时事评论员邢天行:“ 白龙尾岛,是现在的热点,是《环球时报》爆出来的,是中共党媒自己来证实自己卖国确凿无疑的证据,所以大家在热传它。”
旅美中国问题评论人士李善鉴:“ 江泽民在中共台上的时候,为了获得国际对他的支持,他有非常多不得人心的政策,他通过各种方式,对很多国家都出卖了中国的领土。 这些事情连续还会有人往出揭。大家越来越意识到它(中共)天天以爱国的名义来镇压它认为对它政权有威胁的民众。它本身才是中国最大的卖国贼。”
邢天行:“ 这个卖国的罪责,江泽民是继承者,前面是毛泽东、周恩来,最后这一届是江泽民。所以它综合起来,真正的是中共在卖国。为了他们所谓的共产这个东西,为了他们私人集团的利益,不顾中国这么多年的主权、民族利益这些东西,全部不顾了。”
采访/朱智善 编辑/王子琦 后制/肖颜
News Article Exposing Jiang Zemin’s Treason by Giving
Up Territory Becomes Hot Again.
As tensions between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
and Vietnam spiked again recently, an article previously
published by the CCP’s media Global Times became
popular again in China.
The article “unintentionally” exposed a story of secret
treason of Jiang Zemin, who gave Bach Long Vi Island to
Vietnam when he was the CCP leader.
Just recently, a comment was posted on Weibo,
the Chinese social network.
The author attached a photo of Global Time’s
commentary published last March.
The commentary said the CCP always valued the
“China-Vietnam friendship” very much.
When marking off the boundary in the Beibu Gulf (Gulf of
Tonkin) between the two states, the CCP gave Bach Long Vi
Island to Vietnam.
The Global Times commented that Vietnam was ungrateful
for the CCP’s “kindness” in recent years, and had even gone
further in violating China’s interests in South China Sea.
The author of the post, “DanDan’s Huaihuai 3”, wrote a
message saying “This is giving land as a present instead
of discarding it”.
Some netizens commented that they felt angry
when forwarding the news.
According to a CCP official report, the CCP and Vietnam
signed the Sino-Vietnamese Beibu Gulf Demarcation
Agreement on December 25, 2000.
In the treaty, the CCP formally ceded Fushuizhou Island
(Bach Long Vi Island in Vietnamese) to Vietnam.
It was Jiang Zemin, the former CCP secretary-general
who signed the treaty.
Currently the report has been deleted from the Internet.
Xing Tianxing, political commentator: “Bach Long Vi Island
is a popular topic now.
The story was first exposed by the Global Times.
It is the CCP’s own mouthpiece media that offered
irrefutable proof of the treason.
So many Chinese are talking about it.”
Li Shanjian, China affairs commentator:”When Jiang was
head of the CCP, he made a lot of bad decisions to get
support from the global society.
He sold China’s land to many countries in different ways,
and those facts will be continuously revealed in the future.
The Chinese begin to realize that the CCP keeps suppressing
ordinary people who are considered threats to its regime.
The CCP does that in the name of patriotism, but actually
the party itself is the biggest traitor of our country.”
On December 9, 1999, Jiang Zemin signed a "Treaty between
the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on
the East and West boundary of China and Russia," with the
visiting Russian President Yeltsin in Beijing.
By signing this treaty, Jiang handed over a million square
kilometers of land to Russia, which is the same area as
Northeast China (Manchuria).
The treaty also allocated the estuary of the Tumen River
to Russia, which blocked China’s path to the Sea of Japan.
Such a big decision was concealed by Jiang
against the Chinese people.
It was Russia that first announced the treaty several years
after it was signed.
On July 16, 2011, Jiang Zemin signed the “Treaty of Good-
Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation” with Russian
President Putin.
The treaty acknowledged that an area of about 700 square
kilometers around Haishenwai (Vladivostok) would be
permanently ceded to Russia by the CCP.
Commentator Xing Tianxing said, all CCP treason acts in
its history had been spreading among Chinese years ago.
Although many netizens heard about it, they don’t fully
believe the stories and always worry that those are rumors
created by foreign sources.
Xing Tianxing: “They just don’t know that according to
International Law, all our territories ceded to other
countries such as Russia by unequal treaties are not
acknowledged by the global society.
We can definitely get them back at the right time.
However, once someone represents our state and signs
treaties, he will permanently give the land to others.
The Chinese people have no knowledge about this from
the brainwashing propaganda by the CCP.
Nobody teaches them about this.”
As early as 1950, the CCP former leader Mao Zedong
and Premier Zhou Enlai had a meeting with Stalin
in Moscow and the Soviet Foreign Minister Vyshinsky.
They signed a secret “treason treaty” there, which formally
acknowledged independence of Mongolia.
It also gave the Soviet Union privileges in Northeast China,
permitting Soviet militaries to stay in China during wartime,
and promised to deliver tens of millions of Chinese workers
to the USSR.
Even Mao himself had called the treaty “humiliating”.
Mao had also easily given territories and resources as
presents to neighbors like the USSR, Myanmar and India.
Xing Tianxing: “Jiang Zemin succeeded Mao Zedong
and Zhou Enlai’s crimes of treason.
He was the last CCP leader to do that. So put altogether it is
the CCP that betrayed our people.
For their Communistic ideal, and interests of their own group,
the CCP completely ignored China’s sovereignty and national
interests for all these years.”
A netizen named “Renmin Zhu Hexie” made
the following angry comments on Weibo:
“All their (CCP) crimes since the first day they took power,
would have to be brought to justice;
Those who ceded our territory to others would be tried
if they are alive, or their bodies whipped if they are dead.
Or be given everlasting shame on monuments
if they don’t have any bodies left!”
时事评论员邢天行:“ 白龙尾岛,是现在的热点,是《环球时报》爆出来的,是中共党媒自己来证实自己卖国确凿无疑的证据,所以大家在热传它。”
旅美中国问题评论人士李善鉴:“ 江泽民在中共台上的时候,为了获得国际对他的支持,他有非常多不得人心的政策,他通过各种方式,对很多国家都出卖了中国的领土。 这些事情连续还会有人往出揭。大家越来越意识到它(中共)天天以爱国的名义来镇压它认为对它政权有威胁的民众。它本身才是中国最大的卖国贼。”
邢天行:“ 这个卖国的罪责,江泽民是继承者,前面是毛泽东、周恩来,最后这一届是江泽民。所以它综合起来,真正的是中共在卖国。为了他们所谓的共产这个东西,为了他们私人集团的利益,不顾中国这么多年的主权、民族利益这些东西,全部不顾了。”
采访/朱智善 编辑/王子琦 后制/肖颜
News Article Exposing Jiang Zemin’s Treason by Giving
Up Territory Becomes Hot Again.
As tensions between the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
and Vietnam spiked again recently, an article previously
published by the CCP’s media Global Times became
popular again in China.
The article “unintentionally” exposed a story of secret
treason of Jiang Zemin, who gave Bach Long Vi Island to
Vietnam when he was the CCP leader.
Just recently, a comment was posted on Weibo,
the Chinese social network.
The author attached a photo of Global Time’s
commentary published last March.
The commentary said the CCP always valued the
“China-Vietnam friendship” very much.
When marking off the boundary in the Beibu Gulf (Gulf of
Tonkin) between the two states, the CCP gave Bach Long Vi
Island to Vietnam.
The Global Times commented that Vietnam was ungrateful
for the CCP’s “kindness” in recent years, and had even gone
further in violating China’s interests in South China Sea.
The author of the post, “DanDan’s Huaihuai 3”, wrote a
message saying “This is giving land as a present instead
of discarding it”.
Some netizens commented that they felt angry
when forwarding the news.
According to a CCP official report, the CCP and Vietnam
signed the Sino-Vietnamese Beibu Gulf Demarcation
Agreement on December 25, 2000.
In the treaty, the CCP formally ceded Fushuizhou Island
(Bach Long Vi Island in Vietnamese) to Vietnam.
It was Jiang Zemin, the former CCP secretary-general
who signed the treaty.
Currently the report has been deleted from the Internet.
Xing Tianxing, political commentator: “Bach Long Vi Island
is a popular topic now.
The story was first exposed by the Global Times.
It is the CCP’s own mouthpiece media that offered
irrefutable proof of the treason.
So many Chinese are talking about it.”
Li Shanjian, China affairs commentator:”When Jiang was
head of the CCP, he made a lot of bad decisions to get
support from the global society.
He sold China’s land to many countries in different ways,
and those facts will be continuously revealed in the future.
The Chinese begin to realize that the CCP keeps suppressing
ordinary people who are considered threats to its regime.
The CCP does that in the name of patriotism, but actually
the party itself is the biggest traitor of our country.”
On December 9, 1999, Jiang Zemin signed a "Treaty between
the People's Republic of China and the Russian Federation on
the East and West boundary of China and Russia," with the
visiting Russian President Yeltsin in Beijing.
By signing this treaty, Jiang handed over a million square
kilometers of land to Russia, which is the same area as
Northeast China (Manchuria).
The treaty also allocated the estuary of the Tumen River
to Russia, which blocked China’s path to the Sea of Japan.
Such a big decision was concealed by Jiang
against the Chinese people.
It was Russia that first announced the treaty several years
after it was signed.
On July 16, 2011, Jiang Zemin signed the “Treaty of Good-
Neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation” with Russian
President Putin.
The treaty acknowledged that an area of about 700 square
kilometers around Haishenwai (Vladivostok) would be
permanently ceded to Russia by the CCP.
Commentator Xing Tianxing said, all CCP treason acts in
its history had been spreading among Chinese years ago.
Although many netizens heard about it, they don’t fully
believe the stories and always worry that those are rumors
created by foreign sources.
Xing Tianxing: “They just don’t know that according to
International Law, all our territories ceded to other
countries such as Russia by unequal treaties are not
acknowledged by the global society.
We can definitely get them back at the right time.
However, once someone represents our state and signs
treaties, he will permanently give the land to others.
The Chinese people have no knowledge about this from
the brainwashing propaganda by the CCP.
Nobody teaches them about this.”
As early as 1950, the CCP former leader Mao Zedong
and Premier Zhou Enlai had a meeting with Stalin
in Moscow and the Soviet Foreign Minister Vyshinsky.
They signed a secret “treason treaty” there, which formally
acknowledged independence of Mongolia.
It also gave the Soviet Union privileges in Northeast China,
permitting Soviet militaries to stay in China during wartime,
and promised to deliver tens of millions of Chinese workers
to the USSR.
Even Mao himself had called the treaty “humiliating”.
Mao had also easily given territories and resources as
presents to neighbors like the USSR, Myanmar and India.
Xing Tianxing: “Jiang Zemin succeeded Mao Zedong
and Zhou Enlai’s crimes of treason.
He was the last CCP leader to do that. So put altogether it is
the CCP that betrayed our people.
For their Communistic ideal, and interests of their own group,
the CCP completely ignored China’s sovereignty and national
interests for all these years.”
A netizen named “Renmin Zhu Hexie” made
the following angry comments on Weibo:
“All their (CCP) crimes since the first day they took power,
would have to be brought to justice;
Those who ceded our territory to others would be tried
if they are alive, or their bodies whipped if they are dead.
Or be given everlasting shame on monuments
if they don’t have any bodies left!”