【禁闻】曾伟返港受审 曾庆红被查传闻四起















时事评论员夏小强:“中南海博弈的焦点,依然围绕如何定罪周永康展开,习近平阵营和江泽民集团的矛盾冲突不断激化,曾庆红案成为习近平继薄熙来、周永康之后,打老虎的最新目标,被列为第二号专案。 ”



采访编辑/李韵 后制/李勇

Zeng Wei tried in Hong Kong—what of Zeng Qinghong?

Rich Chinese businessman, Zeng Wei, was caught in the US
after fleeing from Hong Kong three years ago.
Hong Kong's Independent Commission Against Corruption
says Zeng will be repatriated within two weeks.
Zeng Wei was once regarded as the son of Zeng Qinghong,
the Ex-Deputy Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party.
Recently, Zhongnanhai sieged Zeng from multiple angles;
media reports say Zeng Qinghong has been registered
for investigation by the Commission for Discipline Inspection
of the Central Committee of China's Communist Party (CCP).

Zeng Wei is 51 years old and a magnate of the Hong Kong
property field; he also operates hotels and golf playgrounds.
In 2011, he faced charges in a bribery case involving several
billion HK dollars and the Industry and Commerce Bank (ICB).
In July 2011, Zeng Wei fled Hong Kong
and two high-ranking ICB officials were jailed.

Since then, Zeng Wei has been wanted globally;
in January, he was arrested when he entered Saipan Island
using a pseudonym and a counterfeit passport.
On May 4th, an insider told HK South China Morning Post
that ICAC staff will be escorting Zeng Wei back to Hong Kong.

An insider on the case says Zeng Wei has no objection
to obeying the extradition request.

Several years ago, overseas media frequently exposed Zeng,
reporting that he was the son of Zeng Qinghong
and had spent A$32.4-million on a luxury house.

Zeng Wei published a statement in Hong Kong newspapers
clarifying that he was not related to Zeng Qinghong—
the "ex-member of the Politburo Standing Committee."

Chinese senior legalist Mr Zhao Yuanming says,
"whether he is the son of Zeng Qinghong or not,
if he committed a crime, he should be tried and punished."

Zhao Yuanming: "Whether they are related or not
is another matter; of course, if he's really Qinghong's son,
he's made a lot of dirty money by exploiting his father's
resources and family relationship.
But all the money belonged to the public; so as long as he's
violated the law, wherever he is, he should be punished."

Multiple overseas sources allege that Jiang Jiemin—
"double-regulated" ex-chairman of the Petro-China Board—
admitted using his power to curry favor with Zeng Wei,
giving Zeng A$32.4-million to buy a luxury house in Sydney.
Zeng later applied to renovate the house for five-million
but was refused by the local council.

It was also revealed that Zeng Wei was a magnate of
the Chinese petroleum and property fields.

Multiple overseas media have reported that Zeng Wei had
"singly pocketed the state-owned Luneng Electricity Group,
valued at 70-billion yuan", and had bought for ¥3.3-billion
the top company of Shandong Province—which was valued
at 110 billion yuan—and had transferred assets overseas.

Along with an in-depth investigation on the ex-head of
the Politics and Law Committee of the CCP, Zeng Qinghong
the 2nd figure of the "Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang's Coup"—
was brought to the surface.
Zeng Qinghong's family has controlled the petroleum, energy
and chemical industries for a long time.

Zhao Yuanming: "Zeng Qinghong is actually the accomplice
and the principal counsellor.
So Zeng Qinghong has committed a lot of wrongdoings
during the period of Jiang Zemin taking power and retiring,
like the massacre of the Kunming Railway Station incident;
he was involved in all such incidents.
Because he has plotted and commanded behind the scenes,
Zeng could certainly be the next 'big tiger' to be targeted."

The US-based Epochtimes newspaper reported that,
Zeng Qinghong had deliberately plotted the terrorism attack
in Kunming and Hong Kong, before the CCP's major sessions.
Zeng Qinghong seemingly appeared to support Xi Jinping
in investigating and punishing Zhou Yongkang,
but had plotted tricks on the sly to make turmoil.

The Epochtimes says Zeng is under internal investigation
by the Central Committee's Discipline Inspection Committee.
The recently frequent appearance of Jiang Zemin was
to lobby the ex-high-rank military officials, senior CCP heads
and the government, to collectively call for a stop to
Xi Jinping's investigation into Zeng Qinghong.
But Jiang Zemin's actions were rejected; most of the CCP's
high-ranking officials refused to appeal for Jiang Zemin.

Political commentator Xia Xiaoqiang says, recently Zeng has
always been absent from the CCP's major occasions,
and his family and trusted followers have been continually
under fire—the CCP Commission for Discipline Inspection
has locked onto Zeng Qinghong.

Xia Xiaoqiang: "The focus of Zhongnanhai is still
in centralizing how to identify Zhou Yongkang's crimes.
The conflicts have continued to intensify
between Xi Jiinping's group and Jiang Zemin's group.
Zeng Qinghong's case has been listed as the latest target
and the second special case, following Xi Jinping's attacks
on Bo Xilai and Zhou Yongkang."

Authorities have been sieging Zeng Qinghong from all sides—
in April, the Discipline Inspection Commission stationed
several hundred people at the State Grid Corporate of China
to inspect the board chairman Liu Zhenya, a follower of Zeng.
Liu had allegedly helped Zeng Wei with buying Shandong's
Luneng Group and had made 10-billion in profits.

In addition, a niece of Zeng Qinghong's wife, Wang Xiaoling
—the head of Guangzhou Discipline Inspection Committee—
was publicly reported for insider trading and corruption,
including dealings in Guangdong Media.
Song Lin, a secret follower in Hong Kong has been caught
and Zeng Qinghong's trusted follower and CCP chief,
Wang Gang has fled after being exposed of bribery.

Five key Chinese state-owned institutions in Hong Kong
and Macao controlled by Zeng Qinghong are being inspected.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Li Yong