【禁闻】中国大面积航班取消 猜测纷呈

【新唐人2014年07月28日讯】中国大面积航班取消 猜测纷呈




马路盖土种黄豆 涉北京自杀案



网友发起自救活动 《主场》文章再现



What's Causing China's Large-scale Flight Cancellations?

Recently, flights across a large area of mainland China
have been canceled and delayed.

On July 26, the Air Traffic Management Bureau (ATMB)
of the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC)
issued two orange alerts, claiming the Eastern China airspace
(including Shanghai) would be busy that day;
the traffic capacity of some routes declined over 60%; over 50
Beijing International Airport flights were canceled that day.

On the evening of July 27, although the Chinese authorities
announced to cancel the alert and back to normal,
new yellow alerts were issued in Shanghai and Hangzhou
airports by morning the next day, affecting flights' landing.

The large scale flight cancellations and delays
have not only affected Chinese mainlanders,
but are also causing worldwide concern and more speculation.

Some media reports say that the busy airspace is due
to air control for the Chinese air force to conduct drills.

Reports also say that it's because of the fierce power struggle,
and the tightened air control might be related to meeting's
in Beidaihe, where the upper rungs of the Chinese Communist
Party (CCP) discuss critical problems.

It’s rumored online that the air lockdown is part of a chase for
a high-ranked Chinese military general fleeing the authorities.

However, the true reason is still a mystery.

Cover the Road With the Soil to Plant Soybeans
It Involved Beijing Suicide

More than 20 new roads in Sihong County, Jiangsu Province
were suddenly covered in soil with planted soybeans
one night in early June.

It’s been widely reported in mainland that it is how
the local government coped with farmland investigations
by the Ministry of Land and Resources.

On July 27, U.S.-based The Epoch Times reported that
locals revealed that these roads covered in soil
are in the center of the town,
surrounded by new upscale residential district.

The land is levied from the farmers, and in many cases
it is forcefully exacted or forcefully demolished.

Many become petitioners after facing forced demolition.

The seven people who committed suicide on July 16 outside
the Beijing Youth Daily building were all petitioners.

Netizens Initiated Self-help Aactivities.
Home News Article Reproduced

On July 26, the Hong Kong-based pro-democracy news site
Home News announced its closure, which was due to
financial problems and political pressure from the CCP.

On the morning of July 27, a number of Hong Kong bloggers
launched activities to recreate the site.

They launched a Home News web blog and Facebook page.

They collect old Home News articles archived on the Internet
to repost them on the web blog.

After just one day, it has already received the support
of tens of thousands of people.

Edit/Zhou YuLin