【禁闻】律协落井下石 被污名律师诉诸法律
















采访编辑/李韵 后制/陈建铭

Human Rights Lawyers Take Legal Action Against Defamation

The All China Lawyers Association (ACLA)
issued a statement via China's Legal Daily.
It stated that lawyers Tang Jitian, Wang Cheng and Jiang
Tianyong's practicing licenses have been revoked.
The ACLA will not be responsible
for their individual activities.
Thus, Wang Cheng resorted to legal action against
the ACLA on July 2 as a form of protest.

On June 30, the ACLA stated on Legal Daily that the licenses
of Tang Jietian, Liu Wei, Zheng Enchong and Tang Jingling
have been revoked.

Wang Cheng, Jiang Tianyong and Teng Biao's staff licenses
were also cancelled.
“They are no longer lawyers, and the ACLA will not be liable
for any activity they are involved in,” the ACLA declared.

The regime arrested Guangdong lawyer Tang Jingling
before the 25th anniversary of June 4 due to his participation
in several human rights activities.

Tang was accused of inciting subversion of state power
and is currently being detained in jail.

Zhejiang lawyer Wang Chen told NTD Television that so far,
the Zhejiang provincial Department of Justice has neither
investigated the incident, nor informed him of the cancellation
of his license.

Wang Cheng: “Zhejiang Department of Justice didn't follow
legal procedure to cancel my license, they didn't inform me.
Thus, I am still a legal lawyer.

I think the ACLA and Legal Daily are being unreasonable,
they have absolutely slandered my reputation.
This afternoon, I posted the lawsuit request
against the ACLA to Beijing People's Court.
I am requesting their apologies.”

On July 1, Tang Jitian published an online statement.

He said that since becoming a lawyer, he handled human
rights cases, pushing forward reform for the independence
of the attorney profession.

He also launched a campaign for ACLA elections and more,
thus touching a nerve of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).
Beijing Department of Justice revoked
his practicing license in May of 2010.

Tang Jitian filed complaints to Bejing's Xicheng
District Court in September 2010.
However, the court neither accepted the case
nor issued a formal letter of refusal.
He still hasn't been able to file his case.

For many years, Tang has taken on
human rights cases as a citizen.
He has provided legal support for others.

He has never concealed the truth and for that
he lost his license.

Regarding ACLA's statement, Tang angrily said that it's the
ACLA's job to support lawyers when they face defamation.
Now on the contrary, the ACLA insults,
retaliates against and persecutes lawyers.

Tang Jitian: “The current situation lawyers face would never
have occurred in Soviet Union or other tyrannical regimes.
It was very typical and very extreme.

Although my license has been revoked, I have actually passed
the exam and have received the certificate of law
approved by the government.

I still legally hold the profession of lawyer.

According to the law, I can carry on legal activities
as a citizen.”

On April 27, 2009, Tang Jitan and Liu Wei defended
Falun Gong practitioners in Sichuan.
In 2010, their lawyers' licenses were revoked during
the annual assessment.

Every year in April or May, the Department of Justice
takes the annual assessment as an advantage to pressure
human rights lawyers.

Many lawyers' licenses have been revoked
because they took on “sensitive cases.”

Jiang Tianyong's license was confiscated in 2009
due to his participation in AIDs human rights events.
He also defended Falun Gong practitioners.

Jiang Tianyong: “The Department of Justice says
it was the ACLA that didn't approve my license.
So I spoke to the ACLA, but the the ACLA says
it was Department of Justice that didn't give the approval.
Actually I know the true reason.

Due to my participation in several human rights events,
the Department of Justice has warned me many times.
Lately they threaten me that if I don't listen to them,
they won't arrange the assessment for me.”

Jiang Tianyong says that the Department of Justice's annual
assessment has become a method of taking personal gains
and attacking human rights lawyers.
The ACLA has become their ally.

In March, Tang Jitian, Jiang Tianyong, Zhang Junjie
and Wang Cheng went to a brainwashing center
in Heilongjiang Province with Falun Gong practitioners'
family members.

The four lawyers requested the release of Falun Gong
practitioners, and were consequently detained.
While in detention, they encountered brutal torture.
The four lawyers were beaten resulting in broken ribs.
Later, retaliatory measures were taken
against the four lawyers.

Interview & Edit/liyun Post-Production/chenjianming