【禁闻】掌关键内幕秘书被双开 周永康案坐等公布














旅美中国问题评论人士李善鉴﹕“周永康他下面的一些马仔,陆陆续续的已经搞掉很多了。(中共高层)警告那些...对周永康可能躲过这一劫的那些人,持续的在发一个讯号: 周永康这个人肯定是要处理的。具体甚么时候处理﹖甚么方式处理﹖是不是能把他犯的...这些年来对中国法律秩序的破坏,特别是参与活摘器官这种事情,敢不敢把他讲出来﹖这是关键问题﹗”


采访/陈汉 编辑/周平 后制/钟元

Impending Investigation into Zhou Yongkang After Three Secretaries
“Double Dismissal”

Secretaries working for high rank officials in China,
are said to have greater powers to hand,
being referred to as "number two head one".

They are the senior officials’ henchmen,
butlers and brainpower.
On July 2, the Central Commission of Discipline Inspection
Committee announced,
former Politburo Standing Committee member Zhou Yongkang,
was said to have had three personal secretaries whilst in office,
Ji Wenlin, Yu Gang and Tan Hong.

All of whom were dismissed from their duties.

Three more CCP officials with personal secretaries also
find themselves under investigation,
Guo Yongxiang, Li Hualin and Li Chongxi
The public are now awaiting the outcome of Zhou
Yongkang’s case.

On July 2, the website of CCP Central Commission
for Discipline Inspection Committee published
an announcement:

"double dismissal" for Ji Wenlin,
former vice governor of Hainan Province;
Yu Gang, former Deputy Director of Central Political
and Law Commission Office;
Tang Hong, the former staff officer, equivalent
to the division commander level official,
expelled from CCP and former Guard Bureau
of Public Security Ministry.

Three were accused for abuse of power and bribery.

Among them, Ji Wenlin and Yu Gang have been charged with
adultery and currently face punishment.
The case has been transferred to the judicial departments.

Hong Kong "Apple Daily" quoted the analysis report:
"Big drama of CCP attacking big Tiger
Zhou Yongkang, soon to start."

Political Commentator Chen Minghui: "Since the outbreak
of Chongqing Incident in 2012,
the arrest of Zhou Yongkang at the beginning of
December last year,
I think Zhou Yongkang’s case is in a state of stalemate.

The remaining forces of Jiang Zemin’s faction have always
obstructed this matter through a variety of ways.
Because now the main focus is on “attacking the tigers”,
it reflects which group among them lives or dies.
The battle between Xi and Jiang is irreconcilable. If Xi is unable
to defeat the tigers, he then faces defeat from the tigers.”

"Apple Daily" reported, Yu Gang and Tan Hong, both
secretaries of Zhou Yongkang,
are both guilty in the crime of extorting 400 million RMB
(US$ 64 million) in bribes, selling official ranks.
Last December, when the investigation panel proceeded with
the case of Zhou Yongkang and his wife,
Yu Gang and Tan Hong were both taken away for questioning.

Yu Gang, as last secretary of Zhou Yongkang, is considered
owning large amounts of inside information of Zhou
Yongkang’s violations and illicit activities.

Mainland reporterLuo Changping and colleagues,
have begun questioning the relationship between Yu Gang
and the ‘military Enchantress " Tang Can on the Internet.

One earlier report said that Yu Gang was once married
to Tang Can,
who was involved in corruption cases of high-level officers
within the military,
and was also involved in improper sexual relations with more
than 10 high rank officials, including Zhou Yongkang,
former Chongqing Municipality CCP Head Bo Xilai,
former Deputy Minister of Public Security Li Dongsheng,
former CCP Central Military Commission Vice
Chairman Xu Caihou,
former Deputy Minister of the General Logistics of People’s
Liberation Army Gu Junshan,
CCTV Station Head Jiao Lee, and former Shenzhen Mayor
Xu Zongheng et al.

According to U.S-based " Epoch Times"
news report,
Tang Can is one of the central figures involved in the “coup”
led by Zhou Yongkang and Bo Xilai.
Because she knew too much, and a lot of people didn’t want
her alive, by the end of 2011 Tang Can had
mysteriously disappeared.

Ji Wenlin had followed Zhou Yongkang for 10 years
as a secretary working in the Ministry of Land Resources.
The report says Ji Wenlin had a close relationship
with several of "Zhou Yongkang’s cronies"
who were arrested last year.

Among these cronies, former Vice Governor
of Sichuan Province Guo Yongxiang,
and former Deputy General Manager of "China National
Petroleum & Gas Corporation" Li Hualin are listed.
It is said that the core group of Zhou Yongkang
transferred oil assets overseas.

Since the 18th Plenary Session of the CCP Central Committee,
policy for secretary arrangements has been updated many times.
According to regulations, only a vice-ministerial level official
or above, is offered a full-time secretary.
However, in a number of cities and counties in China,
the current so-called "number one" official
are all equipped with "secretaries" by a variety of names.

In April of this year, multiple official media have severely
criticised the " secretary’s corruption".
Among them, "CCTV network" listed Zhou Yongkang’s four
successive secretaries,
including Ji Wenlin, Guo Yongxiang, Li Hualin
and Li Chongxi,
all who were regarded as typical cases for explaining
the phenomenon of secretary’s corruption.

Official media also stressed that the CCP Head Xi Jinping
required of the secretaries: One can not take advantage
of "governmental department’s power,
nor are they allowed to misuse the name of the
leadership and office for personal gain and so on.

US-based Chinese commentators Li Shanjian:
"Many followers of Zhou Yongkang have been gradually

High level officials have warned against those people
who believe Zhou Yongkang could
escape retribution.,

Zhou Yongkang, such a person, will certainly face punishment.
But when will he be punished? And in what manner?
Is it possible to uncover all the crimes he has committed
over so many years…
in destroying Chinese legal orders,
especially the matter of organ harvesting?
Dare they speak out? This is a key question! "

According to analysis of Mainland political commentaries,
"Apple Daily" reported, Zhou Yongkang’s case is close
to being opened up.

As "the main goal is very clear, it is now just waiting
for publication."

Interview/Chenhan Edit/Zhoupin Post-Production/Zhongyuan