【禁闻】香港七一大游行 大陆民众关注













采访编辑/田净 后制/葛雷

Chinese People Care About Hong Kong's July 1 March.

Sponsored by Hong Kong NGOs, Hong Kong July 1 march
started at 3:30 p.m. on July 1 at Victoria Park.

Once the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) released its
White Paper which emphasized that the CCP has full
governance rights, it triggered public resentment. About
800,000 citizens voted hoping to get a genuine result.

With this in the background, the march was called
one of the biggest marches ever in Hong Kong.

Some people in China think Chinese citizens should
learn from Hong Kong's march.

This year's July March was mainly organized by the
Civil Human Rights Front (CHRF).

The march started from Victoria Park and ended at

Before starting the procession, the assembly proclaimed that
participants had filled six soccer fields at the Victoria Park.

more were standing at the platform and stairs
of the Central Library.

The CHRF organizers announced at 11:00 p.m. that over
510,000 people participated in the march.

Defending Falun Gong Grand Coalition founder Xiong Li,
“I am now at another place and have set up a booth.

I did not march with them. Now there are so many people.
Many people went in and a lot have not left yet.

They are all very enthusiastic.”

Since 1997 when Hong Kong SpecialAdministrative Region
was established,there has been a march each year on July 1.

It became publically well-known since 2003 when 500,000
people protested against Article 23 Legislation.

It is estimated that one million people
participated in the march this year.

The march included the elderly, young people, children and
some people with disabilities.

Some held signs stating “Leung Chun Ying step down,”
and “Genuine Universal Suffrage.”

This showed their dissatisfaction with the CCP
and the current Hong Kong Government.

Xiong Li “especially this time people are very,
very unhappy about the White Paper.

This time more people took to the streets to protest at the
CCP tightening its controls against the Basic Law.

Hong Kong People Rule Hong Kong” and “High Degree
of Autonomy” do not exist.

The CCP has the final word and does not follow the law.

Hong Kong people are very angry about this white paper,
so this time more people are inspired to join the march.”

Participants of this parade include Hong Kong citizens
and people from Macao, Taiwan and China.

China's human rights lawyer Tang Jingling's wife Wang
Yangfang and Guangzhou citizen Jia Pin and others came.

A Hunan netizen said “Hong Kong's matter is our matter.
We feel the same way. Hong Kong was a free society.

The CCP wants to control Hong Kong and its Legislative
Council. The CCP is like a criminal.

People will certainly protest. We can learn from them. We
are at the march to practice and feel the atmosphere.

Taking to the streets is our right.”

Some Chinese citizens were stopped at the Shenzhen Custom
and some were cautioned by local National Security.

Some netizens'online accounts were closed. The
CCP does not allow people to share the news.

Ou Biaofeng from Hunan Province “this is a kind of fear of
the Chinese authorities. They are afraid people will wake up.

This march is good for people in China. It can inspire people
to be aware of their rights.

People in China very much hope to enjoy the same freedom
like the people in Hong Kong.

Will hundreds of thousands of people be marching in China?

Ou Biaofeng said that when so many people in China take to
the street, one can expect the CCP one-party autocracy to end.

Democracy and freedom will follow very soon after.
It represents Chinese peoples' determination to fight.

Interview & Edit/TianJing Post-Production/GeLei