【禁闻】中共媒体低调报导马航空难 原因何在?












美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)事故调查办公室,前主任史蒂文•华莱士(Steven Wallace)表示,如果由美国调查此类事故,第一步是保护空难现场,既是出于对死难者的尊敬,也是为了使调查人员确定所有东西都保留在现场。




采访编辑/刘惠 后制/李勇

Why Low-Key Report on Malaysia Airlines Disaster from CCP Official Media?

Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down
in Ukraine, resulting in 298 people killed.

The news touched the hearts of people around the world.

Once the event occurred, global media
highlighted the breaking news in headlines.

However, Chinese people found that their media
reports were unusually low-key, and even speculated,
defended and hid the probable situation
that the flight was shot down by a Russian missile.

Why did they do so in the end? Let's take a look.

On July 17, a Malaysian flight crashed in Ukraine.

There were no survivors of 298 people on board.

Based on satellite data, U.S. intelligence and military officials
judged the aircraft was hit by Russian SA series
missiles and then crashed.

Ukrainian intelligence chief Vitaly Nayda says
Ukraine should command and show convincing evidence
that the Russians played a role in the accident
of the Malaysian plane brought down in the area controlled
by separatists in the vicinity of the Russian border.

Nayda said that separatist and rebels have not received
the training for operating high-tech "Booker -1 type"
missile launcher. The missile launcher was operated
by Russian citizens, both from the Russian Federation.

The Director of Ukrainian Security Bureau said
that according to intercepted telephone conversations,
there were three Russian soldiers who carried missiles
into eastern Ukraine.

Ukraine surveillance cameras on the southeast highways
recorded this mobile vehicle with missile launchers.

Because only three missiles remained of the original four
on board, it infers that the missile launched
from this vehicle shot down the Malaysia Airlines flight.

After the accident, the headlines in the media
across the world have done full length coverage
of this breaking news.

However, according to Chinese netizens,
the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) official newspaper
"People's Daily" only published the flight crash news
on a most inconspicuous place in the front page
and all other news, on July 18 ,
was about the CCP leader Xi Jinping's trip
to South America.

Mr Xia Ming, American political science professor
at the City University New York,says:
"The reason that Chinese Government reported the news
in a low-key approach is that
as a strategic partner with Russia, China hides the issues
for Russia without caring for the right or wrong,
and the basic nature of accident.

China is completely one-sided, defends
Russia's interests and desalinated and
hides Russia's criminal behavior. "

The reporter found that on "People's Daily" website,
a topic about the Malaysia Airlines event titled
"Russia opposing to announce the flight crash reason
arbitrarily" was set up, which published the refutation
from Russia against the information provided by Ukraine.

One article cited Russian officials ,
who claimed that the flight crash had no connection
with Russia.

Western countries jumped to conclusions,
put pressure on the investigation process,
and launched so-called "information warfare"
against the Russian Federation and the Russian military.

Zhu Xinxin, former Hebei People's Radio Editor:
"The CCP wanted to use all available resources
to uglify and demonize the West, which will induce
the Chinese public to hold a hostile impression,
and prevent the domestic public yearning
for Western liberty and the pursuit of democracy.

This has been a long time policy of the CCP."

British "Financial Times" reported that the Malaysian flight
crash cast a political shadow and a few hours
after the crash people were carefully
combing the wreckage.

The article quoted the British Reuters report that
the pro-Russian separatists took away
two aircraft black box data recorders, which were intended
for Moscow rather than Kiev, Ukraine.

According to the rules of international investigation
on flight crash, the investigation should be carried out
and led by the country where the crash occurred,
but the report says the black boxes of the aircraft
were sent to Moscow, which openly violates
the rules of international investigation on flight crash.

The report also said that the success of the investigation
largely depends on how much intervention
the pro-Russian forces in the region
carried out on the crash site.

Steven Wallace is the former director
of Accident Investigation Office of U.S.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).

He said that in such an accident investigation, undertaken
by the United States, the first step is to protect the crash site,
to show respect to the victims and help investigators
to make sure that all things are kept on site.

Xia Ming: "In Ukraine a kind of impetus tends towards
merger with the European Union,

But President Vladimir Putin
and the former President of Ukraine
wanted to strengthen the traditional relationship
among different countries of the former Soviet Union,
and retain Ukraine in Russia's sphere of interest.

The CCP government clearly wants to see
Russia confront the West."

The Netherlands and the United Kingdom
and other Western countries urged Russia to put pressure
on the rebels of Ukraine,give overall supportto
the full international investigation
on Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash,
and completely open the crash site to investigators.

It is generally believed that the calamity of the aircraft
will lead to harder and upgraded sanctions
of the international community against Russia.

Interview & Edit/LiuHui Post-Production/LiYong