【禁闻】大陆多地弃房断供 当局松绑限购令







“浙江财经大学经济与国际贸易学院”教授谢作诗向《新唐人》表示,长期来看,“弃房断供”现象未来还会增加。因为如果当局不去再次大规模印发货币救市的 话,房价只会下跌。但即使是增发货币,进行经济刺激,效果也是短暂的,一旦这种“强心剂”不再打了,经济下滑、房价下跌都是必然的。








采访/易如 编辑/李谦 后制/钟元

House Owners Default On Mortgages, Authorities Relax Purchasing Restrictions

Over the past two years, the mainland housing market has
remained in the doldrums with trading volume in decline.
Following the flee of property developers due to funding
strand breaks and bankruptcy, some home buyers
are abandoning houses and defaulting on mortgages,
further aggravating the chilled housing market.
In order to ensure government finance, which is dependent
on the funds from sold land, the local governments
have deregulated the existing home purchase restriction
orders intended to save the property market.
The public is full of doubt regarding whether the practical
effect of the relaxed restriction order will achieve
the authorities wishes in the end.

A Mainland 21st Century Economic Report recently disclosed
that in May and June of this year, Hangzhou City of Zhejiang
Province, Wuxi City of Jiangsu Province, Ningde City of Fujian
Province, Xinyi City of Jiangsu Province and others are all
experiencing defaults on personal mortgage loans.

The bank sued the property owners.

As early as last July, 595 cases of all kinds of house
abandonments occurred in Wenzhou City of Zhejiang
Province, which has a highly developed private finance,
resulting in more than 400 million yuan worth of bad loans.

The report says no data is available to show the common
phenomenon of housing foreclosures.
However, information disclosed by the Mainland regulatory
authorities has confirmed the severity of the problem.

On May 12, Mainland Central Bank Vice President Liu Shiyu
hosted the Housing Finance Service Symposium Conference
which disclosed information regarding the prevention
of buyers from foreclosing due to falling house prices.
The Central Bank requires all banks
to give priority to housing loans.

Two weeks ago, China Banking Regulatory Commission
Chairman Shang Fulin admitted third and fourth-tier cities
need to give a lot of attention to the credit risk.

Some small and medium-size property enterprises
suffered capital chain tension.
Some housing property enterprises and even home buyers
broke contracts in some areas.

Xie Zuoshi is a Professor of Economics and International
Trade School of Zhejiang University of Finance.
He says, "Why did this happen?

This must be due to prices falling
more than the down payment.
Or the value of the house now is lower than the returned
loan payment to the bank in the future."

Professor Xie Zuoshi told NTDTV that in the long term,
the foreclosure phenomenon will increase in the future.
If the authorities do not repeatedly issue large-scale bills
to bailout the property market, housing prices
will continue to fall.

But even if more currency is issued and enhancements are
made to the economic stimulus, the effects are short-lived.
Once a "shot in the arm" is no longer given, the economic
downturn and falling house prices are both inevitable.

In 2010, in order to suppress the housing bubble, Beijing
issued the first restriction order on house purchases,
and more than a dozen cities including Guangzhou,
Shanghai, Hangzhou and others followed suit.
Over the next year, nearly 50 second and third-tier cities
also implemented restriction orders.
But the application of the purchase orders did not
effectively inhibit the soaring Mainland housing prices.

Along with the overall decline of the Chinese economy
over the past two years, and persistently decreased
transactions and the reduced prices in the housing market,
governments at all levels have to cancel purchase orders
to ensure the operation of the land-dependent finance.

In June of this year, Hohhot City of Inner Mongolia first
announced its withdrawal of its restriction order.
Since then, Jinan, Haikou and Wenzhou cities
have followed.
Up until August, Hefei, Jinhua, Taiyuan, Changsha,
Foshan also cancelled purchase restrictions.

Mr. Yang, Heye Real Estate Brokers Company, Zunyi City
of Guizhou Province: "House prices fell too much now.
It is impossible for the government not to save.

Government is certainly able to produce some liberal
policies to promote house transactions.
If no one buys, then the economy
is of course paralyzed."

However, under the circumstances of China's overall
economic downturn and overly-high property prices,
the public is generally skeptical that deregulating
restrictions will save the property market.

Xie Zuoshi: "Relaxing the restriction order or abandoning
the restriction order cannot stop the falling housing prices.
So what's the aim for me to buy a property?

I buy a house in the hopes that the value increases
in the future.
If the house prices are expected to fall, then I do not buy.

If I do not buy, what sort of use is there in relaxing
the purchase order, I would have had no intention to buy."

Radio Free Asia quoted writer Mr. Xiao Jiansheng from
Changsha City and reported that even if the restriction
is lifted, the key problems cannot be solved because
there is not much buying capacity in the housing market.
Migrant farmers in the city still cannot afford
current housing prices.
Those people who can afford current housing prices
previously had a place to live.

According to the latest report published by China Index
Academy, many places across the country rushed to cancel
purchase orders in July, although the average price of new
homes in 100 mainland cities decreased by 0.81 percent.
MoM continued to decline compared to last month.

Among these 100 cities, the top ten cities
including Beijing and Shanghai have all experienced
falling prices, and the range is higher than
the national average.

Interview/YiRu Edit/LiQian Post-Production/ZhongYuan