
【新唐人2014年06月18日讯】香港“和平占领中环(Occupy Central with Love and Peace)”争取普选运动,将于20号到22号正式开放给市民进行电子投票。但是,上个星期五开放的类比预先电子投票登记系统,在运作了30小时后就遭到了极罕见的骇客攻击,而导致全系统瘫痪。网络安全专家形容这次攻击规模之大、时间之长是香港史上首见。不过,受“和平占中”委托的“香港大学民意研究计划(Public Opinion Programme)”除了强烈谴责骇客事件外,也开始着手研究力抗假普选的其他方案。
















采访/陈汉 编辑/宋风 后制/郭敬

Hong Kong Vote Site Hacked

Occupy Central with Love and Peace (OCLP) website
initiated an online vote on Hong Kong’s chief executive
system, open to the public from June 20 to 22.

However, a pre-registration system for voters was
hacked last Friday 30 hours after its opening.

It caused the entire system to shut down.

Internet experts say that the scale and the length of the attacks
are unprecedented in Hong Kong history.

Apart from condemning the hackers, the Public Opinion
Programme (POP) that was entrusted by OCLP
started researching other methods of anti-fraud voting.

On June 16, POP issued a statement saying that popvote.hk
launched on June 13, received pre-registration from over
20,000 citizens.within 20 hours.

Later, the system came under attack, three ISPs
couldn’t provide service for the customer,
so the pre-registration system couldn’t operate as normal
over the last two days.

Young Wo-sang, Convener of Hong Kong Internet Security
and Privacy Working Group, says that hackers used a DDoS
(distributed denial-of-service) to attack a targeted system.

They attacked 75Gb to 10Gb per second to
two of the ISPs, the scale of the attacks are shocking.

Young explained that in Hong Kong the peak time of
internet usage flow is only 400gb to 500gb per second.

Thus this time they attacked about 20% of the entire
bandwidth in Hong Kong.

In addition, they attacked DNS (Domain Name
System) server, as a result, there were more than 10 billion
DNS IP requests within 20 hours.

Lai Cheuk-tung, researcher of VXRL speculates that
to achieve such large scale attacks,
at least 5,000 to 10,000 hacker computers had to be involved.

Zhang Jian, US-based China affairs expert says that
the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) hackers become
more skillful and brazen without scruple.

They use more and more national resources
attacking purposely.

Zhang Jian: “In the past, the CCP stole confidential
documents from European and American governments.

This year from June 4 global online conference to this present
incident in Hong Kong, the CCP has used despicable hacker
groups to cause damage.

This indicates that the CCP’s greatest fear is people’s voices
and people standing up against them.”

Zhang Jian says that no matter how much damage CCP caused,
it cannot stop history.

The CCP’s practice provokes everyone's indignation,
and will trigger more people and bystanders who long for
democracy to join the anti-CCP group.

Lin Baohua, Hong Kong’s famous commentator says that
“From the lesson of how the CCP treats Hong Kong
with ‘extreme war’, not only Taiwan needs to learn the lesson,
but Japan and the US also must be on the alert.

If their relations with China become worse,
the CCP’s first attack would be via the internet.”

Robert Chung, director of Public Opinion Programme,
University of Hong Kong (UHK POP) said

“this attack was violence of science and technology.

While society is condemning physical violence,
violent language, and political violence,
so science and technology violence should also be condemned.”

Robert Chung stated that Hong Kong’s future would be
very dark if resolving the conflict in a peaceful and rational
way couldn’t be well promoted.

Audrey EU Yuet-mee, Chairman of the Civic Party says that
if any country thinks itself powerful,
then it should be generous to its people.
If there is more suppression of its people,
this country must be a weak one.

Lee Cheuk-yan, Chairman of the Labor Party and
Wong Kwok-kin, vice president of Hong Kong Federation
of Trade Unions said that the attacks would trigger
even more citizens to take part in the vote.

Xiong Li, founder, Hong Kong Alliance to Defend Falun Gong:

“Now there are two major issues,
one is the election vote on June 22,
the other the big parade on July 1.

The CCP tries all its means to suppress the two major events,
or to reduce the number of participants.”

Xiong Li says that June 22 vote will influence the process
of Hong Kong’s future democracy.
Thus the CCP is very scared, trying all means to destroy it.

The UHK POP is making alternative plans for the vote
after the hacker attack.

If the e-vote system cannot be fixed, they will use the route
under their management, providing ipads for citizens to vote.
They also can extend days, time and other methods for voting.

Xiong Li suggests that UHK POP should seek assistance of
US-based Epoch Times Group, because the Epoch Times
has fixed hacks several times.

Interview/ChenHan Edit/SongFeng Post-Production/GuoJing