【禁闻】访民遭截访被告杀警 子探访被拒














采访/朱智善 编辑/李谦 后制/肖颜

Chinese Petitioners Accused Of Killing Police.

Despite the widespread anti-persecution incidents in China,
Chinese petitioners are still violently suppressed.

They are bullied by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Zhang Xiaoyu and her husband are petitioners from Jiaozuo
City, Henan Province.

They were detained by local police on July 17 after
petitioning in Beijing.

Two days later, the police claimed they stabbed a police
officer to death.

The police denied the family's request to meet them.

On July 18th, Zhang Xiaoyu's home was robbed, and the
computer went missing. Please see the following report.

ThePaper.cn reported that Zhang Xiaoyu phoned attorney
Chang Weiping on July 17 at 6pm that she and her husband,
Xu Yongchen, were returning to Henan from Beijing. They
were arrested by police at the Jiaozuo train station.

The police did not show any legal documents for the arrest.

On July 19, Jiaozuo City police officer Zhang Baoguo told
Zhang Xiaoyu's son, Xu Tianlong, that his parents had stabbed
a police officer to death. No details of the incident were given
and they declined Xu Tianlong's request to meet his parents.

In desperation, Xu Tianlong sought help from attorney
Chang Weiping.

Attorney Chang Weiping "I am now communicating
with their son to confirm I will serve as the counsel.

I do not know any further details and cannot say much
more about it at this point."

The couple reportedly went to petition to Beijing for
more than a month.

Xu Tianlong went to his parents' home on July 18 and found
their windows were pried open and the computer was gone.

The police never showed up after it was reported.

Later, Xu Tianlong visited the police station
and learned it was done by the police.

The New Citizens Movement website reported Xu Tianlong
was taken away by the police on July 19 at 8:00 pm.

It is also reported that the knife used to stab the officer
actually belongs to the police.

In the fight, Zhang Xiaoyu accidentally obtained the knife
and stabbed the police officer.

But the police insisted the knife belongs to Zhang Xiaoyu.

Shaanxi petitioner Wang Lan, "this incident has occurred
because they have been forced to petition.

If there's any way out, any chance to get justice,
she would not have done it.

This incident cannot make her into a mob or an unruly person."

Wang Lan says that people only petition
because of grievances.

But petitioning was met with suppression and illegal "stability

A minor incident has now evolved into a major and
complicated one. The people are forced to fight for it.

Wang Lan emphasizes, that petitioning is in fact a dead end,
and no one would voluntarily do it.

Many old cases of petitioning were reportedly to "end"
and "concluded".

But, in fact, the CCP has deceived the public and the
petitioners' cases were never settled.

Over the years, the Communist judicial darkness has led to
injustic and violent suppression in the name of "stability
maintenance," and the severe opposition by the people
against the authorities.

Various public uprisings have taken place as a consequence.

Many cases of police being killed by suppressed Chinese
have happened;

Yang Jia in Shanghai killed a police officer,
Deng Yujiao from Hubei stabbed an official;

Niu Danao from Henan killed four during his fight against
forced demolition; and

Gong Jinjun from Henan stabbed the security guard
who intervened in his petition, to name a few examples.

Former Shaanxi TV reporter Ma Xiaoming, "the confrontation
between the police and petitioners is not about the conflict.

The police carry out the CCP rule.

But, so many unjust cases are mainly
caused by the CCP."

Wang Lan indicates that many petitioners have given up
petitioning due to the brutal suppression by the authorities.

But, the bullying never stops.

Wang Lan,"as long as the authoritarian regime continues, with
no supervision or democracy, people will continue to suffer.

It might as well continue to a fight.

Now I feel that results of the petition are not important,
but I will continue the petition.

I want an explanation for the deaths and the disabled victims
in my family. I want to know why.

I want to know if the state law will ever get implemented.
I want an explanation.”

Reportedly, 17 years ago, Zhang Xiaoyu purchased a coal
mine in Jiaozuo City.

But the owner forcibly withdrew the agreement and caused
Zhang Xiaoyu to lose 7,000 tons of coal.

Zhang Xiaoyu won the lawsuit, but never received payment
for her loss.

In desperation, Zhang Xiaoyu embarked on a long
and arduous road to petition.

Interview/Zhu zhishan Edit/LiQian Post-Production/XiaoYan