【禁闻】安排和尚尼姑同住 中共想干甚么?


















采访/朱智善 编辑/陈洁 后制/孙宁

Communist Regime Forces Nuns and Monks To Break Buddhist Law

In the name of urban development, the local government
of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, demolished two temples
and a nunnery, built a combined temple—The South China
Sea Palace—and forced nuns and monks into one locale.
The following is our report.

The Ten Mile Old Temple and the West Guan Temple are
monks ' temples and the Pure Karma Temple is a nunnery.
The Ten Mile Old Temple and the Pure Karma Temple
have been demolished by the local government.

According to Mainland media reports, construction
of a merged facility, the South Sea Palace, began in March.

The monks of the Ten Mile Old Temple
have temporarily disbanded.
The Pure Karma Temple nuns have relocated
to an abandoned elementary school.
The government is building temporary housing
for the nuns and monks.
Monks and nuns have been arranged in two rows of cubicles,
with their doors facing each other at a distance of less than a meter.

The West Guan temple administer, Chan Chi, told Mainland
media that nuns and monks cannot live together
even if on a piece of land as big as 40 acres that is divided
with a garden or wall.
It is in violation of Buddhist laws.

Monk Kuan Xing of the Ten Mile Old Temple explained
the new name, South Sea Palace, is not appropriate.
Palace is generally associated with the gathering of Taoists.
A temple or nunnery is for Buddhist gatherings.

A palace traditionally referred to an emperor 's living quarters
while traveling, but Chinese media now associates palaces
with hotels and resorts, which also use the name palace
for entertainment purposes.
This new name reflects the ignorance and negligence
of the local government towards the religion and culture.

The Religious Affairs Department of Nanchang City claimed
the name and the construction of the new palace was
decided on by a team which included the administrators
of the three abolished temples and nunnery.
However, all three administrators said they are not responsible
for the name and their participation was merely nominal.

Hu Jia, Beijing activist: "The Chinese Communist Party
(CCP) has considered belief to be nothing.
In China, Buddhism is relatively less suppressed because
the CCP has used Buddhism as a tool for the sake of control.
They have no respect for any religion.
It is the norm for the CCP to demolish temples or churches.
How can the nuns and monks be made to live together?
It is blasphemy to the Gods, religions and traditions."

Netizens commented that they were suddenly reminded
of the Cultural Revolution when monks and nuns
were forced to return to secular life and marry each other.

The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party,
an editorial by the Epoch Times, pointed out the CCP's
inherent ideological opposition to traditional Chinese culture.

The traditional culture is rooted in Confucianism, Buddhism
and Taoism.
The CCP 's first step in destroying traditional culture
was to extinguish the manifestation of the divine principles
in the human world, eradicating the three religions
corresponding to them.
The CCP confiscated temple property, forced monks and nuns
to study Marxism-Leninism in order to brainwash them,
and even forced them to do labor.

What is more absurd is that the CCP encouraged monks
and nuns to get married so as to disintegrate Buddhism.
For example, just before the March 8 Women 's Day in 1951,
the Women 's Federation in Changsha city, Hunan Province
ordered all nuns in the province to get married
within a few days.
Young and healthy monks were forced to join the army
and were sent to the battlefield to serve as cannon fodder.

Master Shen Guan was arrested on May 17 for conducting
a memorial to honor the victims of the June 4 Massacre
and promoting financial transparency with regard
to the new facility.
His disciple, Guo Shi, indicates that the South China Sea
Temple construction was in the interest of profiting.

Guo Shi: "The local government is certainly doing it
for the sake of money.
It is for tourism.
They feel the merge is better for making money."

The South China Sea Temple is designated to be built
in an unplanned area.
The local government 's decision last November to designate
the land for cultural construction caused debates
from local temples and residential property owners.

Guo Shi: "Even the administers have claimed
that it 's in name only.
It is clear that there is conflict between the temple
and the government.
Master Shen Guan was removed from the temple back then
because he refused to collude with others.
That was the problem.

Nominally, it was because of his background of participating
during the June 4 Student Movement.
He promoted financal transparency in the temple,
which affected the interests of several beneficiary groups."

Guo Shi indicates that the CCP, under the guise
of the Religious Affairs, the Buddhist Association,
and the United Front Work Department
controls the temples.
They care nothing of the monks or nuns.
For the sake of survival, nuns and monks have to compromise.

Interview/Zhu Zhishan Edit/ChenJie Post-Production/SunNing