【禁闻】周永康后 下一个“大老虎”是谁?

【新唐人2014年07月30日讯】周永康被立案调查 全球关注









周永康后 下一个“大老虎”是谁?







Zhou Yongkang Criminal Investigation Attracts Global Interest

News of former Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Politburo Standing Committee member,
Zhou Yongkang's sacking was confirmed on July 29
after more than a year of rumor.

CCP mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency and the Central Discipline
Inspection Commission (CDIC) has Zhou Yongkang under
criminal investigation on suspicion of serious violation.

Mainland people clapped and cheered on hearing the news.

Within one hour, nearly 80 thousand netizens posted
to cheer following the Sina website news.

The overseas mainstream media also commented.

British Reuters said Zhou Yongkang was the most powerful
CCP figure over the past 10 years.

His sacking may be the biggest CCP corruption scandal so far.

The report said Xi Jinping broke the habit of no investigation
of outgoing Politburo Standing Committee members
when he ordered to investigate Zhou Yongkang.

US New York Times predicted the charges against Zhou
Yongkang are likely to focus on his family's wealth issue.

AFP believed the CCP widely negotiated internally before
the Zhou Yongkang case announcement.

However, it may still impact the party.

Taiwan Central News Agency quoted an academic that we
need to pay attention if there is any follow-up public trial for
the Zhou Yongkang case.

Who is the Next Big Tiger After Zhou Yongkang?

The CCP's mouthpiece People's Daily published a signed
commentary "The big tiger Zhou Yongkang's sacking is
not a full stop for anti-corruption,"
after the announcement of Zhou Yongkang's case.

It's believed to release a signal of a further fight
with a bigger tiger from the CCP.

Mainland netizens posted to expect the news of the legendary
Tiger King's sacking.

British Guardian also predicted that the CCP might capture a
bigger larger tiger and more leading family.

American commentator Zhang Tianliang analyzed the reason
for the delay in announcing Zhou Yongkang's case
was because of former leader Jiang Zemin and
former Politburo Standing Committee member
Zeng Qinghong's interference, since
Zhou Yongkang was the last barrier for Zeng and Jiang.

Zhang Tianliang predicted that Xi Jinping will start a counter
strategy after Zeng and Jiang's last barrier collapses.

It won't take long time as the Zhou Yongkang case touches
Zeng and Jiang in the Tiger Campaign.

Edit/Zhou Yulin