【禁闻】新疆执行死刑 维族人恐被逼上梁山















采访编辑/田净 后制/周天

Xinjiang Executed Uyghurs. More Will Resist.

A Xinjiang court recently sentenced three Uyghurs to death,
apparently involved in the Tiananmen Square car crash attack.
13 more people were then also executed, suspected of being
involved in other violent attacks.
Commentators say that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
“killing to deter others” policy cannot solve the problem.
Instead it most likely will prompt more Uyghurs to resist.

On June 16, Xinjiang court sentenced eight Uyghurs for the
October 28, 2013 suicide attack in Tiananmen Square.
Three received death sentences, the five other Uyghurs were
jailed from five years to life imprisonment.

That day, Xinjiang Court website reported that 13 people,
from the other seven cases, have received the death penalty.

Alim Seytoff, US-based spokesman of the World Uyghur
Congress (WUC) says because China didn’t provide enough
information, WUC doesn’t know whether or not the Uyghurs
are connected with the Tiananmen Square suicide car crash.

Seytoff felt shocked when he heard the news of
13 Uyghurs receiving the death penalty.

Alim Seytoff “We know these 13 people are not
directly related to any recent violent attacks.
China didn’t provide enough evidence to convince Chinese
people and international communities.
We believe that the purpose of CCP executing
13 young Uyghurs is to deter others.
The message to Uyghurs is “if you are against the CCP
we will easily kill you.”

On October 28, 2013, three people drove a jeep to Tiananmen
Square, deliberately crashed it so it burst into flames.
The people in the car all died in the crash, three tourists were
also killed, and 38 others were wounded.
The attack happened before the CCP’s 18th National Congress.

The CCP immediately classified the incident as a terrorist
attack, claiming the incident was by Uyghur religious activists.

This year, several fatal attacks happened in Kunming, Yunnan
Province and Urumqi, Xinjiang Province.
On May 22, an explosion took place in a market in Urumqi in
the early morning, causing severe casualties and deaths.

On May 23, the Ministry of Public Security announced a one-
year anti-criminal campaign to be implemented in Xinjiang.
Later, the CCP held several large-scale meetings.

They openly tried, arrested and detained hundreds of people,
at least nine people were executed.

Alim Seytoff says that since the CCP took power in 1949,
it always carries out suppression policy in Xinjiang.
However, it couldn’t resolve any fundamental problems.

Alim Seytoff “The CCP always uses guns to solve problems
with Uyghurs and other ethnic groups.
The CCP kills every day, but has never solved the problem.

The CCP killed my elder brother, I am not happy and
hate it more. That’s it.
The CCP highly suppresses Uyghurs and forces them to
become assimilated as Han Chinese.
It won’t work anywhere else in the world.

The CCP will force all Uyghurs to stand up to it,
as a result.”

Beijing activist Hu Jia says that the CCP’s suppression is
beyond the law.
The CCP power and administrative power interferes
with and manipulates the legal sectors.

Hu Jia “In history, using extreme methods particularly in
ethnic or religious issues, can only result in fueling the fire.
Suicide bombs, attacks and other methods would intensify,
I think the CCP is really stupid.
It is stupid because it only believes that lies, terror and
violence can rule the country.
The CCP absolutely doesn’t believe in fairness and justice
arising from democracy and rule of law.
The CCP can only burn the fire hotter, bringing the country
into danger, like throwing it into gun powder on the fire.”

Hu Jia said that maybe one day, different explosions
will occur in every city including Beijing.

Alim Seytof hopes Han people in China don’t easily believe
the CCP’s one-sided and slandering reports on Uyghurs.
The CCP has never reported any news that is no good for it.

The persecution of Uyghurs is the same as the brutal crack-
down on Han people in the 1989 Tiananmen Square Protest.

Interview & Edit/Tianjin Post-Production/Zhoutian