【禁闻】中菲再现冲突 领土争端变相为海龟






中共官媒还说,进入2000年后,菲律宾不断强制扣押中国渔船、逮捕渔民,背后有很浓的政治意味。一般渔民被抓后,会被要求签一份“ 认罪书”,承认“非法越界到菲律宾海域捕捞”之类的罪名,从而变相让渔民承认菲律宾对南海海域拥有主权。














采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/陈建铭

China And The Philippines Clash Again

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has
clashed with The Philippines over Xisha oil exploration.
Reportedly, nearly one hundred ships were
involved in three days of repeated confrontations.
Chinese maritime police boats used water cannons,
and it is suggested that a war may be imminent.
The relationship between China and The Philippines
has also deteriorated over the South China Sea.
On March12, The Philippines prosecuted 11 Chinese
fishermen, who had been arrested in the disputed area.

This has led to increased tensions in the South China Sea.

The Filipino Judiciary charged the detained
Chinese fishermen for "illegal poaching" at
Puerto Princesa District Court of Palawan.

Reportedly, nine Chinese fishermen were
charged, and two minors will be repatriated.

Under Filipino laws, they will face 12-20 years in prison.

The fishermen were intercepted and
detained on May 6 by Filipino military police.
This took place in the waters near
the Nansha Islands Half Moon Reef.
The Philippines claimed they found 500 sea turtles
on the Chinese fishing boats, and detained the men.

China's state Global Times said that from information
published by The Philippines, there is no clear evidence
that the Chinese fishermen had caught sea turtles.

It is more likely they purchased the turtles from Filipinos.

Official state media also stated that The Philippines has
continuously detained Chinese fishing boats since 2000.
This reportedly has a very strong political overtone.

When fishermen are arrested, they will be asked
to sign a "confession" recognizing that they were
involved in "illegal fishing in Filipino waters".

This is to have the fishermen recognize The
Philippines' sovereignty over the South China Sea.

Professor Xia Ming, a political science expert
from U.S. City University in New York, points
out that The Philippines intends to announce
its sovereignty over these disputed territories.

It does so, by charging Chinese fishermen
catching and selling endangered turtles.

Xia Ming: "The Philippines not only arrested Chinese
crew members, but also citizens of The Philippines.
The prosecution can be based on "International Law",
rather than related to territorial disputes to confront China."

Xia Ming said that if the Chinese fishermen are given
a long-term sentence, the CCP will be humiliated.
Next, the CCP will certainly retaliate. The
South China Sea would see more conflict

On May 7 and May 9, a CCP Foreign Ministry spokesman
said that China has indisputable sovereignty over Nansha
Islands, including Half Moon Reef and it’s adjacent islands.

Any action from The Philippines against
Chinese fishermen are illegal and ineffective.

The CCP Foreign Ministry also warned The
Philippines not to take any provocative actions.
It also called for the unconditionally release
of the fishermen, and the return of their ships.
It also asked that The Philippines ensure
that no similar things will happen in the future.

The CCP Embassy in the Philippines
sent two officials to the court for mediation.

They demanded the fishermen be released,
and emphasized the location they were
fishing in was part of Chinese territory.

But The Philippines argues that they illegal
caught endangered species in a cross-border
area, and therefore rejected China's request.

The South China Sea is a vital sea channel
connecting China with the rest of the world.
There are more than 40,000 vessels
crossing the South China Sea each year.
In addition, preliminary estimates indicate that the South
China Sea oil reserves are as high as twenty billion tons.

From a strategic military perspective, controlling
Nansha Islands and the reefs is equivalent
to direct control of vital traffic in Asia.

In recent years, China has disputed this territory
with The Philippines, Vietnam and Malaysia.
China has had many clashes with The Philippines over this.

In 2012, the CCP and The Philippines had a confrontation
over Huangyan Island, which lasted over a month.
In March, 2014, The Philippines filed international arbitration
to the U.N., and submitted thousands of pages of evidence.

Clashes that were close to escalating war also occurred
between the CCP and Vietnam at South China Sea.
The CCP mobilized ocean surveillance ships and aircraft.

Professor Xia Ming says that China, The Philippines
and Vietnam, are using various strategies.
They are constantly testing each other,
to see how to benefit more in the territory.
Generally speaking, the South
China Sea conflict is intensifying.

Xia Ming: "They used non-territorial disputes such as
arresting fishermen smuggling endangered animals.
Or, they use China's development
of petroleum exploration wells.
They want to get relatively large concessions
on sovereignty over territory though small actions."

Xia Ming points out that the CCP has conflicts with all the
ASEAN countries, and the overall relationship is deteriorating.

Interview/Chen Han Edit/Song Feng Post-Production/Chen Jianming