【禁闻】港媒抛出戴相龙 下只中靶大老虎?


7月7号,香港媒体大量报导,戴相龙的女婿车峰,通过全资控制一家名为“Ever Union”的英属维尔京群岛(BVI)公司,活跃于香港股坛。香港《明报》计算,车峰通过这家公司至少持有3间香港上司公司的股权或股债,市面价值约有14亿港元。




随后,大陆《财经综合报导》,《东方财富网》等媒体,以《戴相龙女婿的港股江湖:持3家公司股权 9月内赚2.4亿》为题,报导了相关内容。









采访编辑/刘惠 后制/钟元

Hong Kong Media Expose Next Tiger to Be Hunted

Hong Kong media recently revealed that son-in-law
of Dai Xianglong, former governor of the People's Bank
of China and former mayor of Tianjin, profited enormously
through huge amounts of Hong Kong stocks.
Inevitable corruption under the current regime is to blame.
Corruption is not a surprise with someone like
Dai Xianglong, mastering the financial lifeline of China.

The media exposure of Dai suggests he could be
the next target in China's anti-corruption campaign.

July 7, Hong Kong media widely reported that Dai Xianglong's
son-in-law, Che Feng, has been very active in Hong Kong
stock exchange through the total ownership of a company,
Ever Union Capital Limited, located at British Virgin Islands.
Ming Pao analyzed, Che Feng owns options or shares
in at least three Hong Kong companies at a market value
of 1.4 billion HK dollars.

Che Feng reportedly purchased one billion yuan
of Hong Kong stock in March 2006.
The next year, the State Administration of Foreign Exchange
suddenly decided to launch the cross-border investment scheme.
Rather than Shanghai or Shenzheng, Tianjin was chosen
as the first pilot city.
Hong Kong stocks rebounded strongly upon the news,
and Che Feng's stocks were worth 8 times more.
His father-in-law, Dai Xianglong, was Mayor of Tianjin.

Some analysts believe that Hong Kong has become
an important money-laundering city for China's Red families.
That is one of the reasons why Beijing wants to ensure
their own people will serve as Chief Executive
by suppression of universal suffrage in Hong Kong,
reported Radio Free Asia.

Hong Kong writer Zhang Chengjue: "If universal suffrage
is realized in Hong Kong, it will have a great impact
on the mainland.

The Communist party can not continue in Hong Kong,
and the political elite can no longer do the money laundering."

The mainland media also followed and reported
Dai's son-in-law as making 240 million yuan in 9 months
with his options in three companies.

Mainland media stressed that Dai Xianglong was the central
bank governor; Che Feng has shareholdings or directorships
in at least 11 offshore companies in the British Virgin Islands.

Five of them have investment and trade relations
in Hong Kong-listed company stocks.

Beijing politics watcher Hua Po: "The regime is pointing
the anti-corruption towards Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan.
The exposure by the Hong Kong media is surely backed up
by someone. Some action will take place."

NY Times reported in 2012, Dai Xianglong, was the head
of China's central bank and also had oversight
of the insurance industry in 2002.

Che Feng's company, Dinghe Venture Capital, bought a big
stake in Ping An Insurance which was faced with insolvency.
The company paid $55 million for its Ping An shares in 2002.
By 2007, the shares were worth $3.1 billion..

In another instance, in November 2002, Dinghe acquired a big
stake in Haitong Securities, a brokerage firm that also fell
under Mr. Dai's jurisdiction, according to the brokerage firm's
Shanghai prospectus.
By 2007, just after Haitong's public listing in Shanghai,
those shares were worth about $1 billion, according to public
Later, between 2007 and 2010, Mr. Dai's wife,
Ke Yongzhen, was chairwoman on Haitong's board
of supervisors, added NY Times.

Deutsche Welle commented that China's stock market
is a money machine to the insiders,
but a meat grinder to the outsiders.

Economist Yang Peichang: "Everyone sees the problem
and recognizes the problems of China's stock market.
That is the reason why the stock market is stagnant"

Dai Xianglong, once governed Tianjin City and China's
central bank, also managed the country's social security fund.
Since its establishment in 2000, the social security fund has
been accused of a well-designed plan to "murder" the people
and enrich the officials.

Corruption cases associated with social security funds
by officials are also frequently exposed.

In addition, Dai Xianglong has been condemned for his bad
human rights record.
During his time as the Mayor of Tianjin, Dai Xianglong
prioritized the task against Falun Gong.
According to verified information from Minghui.org,
10 years ago, at least 9 Falun Gong practitioners in Tianjin
were persecuted to death.

Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/ZhongYuan