【禁闻】中纪委高官频落马 王歧山清理门户


















采访编辑/李韵 后制/李勇

Central Discipline Inspection Commission Officials
Frequently Sacked.

The Central Discipline Inspection Commission (CCDI) website
announced that CCDI deputy director of discipline inspection,
Cao Lixin is alleged to have seriously violated the law and is
under investigation by the organization.

He is the second CCDI official under investigation since fourth
discipline room inspector Master Ren Weijian was sacked.
Several senior officials within CCDI have been
sacked since the 18th National Congress.

On May 19, The CCDI website posted that Cao Lixin is
alleged to have seriously violated laws and is investigated.
Mainland Caixin website reported that Master Ren Weijian
and Cao Lixin were taken for investigation in early May.

Cao Lixin was the sixth Director of discipline inspection
primarily responsible for maintaining discipline inspection
and supervision work in the North Area.
Cao Lixin was in charge of Shanxi.

In October 2011, Cao Lixin served as head of the commission
rate research group for research in Shanxi and other places.
The report quoted sources saying that Cao Lixin's restraint
may be related to the period when he was in charge in Shanxi.

This year, several Shanxi officials have been sacked.
The former deputy director of the Shanxi Standing Committee
Jin Daoming was sacked in February.
He worked at CCDI for more than ten years before serving
as the secretary of the Shanxi Commission in 2006.

Apparently Jin Daoming's sacking was for his involvement in
the Lvliang city Mayor Ding Xuefeng's title purchase case led
by former Secretary of the Central Political and Legislative
Committee Zhou Yongkang's son Zhou Bin.

In January 2014, Ding Xuefeng was taken away on suspicion
of being involved in the case of former Deputy Minister of
Public Security, Li Dongsheng.
In the meanwhile, several Luliang entrepreneurs were removed.

Cao Lixin's sacking is considered the second inner clean-up
by the secretary of the CCDI, Wang Qishan.
On May 9, the fourth discipline inspection Master Ren Weijian
was investigated due to alleged serious violation of the law.

Weijian served as deputy director of the the Central
Commission Discipline case hearing room and director
of the fifth Discipline Inspection room in 2008.

Weijian's investigation is related to being in charge in Sichuan.
Sichuan is considered Zhou Yongkang's place.
Since the Deputy Party Secretary Li Chuncheng's investigation
at end of 2012, several senior officials were sacked in Sichuan.

Zhang Jian, a U.S.-based China social issue researcher, said
anti-corruption agency officials' investigation into corruption
proved again that nine out of of ten officials are greedy and
there are no honest officials in China officialdom.

Zhang Jian: "Under the system, the phenomenon of anti-
corruption people themselves being seriously corrupt proves
sufficiently that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) day is
coming to an end. This is like a judge being a murderer."

Zhang Jian said that under the CCP totalitarian rule, it is like
asking a tiger for its skin for the CCDI officials to investigate
questionable officials without any supervision and restriction.

Zhang Jian: "In such evil CCP system, no matter how much of
a good guy a person or officer is, they can be gradually changed
into an irresponsible, corrupt and brutal person."

CCP media also acknowledged that China officialdom has a
reverse-out phenomenon where sycophants and corruption can
rapidly rise while the good can be pushed out without promotion.

In addition to Cao Lixin, Wei Jian, former Sichuan secretary
Li Chongxi from the CCDI, Shen Weichen, Jin Daoming,
Zeng Jinchun and Wang Yuanhua were CCDI senior officials
and involved in Zhou Yongkang's case.

U.S. political commentator Hu Ping pointed out that the left
hand is used against the right hand for the CCP to rely on the
discipline inspection department for anti-corruption.

Hu Ping: "They give outsiders a false impression about
making efforts on the selective anti-corruption.
But we all know those ready experiences such as free media,
independent supervision departments are much more effective.
No matter how high profile anti-corruption or how big the tiger
is, they are not truly anti-corruption as long as they don't follow
a correct path."

Zhang Jian believes that the CCP's high-profile anti-corruption
is to save the crumbling Communist regime.
The so-called anti-corruption is just a way of inner factions
fighting among themselves.

Interview & Edit/Li Yun Post-Production/Li Yong