【禁闻】朝鲜将崩溃? 中共军队制定应对预案
















采访编辑/李韵 后制/郭敬

Chinese Military's Plans to Cope With North Korea's Collapse

Speculation of North Korea's imminent collapse is spreading
since the No 2. North Korean Jang Sung-taek's execution.

It is said by Japanese Media that the Chinese military has a
contingency plan to respond to this possible collapse.

It is believed that Beijing will control the whole North Korea
situation with troops initially and foster Kim Jong-un's
brother to come into power.

On May 4 Japan's Kyodo News reported a leaked military
document suggesting China's military experts have set up
a number of measures in preparation for a possible regime
collapse in North Korea.

These measures include increased surveillance along
selected border areas and the establishment of camps, etc.

Kyodo News said the document was published last summer.

At the end of last year, the plans disrupted when the
second most powerful man Jang Sung-taek was executed
for launching a coup to overthrow leader Kim Jong-un.

The document noted that concentration camps for 1500
people each be established at various locations along the
border, with protection plans in place to prevent the
assassination of key military and political figures.

Key figures must be moved to a separate investigation
facility so they cannot command any military activity nor
join with other forces (already in China), it read,

American Chinese magazine China Affairs editor Wu Fan
pointed out that China's contingency plan has been in place
for a few years to cope with the collapse of North Korea
because of the threat from North Korea's nuclear weapons.
Especially since last year when Kim Jong-un executed
his pro-Chinese uncle Jang Sung-taek.

Wu Fan:" He (Kim Jong-Un) killed the pro-Chinese people,
making for a very tense relationship between China and
North Korea, so his rule is very difficult.
It means isolation that will cause civil strife since he
killed the people he can count on.
Actually China prepared another team to take over
Kim Jong-un and detain those people."

Political commentator Lan Shu said that Beijing has always
regarded North Korea as part of China;
It will not look at North Korea's downfall because the regime
collapse means the boundary between the democracy, free
world and the totalitarian world is closer to China.
Meanwhile, the exposure of the cruel totalitarianism ways in
North Korea is equal to exposing Chinese Communist Party.

Political commentator Lan Shu: "Because the North Korean
regime is completely based on the doctrines of Marxism and
Leninism is inseparable from the Chinese Communist Party.
To make the Beijing regime stable, Beijing will dispatch
the troops initially to control the whole North Korean
situation after the Kim dynasty's collapse."

Wu Fan:"It (the Chinese Communist Party-CCP) mentioned
setting up a concentration camp to detain those officials.
It means they will send Kim Jong-un's brother back to North
Korea in power and foster some new people in power stopping
North Korea and South Korea's unity.
They will let his brother rule with an economic reform and
opening to the outside managed by but still ruled by
another person from the Kim dynasty.
The CCP is likely to make North Korea the fourth
northeastern province.
I believe the CCP now intends to send the army to arrest
Kim Jong-un immediately once there are signs of trouble."

Kim Jong-un's brother Kim Jong-nam lived in both
Beijing and Macau for a long time.
South Korean media quoted government sources that once
named as a successor to Kim Jong-un, the people around him
planned to assassinate Kim Jong-nam.
But China warned that nobody can touch
Kim Jong Nam in China.

Russia's most authoritative national research institutions, the
World Economy and International Affairs released a report in
November 2011 which considered the North Korean regime
collapse a done deal.
North Korea's collapse accelerated with the death of North
Korean leader Kim Jong-il in December 2011.

In January 2014 Hong Kong Contend magazine reported that
the CCP Central Military Commission deployed the 38th and
27th Army; three mechanized infantry divisions from Beijing
Military stationed at the North Korea and China border.
This was to prevent the occurrence of unexpected events and
a large number of North Korean refugees arriving in China.

Korean Institute Dr. An Zanyi said: It is obvious a drill to
cope with North Korea's collapse.
China will use mobility equipment and ski troops that
adapt to the North Korean terrain.

The leaked documents also show that Chinese military have
launched an internal crisis management plan to cope with
unexpected situations such as a coup and so on.
According to the report, China also considered that a military
power such as the U.S. may enter China using the excuse of

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Guo Jing