【禁闻】京现“零首付”楼盘 房产泡沫破灭?












“中原地产”项目部总经理黄韬的博客文章指出:今年前几个月楼市的成交量并不理想,回升速度也比较缓慢, 开发商需要用各种促销的方式来消化库存。再加上今年银行放贷收紧,这使得房企更多需要靠走量来回笼资金。


谢田:“我估计效果不会太大, 每个人看到这种情况,降价在2、3线城市已经大幅度开始了,一线城市现在也已经开始,零首付意味着开发商急于脱手。在地产市场、任何市场都这样,崩盘的时候,或大幅度降价开始的时候,人们会采取一种观望的态度,期待市场的进一步下跌和崩盘。”




而谢田表示,“零首付” 是房地产开发商急于脱手卖掉房子,而给出的一种补贴,实际上就是一种降价,也就是房地产开始崩盘了。

采访编辑/易如 后制/钟元


Beijing Real Estate- Zero Down Payment Desperation

Since 2014, the Chinese property market has been suffocated
with a glut of real estate inventory, sluggish sales, and a sharp
drop in transaction volume.

The market is awash with various promotional activities.
Recently, ‘Zero Down’ was launched in Beijing.
What is the significance of the Zero Down in the first-tier
cities such as Beijing?
How different is the Beijing’s Zero Down compared to the Zero
Down during the subprime mortgage crisis of the U.S.?
Will the Zero Down revitalize the housing market?
The following is our experts’ analyses.

Mainland media reported on the 20th that the first Zero Down
payment was shown in Beijing.
Real estate agents proposed that buyers will get financial
support as well as other discounts.

In the Greater Beijing area, lower-cost promotions were also
heavily promoted recently.

Prior to May 1, developers in Guangzhou also advertised
slogans such as“Move in with zero down payment”.

Duan Shaoyi, Beijing Normal University MBA instructor and
economic columnist: “It is the eve of the real estate bubble
burst, many people are aware of it.

They are hoping that the promotion will push up sales and
reduce the losses in the future bubble burst.”

Professor Frank Xie, University of South Carolina Aiken
School of Business: “The market crash has actually already
started in the 2nd and 3rd tier cities.

It looks like the first tier cities such as Beijing can no longer
sustain the bubble either.
The Zero Down lending from the bank signals a huge risk.”

In March 2007 when the U.S. subprime crisis erupted,
the“zero down payment” and “zero documents” were initiated
by then Democratic Party to promote homeownership rates
and to relax lending requirements.
Lenders were allowed to purchase houses with no funds,
no proof of ability to repay, only proof of income.

China financial critic Yu Fenghui wrote that while the housing
prices are falling, real estate is entering the frozen downturn,
the “zero down payment ”is running a greater risk than the
U.S. subprime mortgage crisis.

Professor Frank Xie indicates that back then, the U.S. housing
bubble and “zero down payment” appeared almost simultaneously.

Professor Frank Xie:“The zero down payment in the United
States was targeting essentially the poor and the low-end houses.
Whereas in China, the‘zero down’appears in the high price
properties of Beijing.
That means the pressure on China's real estate market is far
more severe than what the U.S. had endured then.”

Earlier, there have been many developers in third and fourth
tier cities pay for the “down payment” for buyers in order to
speed up the inventory turnover and improve sales.

A general manager of a real estate company, Huang Tao,
pointed out on his blog: The transaction volume has been
sluggish for the past few months.

The recovery is slow.

Developers have tried all types of promotions to push up the
The tightening of bank lending this year forces businesses to
rely heavily on the total sales to recover their funds.

Will the zero down payment stimulate the current housing
market and sales?

Frank Xie:“I doubt the benefits of the measure. Everyone sees
that the price cut is big in the second and third tier cities.
The first tier cities have also started, even with the zero down
which means that developers are anxious to get rid
of their inventories.
It is a norm in the crash of any market, including the housing
market, that people will wait and wait during the big price cut,
and expect further decline and finally collapse of the market.”

Beijing Normal University MBA instructor Duan Shaoyi
indicates that the real estate bubble had misled the Chinese
to believe that only dealing in houses will profit the most.

He thinks otherwise, because houses are abundant in China.

Duan Shaoyi: “My advice is to sell the house as soon as
In the place where I live, 70% of the houses are occupied by
mice, 20% by house nannies, and only 10% by the real owners.
This housing bubble should have burst long ago.”

Duan Shaoyi predicts that in two years, the housing bubble in
China will bust.

Frank Xie says that in fact, zero down payment shows the real
estate developers are eager to get rid of the houses,
and it is a form of price cut,
which means the collapse of the real estate has started.
