【禁闻】一天开除四高官党籍 中南海决战起?

【新唐人2014年07月01日讯】一天开除四高官党籍 中南海决战起?






抗议“南周事件” 郭飞雄被控罪






“人权观察”中国部主任李察逊(Sophie Richardson)说,近几个月来,大陆当局对异议者的容忍度已经缩小,且愈来愈严重,和平演说也被视为犯罪。



Has Party War Commenced in Zhongnanhai With Four
Senior Officials Dismissed at The Same Time?

On June 30, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) expelled
four senior officials from the party.

First to go was former Vice Chairman of Central Military
Commission Xu Caihou.

He was transferred to the Military Procuratorate.
The others expelled are;

Jiang Jiemin, former head of the State-owned Assets
Supervision and Administration Commission;

Li Dongsheng, former public security vice minister; and

Wang Yongchun, former vice deputy general
manager at China National Petroleum Corp.

It was widely reported that the four were close to the former
Politburo Standing Committee, Zhou Yongkang.

Is the CCP targeting the bigger tiger, Zhou Yongkang using
inner-party anti-corruption? Foreign media focused in.

Xu Caihou is accused of being Zhou Yongkang
and Bo Xilai's ally.

He was responsible for coordinating military forces in the
Jiang factions' coup plotting and live organ harvesting crimes.

Some comments analyzed Xu Caihou's sacking may indicate
the CCP senior leadership's battle is starting.

Mainland commentator Li Chengpeng used the World Cup
on microblog as metaphor.

"The whole country is looking forward to the final game"
he wrote.

Guo Feixiong Arrested For Protesting at
Southern Weekly Incident

Guangzhou activist Guo Feixiong has been detained for
10 months.

He participated in the street protest for the Southern
Weekend Incident in 2013.

Guo is accused of disturbing public order
by Chinese authorities.

His attorney Zhangxue Zhong told Associated Press that
the case has now been transferred to the courts.

Zhangxue Zhong said Guo Feixiong didn't incite anyone
at the scene.

On the contrary, he called demonstration
participators to comply with the order.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) allegation
is completely fabricated.

Zhang Xuezhong said Guo Feixiong might be convicted
anyway on activist suppression by the CCP.

Despite not breaking the law.

Human Rights Watch: China's Human Rights Get Worse

On June 30, New York Human Rights Watch criticized how
China's human right situation continued to worsen.

They called on the Chinese government to stop suppressing
the activists in China and allow activists to meet lawyers.

Human Rights Watch Chinese director Sophie Richardson
said in recent months, Chinese authorities' tolerance of
dissents is seriously limited and peaceful speech is also
considered a crime.

Human Rights Watch said that it has been 25 years since the
Tiananmen Square massacre;

The CCP's suppression on civil rights remains in place.

Many detained prior to the anniversary date of June 4 are
still being held, and some people have been arrested.

Edit/Zhou Yuling