reports with the routine:
He said, the Chinese are also the victim of the cyber attacks,
and denied the Australian media's accusation.

Zhang Xinyu, Global Information Freedom Movement founder:
"One of the objectives is to obtain each government's information.
It is intelligence work with the use of internet technology.
That's what the Communist is about.
Knowing that people will find out and the medial will ask,
he (Qin Gang)has done his homework on the responses.
Parroting the same tune, just like a puppet machine."

Activist Zhang Xinyu indicates that the CCP has utilized all sorts of
means to collect intelligence.

Zhang Xinyu: "Previously it was the special agents. For example,
there were 1,500 Chinese spies in Australia, around 2,000 in
Canada, and more in the United States.
Now, in the Internet era, they engage in Internet espionage."

Zhang Jian: "Chinese hackers run on state facilities and
supported by national resources to penetrate on a large-scale.
With the use of worms and trojan horses to infect and invade
many more systems in order to steal a lot of highly advanced
and top secrets."

It was reported that the Australian parliamentary network is
which means it isn't used for secret communication,
so China got access to all emails, contact databases and other
documents stored on Parliament's computers.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/Zhou Ping Post-Production/Chen Jianming