【禁闻】北京10万小贩助“反恐” 网友笑翻

【新唐人2014年05月31日讯】“六四”前夕 中共到处抓人



“六四前夕”鲍彤被带走 不知去向



北京10万小贩助“反恐” 网友笑翻






China's Continuing Arrests Over The June 4 Anniversary.

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of the June 4 Massacre,
arrests and restrictions of activists continue to be widespread
throughout China.

The tensions were also seen in Hong Kong.

A scholar from Taiwan planned to participate in the June 4
Forum in Hong Kong but was refused entry on May 30.

Beijing's well-known human rights activist Hu Jia, initiated
the 'Back to Tiananmen' activity.
He also left a message on Twitter on May 30 saying that the
prison door has opened for him once again.
He could not stay at home with the family during the holiday.

Police Take Bao Tong Away Prior To June 4

On May 30, Deutsche Welle reported that police visited Bao
Tong, political secretary of former Chinese Comunist Party
General Secretary Zhao Ziyang.

The police took him away from Beijing, but did not specify
where to, said Bao Tong's wife Jiang Zongcao.

Bao Tong was put in jail for 7 years on charges of leaking
secrets prior to the June 4 Massacre of 1989.
He has been under house arrest since his release.

Beijing Organizes Civilian Troops for Anti-Terrorism

In addition to the political tensions related to the June 4
memorial, Beijing's anti-terrorism campaign has also
caused a lot of confusion.

Mainland media reported that Beijing people initiated a
civilian anti-terrorism campaign.
The “100,000 Troops”made up of street vendors, shoe repair
men, produce sellers, newspaper sellers, etc. will work with
850,000 elderly people wearing red armbands patrolling the
streets to collect intelligence and form an anti-terror network.

Upon the report, netizens laughed:“It is ridiculous to rely on
the elderly citizens to fight terrorists.”
It was also said: “An absurd spy war thriller is officially
being staged in Beijing.”

Along with the anti-terrorism Troups, measures to
control matches, lighters, and gas were also issued.
Netizens questioned if Beijing is really fighting against
terrorism or simply directing a 'farce'.

Edit/Zhou Yulin