【禁闻】空中管制26天 演习还是异动?















采访编辑/秦雪 后制/葛雷

Air Control for 26 Days: Military Exercise Or Something Else?

Hundreds of flights were delayed or canceled in Shanghai
due to the CCP's recent tight air-traffic control.
This is the second near-shut down of the airport in eight days.

Foreign media indicate China's airports are the worst
in the world in getting flights off on time.
Experts analyze the main cause is that the CCP military
dominates the majority of China's airspace..

China Central TV website quoted the notice from Civil
Aviation Administration of China that air-traffic control will
affect Shanghai, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Zhengzhou and Qingdao.

It is reported to last from July 20 to August 15,
due to Air Force maneuvers in the area by "other users."

As of Monday noon, 101 flights were canceled and 103 flights
delayed for at least two hours in Shanghai Pudong
International Airport, and 98 flights were canceled
in Hongqiao Airport.
Another dozen of flights were delayed or cancelled on Tuesday.

Passengers were left to idle in the waiting area
or hurry to the train station.

The Civil Aviation Administration of China refused to reveal
who the other user was when contacted by Wall Street Journal
on Tuesday.

A staff at the Lianyungang Airport told the Associated Press
the verbal notice: "military exercises might cause flight
delays in the eastern area of China."

WSJ reported, "China's airports are the worst in the world
in getting flights off on time, a phenomenon that can lead
to passenger meltdowns."

"Authorities and airlines blame all manner of factors,
from bad weather to bad communication with air-traffic control."
"But among the biggest factors, according to aviation experts,
is China's military, which dominates all but a fraction
of the country's airspace."

Legal scholar Mr. Fan from Hangzhou indicated
that as long as the Chinese military is involved, it is not
something the people can judge from the legal, political,
economic, or cultural point of view.

Mr. Fan: "It hurts our rights and causes inconvenience
to transportation.
A friend told me yesterday that he idled in the airport
for 13 hours.
Think about it, this is obvious damage to the rights
of commuters.
But this kind of damage due to national defense
and military affairs, to the legal professions,
it is a right-defending issue."

Mr. Fan noted that, under the contract, the airline should
compensate the customers, but it is unlikely the airline would
claim the loss from the military.

July 23, economist Lang Xianping posted on the microblog,
"The United States has the most powerful air force in the world
but controls only 20% of airspace.

China's air force, far smaller than the US, controls 80% airspace.

My research found that the Chinese Air Force could corrupt
by controlling airspace.
For example, the airline companies have to beg the Air Force
to open more area to relieve flight delays;
the Air Force can therefore achieve great corrupt benefits. "

Mr. Fan: "The army would not hold any civil liability.
You can not question if the airspace usage is reasonable.
In a democratic country, Congress can supervise whether it is
a waste of airspace usage; or involves drawbacks or corruption.
But our National People's Congress has no supervision
over the military."

Overseas media analyzed, massive delays will occur to 12
airports in eastern and central China from July 20 to Aug. 15.
It's unprecedented to conduct military exercises
over airspace between Beijing and Shanghai,
covering major economic areas from south to north.

The analysis also noted that it's really unbelievable
for the CCP to suddenly conduct long-term, large-scale
military exercises, and control air traffic in a large area
during the CCP leader Xi Jinping's South America visit.

July 14, more than 100 flights were delayed or canceled
in the two International Airports of Shanghai.
The lack of explanation caused all kinds
of speculation and rumors.
July 20, the official media reported that two men were arrested
for spreading so-called rumors
about the delayed and canceled flights.

It is said that these two men posted the rumors online,
that airspace had been shut down because a high-level
government official was trying to flee the country.

Interview & Edit/QingXue Post-Production/GeLei