




早前,中共发表所谓“一国两制”白皮书,将香港法官及司法人员视为“治港者”,要求法官“ 爱国爱港”。

上万访民涌京鸣冤 黑监狱人满为患





根据现场拍下的照片,一丝不挂的老妇人,全裸站在美国大使馆外身上写着 “河南息县贪官是畜牲”、 “打倒贪官!打倒腐败!”,示威者手上则举起用白纸写上的“冤”字等。



Hong Kong Legal Professionals Protest at White Paper.

On June 27 Hong Kong's legal profession launched a silent
protest about the betrayed of judicial independence.
This was following the white paper publication by
the Chinese State Council.
Wearing black, the 1,800 protesters were made up of retired
judges, including eight of the former chairmen of the Hong
Kong Bar Association, and at least 100 law school students,
according to the event organizer.

At 17:30 hrs, the protesters marched all the way from the
High Court to the Court of Final Appeal (CFA) in Central.
Without slogans or banners, they arrived at the CFA
and held three minutes of silence.

This is the third silent march held by the legal community
in Hong Kong since the transfer of sovereignty.
It also has the largest number of participants, showing the
concerns of the legal profession for judicial independence.

Recently, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) published the
white paper on one country two systems.
It states Hong Kong judges and judicial officers are the
‘administrators’ of Hong Kong.
It demands them to be to be patriotic.

Thousands of Petitioners in Beijing Black Jail.

Prior to the July 1 march, tens of thousands of petitioners
showed up in Beijing.
They gathered at the Central Commission for Discipline
Inspection in protest.
They are unhappy that the State Bureau for Letters no longer
accepts petitioners bypassing their local leaderships.

Radio Free Asia reported the petitioners were sent
to Jiujingzhuang black jail by the police.
The Jiujingzhuang black jail is now overcrowded.

Four Naked Elderly Petitioners Seek Justice
in Front of Beijing U.S. Embassy.

On June 26, four elderly women aged between 65 and 73
from Henan Province went the U.S. Embassy in Beijing.
At the entrance of the visa section, they suddenly stripped
of their clothes, exposing grievances written on their bodies.
Within a few minutes, they were taken away by the police.

Photographs taken at the scene showed the naked women
were standing outside the U.S. embassy.
On their bodies was written, "Corrupt county officials in
Henan are the beasts";
"Down with corrupt officials! Down with corruption!"

The demonstrators also held up a white paper with the
word "injustice" written on it.

It is understood that these four women are seeking justice
for their children, who were detained for petitioning.
They were tortured and their lives are at risk.

Edit/Zhou YuLin