
【新唐人2014年08月04日讯】崑山爆炸 民谴官商勾结










周永康落马 政法系统待深查





Kunshan: People Condemn Kunshan Explosion Result
of Collusion Between Government and Business

August 2, there was a sudden explosion at Zhongrong
Metal Products Co. Ltd. in Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province,
resulting in 71 deaths and nearly 200 injured.

The scene was horrible and the authorities carried the dead using
a truck.

The officially recognized cause was the high concentration
of dust in the air which exploded after encountering the fire.

The accident aroused strong concern on the mainland network.

May people believed the main reason must be collusion between
the government and business the result of lack of government

Netizen ID feiou posted on Sina Weibo, Zhongrong Metal
Products Co. Ltd workshop was full of dust for a long time.

A lot of workers suffered from pneumoconiosis and repeatedly
complained in vain.

A few years ago, workers protested at the front of the workshop
with banners; however, the local government just ignored this
Taiwan-funded enterprise.

It finally led to the dust explosion. "

Some netizens said workshops with potential safety hazards
like Zhongrong Ltd are everywhere in mainland.

They can’t monitor because of collusion between the
government and business.

Hong Kong media: Who belongs to Zhou Yongkang’s Hong
Kong Gang?

It has been a few days since Zhou Yongkang's investigation
by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
Politburo Standing Committee.

The mainland media revealed all kinds of corruption
and immorality scandals by Zhou Yongkang.

The overseas media also analyzed the trend set by
the Zhou Yongkang case; the CCP senior level officials
and his associates who will be implicated and investigated.

August 1, the Hong Kong political commentator Li Zefen
published a review article in Hong Kong Apple Daily
it said, the Chinese authorities will deal with Hong Kong issue
after the Zhou Yongkang problem is resolved.

There might be a decision in August National People's Congress.

Li Zefen said we can wait and see who will be implicated and
pulled out for reckoning among the future Hong Kong
underground party members and party members
stationed from the central.

Li Zefen expected current Hong Kong Chief Executive
Leung Chun-ying will be the Hong Kong version
of Zhou Yongkang.

He will become the sacrifice for the CCP to gain HongKong
People’s political trust.

Zhou Yongkang Sacked
The Political and Legal System needs to be Deeply Investigated

There are two officials sacked in Zhou Yongkang’s
political and legal gang.

However, there might be some runaways.

Recently, the CCP mouthpiece Xinhua News Agency published
a blog entitled "Zhou Yongkang sacked, which area needs
further investigation?"

The article said there are other Zhou Yongkang’s cronies not
yet taken care of in the political and legal system.

The article said how many corrupt cronies did Zhou Yongkang
support and foster during 11 years of rule in the CCP
political and legal system?

However, Vice Minister of China's Ministry of Public Security,
Li Dongsheng and the Deputy Lord in the Office of the Central
Political and Law Commission, Yu Gang are investigated in the
Political and Law system.

People can not believe that there were only two corrupt cronies
in the political and legal system during Zhou Yongkang’s so
many years in power.

Edit/Zhou Yulin